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Everything posted by azrael

  1. It would depend on the kind of agreement. Most wouldn't... But then again, I don't think many try to be in the situation that BW was in. BW made its mistake by not having enough cash/backing/promotional opportunities for the project. It was either scrap the entire project when so much time/effort/money was already done or have someone else help finance it. They choose the latter and here we are.
  2. Gee...I wonder why... *points at large number of Hasegawa Macross kits*
  3. It depends on the side story. Cherudim SAGA appears in the 00V side stories. Those stories take place during the course of the series. It also showed up in 00I, which takes place in 2314 or during the time of the movie.
  4. Mortal Kombat Legacy ep 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s6UiEuCYXA Episode 2 next week.
  5. If those uniforms get any tighter or that Invid's V-neck drops any farther, it might as well be a porno...
  6. Looks like a bad database update. As stupid as it may be, you'll probably have to turn off Avast's Web Shield till they release a corrected update later today.
  7. I should correct myself, it's the Japanese Patents & Trademarks office denial of trademark, not the courts. It's not a copyright. It's a trademark request they made after they got the trademark from the USPTO. Was it stupid? Most definitely. But this is probably something they did for procedure. The 2 requests seem to indicate that HG is a 3rd-party in the Tatsunoko/Big West copyright & trademark. They are not allowed to make that trademark request because the original scope only applies to USA and Canada and would be redundant in Japan. Judging by the dates, this seem to have been issued right before Tatsunoko tried to sued Bandai for restitution from Macross.
  8. In case anybody is trying to figure out kresphy is posting, these are Japanese trademark office's decisions from 2001 on the "Macross" trademark in Japan by HG (I think) from their US trademark. Simply put, they were denied. But we already knew that. Either way, nice read.
  9. Again, I have to remind you people that beyond real estate, HG does international distribution, acquisition, and licensing of shows and films. RT is really just a tiny little speck in their listings.
  10. No. No to that question. No to that question, too. And no.
  11. So he did meant exactly as it was in the article, i.e. "robo-tech". Allow me to quote myself from March 19, 2011 regarding this grasp for attention:
  12. The description for the YF-25 does not say it is participating in the race. The VF-19ACTIVE also isn't "testing" EX-Gear. While there are substantial implications for its use in an actual VF, EX-Gear's role in the VF-19ACTIVE isn't "testing". The profile for the YF-25 says it is the one that's doing the actual testing. Chelsea, being part of SMS and SMS sneaking in some "testing" into its planes, equipped her racing vehicle, the VF-19ACTIVE, with some original modifications, like EX-Gear. The VF-19EF is also doing data collection for the EX-Gear system.
  13. If you're gonna cite VeggieTales, use the proper lingo.
  14. I shouldn't have to post this reminder about spoilers in this thread. Next dumbass to not use spoiler tags will get a ban. And frankly I don't see the point of making a big deal of a cameo appearance.
  15. Off topic.
  16. Testing of the YF-24 happened well before 2059. Otherwise, there would be no VF-25, VF-27, or YF-29
  17. At that price range, without deals, coupons, or "garage"/ebay/craigslist-type sales, you'll probably do no better than a Geforce GT 430/440. On the ATI side of things, a Radeon 5670 is the highest in that price range. Most cards in that price range are not the power hungry cards that the higher-end siblings are so you will not have to worry about needing more power.
  18. Didn't we already do something like this with Decade (De-ke-do!!!!)?
  19. Ummm, I thought it was one of the overly hyper, super-suckup fans mods at RT.com pushing that idea.
  20. azrael

    1/60 Yamato Glaug

    Took ya' long enough.
  21. This popped up on my daily browsing: Looks interesting. Yes, for PC. Haven't really had a chance to play the multiplayer. I have been running through the single player. Options are disappointing. It's been console'd so options I would like to see are non-existent and require a modifying game files. I'm not happy with that.
  22. More cast announcements: http://henshinjustice.com/2011/03/31/ryu-ranger-returns-in-gokaiger-goseiger-199-hero-great-battle/ They're digging up some old of the older alumni with Ryu Ranger and DenjiBlue. They should dig deeper.
  23. Tatsunoko? Yes. Big West? But we do know that should HG ever try to use any Macross design in any new works beyond their toys and comics, they would owe Big West some money.
  24. Alright, enough of the conservative/liberal-who's a racist-jabber. They're all a bunch of kool-aid drinking suck-ups. *pushes Yammies out of view*
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