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Everything posted by azrael

  1. As the others have said, retraining and new maintenance equipment are factored in/negligible to the costs. That comes with the cost of upgrading. What's not factored is what may not be apparent. Proprietary or hard-to-source parts, downtime between usage, software updates, vendor servicing, etc. ☝️There are real-life examples where maintenance of a machine costs more (and produces more headaches) than the machine itself over time. More so in recent years...
  2. Transformation has nothing to do with it. It's an inherit cost of a variable fighter. The YF-21 was significantly more expensive than the YF-19. The BDI/BCS primary control system was buggy and expensive. The morphing control surfaces was always intended to be a test and was not for final submission. The YF-21 was more expensive to maintain with its much more complicated systems. In order for the VF-22 to be accepted, the YF-21 had to be simplified to bring the costs down.
  3. Reviews for the RTX 4080 are out. Definitely better than the 3080 with around the same power usage but the consensus seems to be "Is it worth the $1200-price tag? 🤷‍♂️". Yeah, the price of the RTX 4000-series seems to be big sticking point for this generation.
  4. That can be seen as condescending, given the context of the previous responses. Now, I'm willing to let this go and move on but if I have to come back, this thread gets locked.
  5. Judging by the events in Rebels and the events up to now, the full Ghorman massacre hasn't occurred yet nor has she made all the arrangements to speak out against the Emperor.
  6. Even using Google can return poor results when the search terms are exact. Websites running their own search engines often produce poor search results. Please be a little more considerate and mind your language.
  7. Good episode. But spending 2 episodes again to build up to this does feel like a drag. Since this will probably be the only season of the 2 seasons where this happens is fine.
  8. Considering nukes couldn’t destroy the Protodeviln, I think they knew they couldn’t do anything but seal them up. As for the rest of the stuff, you know how you have that one old timer at work who leaves and forgets to tell you about that one procedure cuz the likelihood you’ll need it is so low it’s not worth mentioning until this one time you actually do but you can no longer reach them. Yeah. That’s probably how the rest of Protoculture stuff went. We should have told you about it but the ones who knew about it are no longer around and no one remembers it exists and we don’t know what to do with it.
  9. Unfortunately, there are not enough ATX 3.0 PSUs in the wild and until there are, we won't be able to confirm what is going on. While ray-tracing is picking up steam, it's still not greatly accepted. If the RX7000-series does well, hopefully that should give R&D a little more money to start picking up more ray-tracing development.
  10. I suspect AMD wants the 7900XTX/7900XT to compete with the RTX 4080. The RTX 4090 seems way out of league for the price and performance. But yes, where it actually lands on performance will be seen when the reviews come.
  11. Well, AMD fired a big warning shot across Nvidia's bow. Available December 13. And the big kicker, $999 for 7900 XTX and $899 for the 7900 XT. That pretty much ruins Nvidia's value proposition.
  12. ‘The Sandman’ Renewed For Season 2 At Netflix Feels like we're going on season-by-season renewal instead of set-number-of-seasons-commitment.
  13. Liam Hemsworth To Replace Henry Cavill In ‘The Witcher’ Season 4 After Early Netflix Renewal So yeah, it seems like the stars all had 3-season contracts. Probably for the best, like @Big s said, Netflix's tendency to cancel shows and their declining subscription base is likely working against them.
  14. No company has said where they sourced the adapters from so we don't know which adapters are prone to issues. Gamers Nexus' cables were also soldered differently than Igor's Lab's cables so there's also that on top of the 300V vs 150V marked cables. Without knowing where they're sourcing the adapters from, it's hard to say with any conclusive answer. Two suppliers could be making their adapters the same way but only 1 supplier has issues. But no one knows which supplier's cables are bad.
  15. What we are seeing in this series is Mon Mothma's last days as a senator, right before she was branded as a traitor. She's still working below radar here which will lead into the Rebels episode "Secret Cargo" (S03E18) which will take place between this season and next season or right at the beginning of next season for Andor.
  16. We're what... 8 episodes into this show. I'm not finding Andor's story terribly interesting. I don't see him more than as a hired gun/blunt instrument. Is he supposed to be more? If so, is that gonna happen anytime soon? There are moments but the overall feeling I'm getting is he's just the weapon to the Mon Mothma/Luthen-story (and Andor just has the darndest of luck). I'm getting more satisfaction watching Mon Mothma/Luthen's stories than Andor's.
  17. Best comment I've ever read about that scene was "Leaving spacedock at 1/4 impulse is the equivalent of burning rubber as you leave your parent's driveway to begrudgingly run their errands."
  18. I take it back...it is Nvidia's fault...kinda...sorta. The horror has a face – NVIDIA’s hot 12VHPWR adapter for the GeForce RTX 4090 with a built-in breaking point (Igor's Lab)
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