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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Nice to see they're filling it up with the older and secondary characters; Magi Mother, Wolzard (FIRE MODE!), DekaMaster, DekaSwan, Hime Shinken Red, and of course, BIG ONE!
  2. I've heard they've been semi-enforcing it. But the cap is mentioned in the TOS: http://www.charter.com/footer/footerPage.jsp?tag=policies_resi_hsi_accep_use_policy The smaller ISPs will probably run cap-less but I don't know for how much longer.
  3. I'd recommend another Zune but word from the grapevine is the Zune will be gone before the year is out and Microsoft will fold in the functionality into Windows Mobile. So your choices are either a Sandisk Sansa or iRiver if you want flash-based or a Sony Network Walkman. I think Archos only makes flash-based players so that's all you'll have to pick from. A tablet PC (a laptop that supports a touchscreen) or a tablet (i.e. iPad)? I really do not recommend a tablet to replace a laptop unless that laptop is a netbook. A tablet is good, but only if you plan to be mobile and/or just need something for web/e-mail/social media. If you plan on using it as your primary machine, I'd stick with an actual laptop.
  4. Maybe he thinks we've read all the spoilers, which I know some of you have... Speaking of which, I should PM him.
  5. Biggest reason for this is to cut out NetFlix, Hulu, and other streamers who are eating into their U-verse TV subscriptions. Squeezing more money out of their users seems like a bonus. And if they want more U-verse subscribers, they need to do a little more to expand it. Comcast already imposes a 250GB cap. I know a few other cable companies are doing it and this may drive other telecos to follow suit. I know Canadian companies are also doing this. DSLreports.com's forums exploded when this news broke a few weeks ago. It's still an active topic on DSLReports.com so if you need suggestions on where to go, I'd look over there. To add to the insult, they're gonna buy T-Mobile. Ouch. I'd probably go with the Droid X if they're gonna give it to you for free with contract.
  6. It's Facebook. That just adds to the already useless stuff on the site anyways. Next thing you know, they'll be posting what they ate for lunch on FB. Speaking of which....*pulls out camera phone*
  7. Looks like Nicolas didn't make many external modifications to his VF-9 like Hakuna did to his VF-1. I do wonder what kind of engine he replaced the standard ones with. The site also hasn't updated yet with Chapter 5 info either. No biggie. I expect some publications to be delayed after the devastation in the north.
  8. This is more of a marketing and technical issue than a licensing issue. Right now, there isn't a real push to get older titles out on Blu-Ray. Upscaling the video for HD might make it look worst unless you want to spend money on clean-up. It may eventually come out on Blu-ray but as I said, there's no real push to do so.
  9. Trailer (better copy) http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/161044-the-full-captain-america-trailer-hits-early
  10. It probably should be noted that the VF-171 uses parts found in the VF-19 (namely its active stealth system) and the VF-171EX uses the VF-19's FF-2550 engines. So for a cannon fodder machine, the VF-171 is definitely no slouch. If anything, those few scenes in Frontier of the VF-171 would seem to prove that.
  11. New image: http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2011/03/22/marvel-debuts-new-image-from-captain-america-the-first-avenger/ And Entertainment Tonight will air footage from the new trailer due out in a few days.
  12. Wasn't EX-Gear developed before Frontier put it into a VF? It existed in the YF-24/YF-24 Evolution. Frontier was the first (publicly) to incorporate it into a production VF. No, it can generate fold waves. Remember how Ranka felt the Vajra's pain or how Alto was able to communicate or hear Ranka/Sheryl with Sheryl's ear-ring in the series? Think more along the lines of that.
  13. So it's linked to their podcast, which probably references the original article on Screen Crave, which still says "robo-tech", which we still don't context for. Wow, talk about blowing it out of context...
  14. That's fine. As mikeszekely said, unless you need the range or have a broadband service that really is faster than your wireless' maximum speed (which will likely be no), there's no real use for upgrading to a N-based wireless setup.
  15. "swivel" may not necessarily equal "rotate". Since it is based off the Tornado pack, the wing-mounted engines may rotate just like the Tornado pack's engine pods.
  16. We already have a thread for it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34819
  17. The new look from Jim Lee would have been better....
  18. Funny how the dash disappeared and the "R" capitalized itself from the article to the quote on RTX. I'm just sayin'...
  19. Always possible. Accounts are hacked everyday so changing your password is a good start. Make sure you make it a complex password or passphrase (using a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, special characters, etc.) and avoid simple words that can be cracked with dictionary attacks. Yes. There are other free anti-virus scanners that you can download and scan your system with. I would also recommend running other adware and malware scanners. It's possible you picked up a key logger in your web surfing. And yes, be sure your anti-virus scanner is updating regularly.
  20. I found this to be a happy thought among the constant news of "impending doom". California student from Japan finds family alive on YouTube
  21. Allow me to fill your thoughts with a post I made in July 2010 regarding Gundam 00 in RT: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33067&view=findpost&p=860228
  22. It's mostly the airports in the Tohoku region. Sendai, Sado, Iwate-Hanamaki, and Misawa Airports are closed. All other airports are open.
  23. It may take a little longer to get out of Japan with rolling blackouts and road closures, but it's safe to import.
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