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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Try this: Also check the BIOS and see if Memory Remap is enabled or disabled in the BIOS.
  2. This is for the cartoon. There's still no word about an actual movie. But a new cartoon series is coming, hence why you see the names of guys who helped produce "Batman The Brave & The Bold". It's there, just not in THAT particular promo pic. You can see it with a promo pic with the new toys that were announced yesterday which areaseven posted yesterday.
  3. Here's the press release and promo image, courtesy of SHH:
  4. HG doesn't really have most of its investment in RT so there's no real sinking-ship here.
  5. Interesting...so technically it's not a "true" SV-52.
  6. Remember folks, these people are flying highly customized planes for this racing competition. Scarlett's VF-19ACTIVE has the YF-21's OTM-material morphing wings for pete's sake. So seeing a SV-52-gamma shouldn't scare you. Hell, you gotta wonder what what Hakuna did to his VF-1. We're 3 chapters in and I'm still waiting for that one to show up. For all we know, he probably rigged VF-19 engines into a VF-1 frame. I'd love to see what one of these racers can do to customize a VF-4... As with the new issue of Dengeki, Chapter 3 is online as well.
  7. If this is David Kelly's premise for the show, I feel like this is a throwback to 1974 and Cathy Lee Crosby. Remember how that turned out, Kelly?
  8. Maybe now we can get back to the actual topic of the thread... Thank you.
  9. For Mozilla Firefox: http://adblockplus.org/en/ For Google Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb
  10. CBM (or rather someone on SHH's forums did) seems to have figured out where the new suit stems from: EDITORIAL: Is The New Spider-Man Costume Just His Wrestling Outfit? (ComicBookMovie.com)
  11. As the man said, see what a difference 2 weeks and a corporate takeover can do?
  12. Why didn't they just put out Heavy Arms......
  13. Here's another view: http://perezhilton.com/2011-01-21-first-look-at-the-new-spider-man-suit So the lighting is making those eyes reflect some nasty red-eye effect cuz the other shots show the eye lenses as white. Makes me glad Raimi got the suit right when he was in charge... At this point, I wanna see the promotional shots, not the stunt costumes.
  14. Just to add what sketchley noted, the VF-0A can used ECA in fighter mode because it cheats. A capacitor was installed in the A-variant to allow ECA to run in fighter mode for a very limited time. The design of transferring the surplus power is unique to the VF-0's powerplant design structure. No later VF replicates this design (probably as sketchley noted, conventional turbofans don't generate THAT much energy). I won't read too much into it. The headache will only get bigger....
  15. Thought this thread was about the YF-29??? BTW, some new scans to dissect courtesy of CyberGundam. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=65060
  16. From the news hole...yeah, I'm getting too old for this: Warner Bros Sets 'Gangster Squad' Scribe For 'Lethal Weapon' Franchise Reboot (Deadline.com)
  17. Good argument. The casting of Ledger threw people off (people here didn't think it was a bad choice, just an odd one) and that turned out fine if not better. The same could potentially happen with Anne. Only thing with Hardy is, he might wanna bulk up for Bane. Although I hear he looks a little bigger than the last time we saw him in theaters.
  18. You'll probably need to install separate drivers for the new video card and may or may not uninstall the current graphics drivers. The integrated graphics drivers can be bundled with the motherboard chipset drivers (I know nVidia does this) so removing the current graphics drivers may remove your chipset drivers. But most motherboards with integrated graphics will default to the dedicated graphics card if one is detected.
  19. Yeah, but ECA doesn't automatically make it act like a shield. Another layer of armor? Yes. But a shield? No. I haven't seen anything indicate that they act like shields. The tail fins would be the same as adding another layer of kevlar on top of a kevlar armor.
  20. A few sites have noticed that WB's press release says Anne will play "Selina Kyle", not "Catwoman". Wonder if that's suppose to mean something...Cuz when the character was introduced in 1940, she was just a mysterious thief known as "The Cat", with no costume. I wonder if Nolan is taking another point from the original introduction (like the Joker).
  21. We just locked a similar thread about this. What part of "NO" do you people not understand?
  22. Can we get back to the VF-0 vs. the SV-51? Thank you. Come again.
  23. Nolan has mentioned he will not do this movie in 3D. IMAX yes. But no 3D. (Another reason I like Nolan....)
  24. I would have liked it if they went with the Hugo Strange-route and the "Prey"-storyline but at least were getting a better Bane than the mindless thug from the Schumacher films.
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