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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Salvation Army USA International Red Cross
  2. Still, looking at the USGS' earthquake monitor, I haven't seen any aftershocks fall below a 4.5 and with larger ones hitting the 6-range. These aftershocks are probably not helping, mentally or structurally. The cascade effect is certainly peculiar. Related? Always possible given the relative time and locale between the 2.
  3. Before/After pics of quake and tsunami affected areas Many of the backup systems went down when they lost power. That's what happened at the Fukushima plant. The coolant backup systems lost power and the backup generators they were using eventually ran out of juice. And I heard they were using water to cool the reactors but with the stability of the backup systems right now, it's not getting any better.
  4. Conan the Barbarian teaser <div><object width="576" height="324"><param name="movie" value="http://d.yimg.com/nl/movies/site/player.swf"></param><param'>http://d.yimg.com/nl/movies/site/player.swf"></param><param name="flashVars" value="vid=24490513&"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed width="576" height="324" allowFullScreen="true" src="http://d.yimg.com/nl/movies/site/player.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="vid=24490513&"></embed></object></div>
  5. If his parcel left Japan already, I won't worry. If the package is still in Japan....then he probably won't get it for a while longer.
  6. Let me remind some of you people to refrain from talking about politics. As for the status of many industry members, ANN has a running list of people who have checked in: News: Anime/Manga/Game Industry Members Check In After Quake Yoko Kanno has also posted a song in support of the quake victims: <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/O8x6_JHDkhI?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. Of which one could say, "What litigation?" All the court cases ended years ago. Bandai, yes. Big West, no. Big West isn't a distribution company. They're just an ad company.
  8. Depends who you ask. If you ask the people at RT.com or RTX, then everyone and everything on MW is. And apparently, we are all liars too. Hence the phrase, "Lying Macross Purists".
  9. As I understand it, the reactor is holding but the cooling units are offline due to the loss of power. If they can't get the cooling units online, then they'll have to release pressure.
  10. NHK USTREAM feed: Media Streaming
  11. All we need to do is strap a jet engine, wings, and some wheels on those HAL suits and viola, EX-Gear.
  12. Now that this is all over, time to move the thread. I don't think that was the point of the presentation. Actually, we actually have things like EX-Gear already. Cyberdyne's HAL suit.
  13. Actually, it's about time they start lining up and announcing the Guests of Honor. So we'll leave the thread open. Heck, only 3 more months and change before it comes. Might as well start planning now.
  14. I need a meme to reply to that: They have competition? Really? No seriously. Really? I'm sorry, I thought '80s remakes were a growing business at the moment... We not saying that there is a some conspiracy, we're just not seeing any results.
  15. How many times have we told you morons to never touch pineapples without listening to Fire Bomber? "But it's pineapple cheesecake" you said....
  16. There's a slight delay with the PSN stream of episode 3 at the moment, but it should be up soon. It was suppose to be available for PSN starting March 5th, but there are some delays. If you have a Zune account, it's now available for streaming. The BD/DVD is still scheduled for its April release.
  17. At least it's still in the Top 10, despite only opening in so few theaters.
  18. Most people don't have gaming rigs. Mid range gaming rig that could eventually be a media server..... A media server doesn't really need much besides a lot of storage, a recent CPU, probably 4GB of RAM and good networking. And it could be squeezed into a small case unless you decide to RAID it. A gaming rig would need more or better cooling, room for video cards and a better processor. I would probably consider a Core 2, Core i3, Athlon II X4 or the low-end Phenom II X3 or X4. In this case, a processor would probably be low on my list of priorities. For video, a card in the $100-200 range would probably fit that mid-range area. Again, a media server doesn't need good video so I'm sure how this would fit in after it's done being a gaming rig.
  19. Cheaper = DIY. But how much time do you want to spend pricing, shopping, then waiting for components, and then putting it altogether as opposed to just getting a computer that's already built and ready out of the box?
  20. Perhaps I should explain how hosts file work. Hosts files only manage web hosts (i.e. websites). They can be used to shortcut/alias certain addresses. It doesn't block anything. If I wanted my browser to immediately go to New York Times' website just by typing the letter "n" in my browser's URL bar, I would add the line into my hosts file: n Now we "block" hosts by redirecting the site elsewhere. We point the host to (localhost) or (this address doesn't exist). So whenever a site tries to load material from that site, whenever it is called, it goes to a loopback or nonexistent address. Let's say I don't like material (either ads, scripts or whatever) from "example-crap.com", I would add this line to my hosts file: example-crap.com So anytime "example-crap.com" is referenced, it is redirected, in essence, that site is "blocked". So if a certain site is hosting up crap, we can redirect the referenced host elsewhere. We can't block malware/viruses/trojans/etc but we can tell our browsers where to go so that we face less crap.
  21. It's actually a fan video from a Japanese fan made back in 2000?/early 2001 (at least according to my archive. Yes, I have the original). This fan did a few others but it's probably lost somewhere to the Interwebs.
  22. Just to add, no virus program, adware/malware program, or security tools gets 100% of everything out there. Much of it requires you to be careful. Be sure that your anti-virus or anti-malware program is updated with the latest updates. Be sure to patch your OS. Be sure the programs you use are updated. Be sure your firewall is running and is only allowing what you want it to allow. Limit the number of processes/services running. Use blockers (ad and/or script blockers) available for some browsers. Use hosts files to block certain sites. And the list goes on.... These days, you can't just rely on security tools to keep you safe. The other part requires you to be mindful of your own actions.
  23. Probably should have mentioned that Shinsei Industries was the one to pass along the designs, not NUNS. After 2 of the 3 YF-24s broke down during testing, the NUN halted the project and moved forward with the VF-171 and AIF-7S Ghost. It was Shinsei Industries that picked up pieces and completed the work on the remaining prototype, hence, the YF-24 Evolution. Whether or not Earth picked up the YF-24 Evolution is a question that isn't answered.
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