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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Considering the amount of damage and time spent rebuilding PSN, any kind of reimbursement offer at this point would feel like a promotion.
  2. Security Expert: Sony Knew Its Software Was Obsolete Months Before PSN Breach (The Consumerist.com) *head desk*
  3. Nvidia is taking quite a beating from AMD/ATI and Intel (especially with the release of Sandy Bridge). I was looking at Radeons but opted to get a GTX 570. For my next round of upgrades, I might switch over to ATI. The "bang-for-buck" on ATI cards looks a lot better. NVIDIA losing ground to AMD and Intel in GPU market share (Engadget.com) Being "locked out" by Intel hurt them against AMD/ATI in the integrated graphics market. When Nvidia decided to pull out of the chipset market, it hurt their standing. And that recall from a few years back didn't help. Nvidia is making a good move going toward the mobile market while AMD hasn't touched that area yet and that will probably bite them, but Nvidia is losing ground on the in the PC market.
  4. And speaking to him/her/it in English, let alone Japanese (which is her/him/its native language) doesn't seem to do any good.
  5. The sad part is I don't think the sarcasm will get through to the end user...
  6. Don't think this user understands us or cares to understand us.
  7. Rule of cool? Those are suppose to be fold-wave projectors.
  8. Maris' profile indicates she is directly connected to Grace and is controlled via the implant which is networked. Maris is suppose to be very timid but the implant makes her a cool-headed or cold character.
  9. The movie has its own plot and subplot so you don't really need to watch the series to enjoy it. But if you want backstory, then yes, you'll want to watch the TV series or if you're really press for time, the compilation movies. I felt the movie was a less disjointed mess than the 1st Frontier movie.
  10. Earthquake relief or Macross 7 revival? Make up your mind.
  11. I see no way this can't become political. Take it to the political blogs, news organization feedbacks, whereever, just not here.
  12. The YF-27-5's profile refers it as a proof-of-concept unit whose combat data went into the VF-27. Considering it has active stealth, optical camouflage, and a dazzle camouflage paint scheme, someone went to great lengths to keep this prototype doing things out of sight.
  13. Don't expect them anytime soon. This is Dengeki Hobby, of course. Magazine for the mech-head who likes to customize.
  14. So is the VF-27 (Galaxy's Guld Works, which is probably an arm of General Galxy's anyways). It shouldn't be surprising.
  15. Wishful thinking. Tatsunoko would have to "pull" those rights (i.e., buy back the rights they sold HG), or HG would have to not renew the trademark, or someone has to sue HG (good luck with that).
  16. Duke is right. With or without HG blocking, most of that stuff would never make it here. 7 and Frontier would have music issues. DYRL? is divided in so many directions, we don't know who has what. FB2012? It's a 30-minute clip show/music video with music that would be tied up by HG. Zero? It would be the only one that won't have many problems. Books? How many anime-related production books are there, translated from Japanese in the US? Next to nil, likely zero. Novels? Nothing. Games? Very few. Music? Not much. Most are either Japanese artists trying to break into other markets or collection albums. The only things that actually have a chance of making it are animation, comics, and toys. There's not much of a market for the other stuff. And with the anime market struggling and with such a limited market for these goods, these companies have to rely on a model that makes money. And that's changing with digital distribution. A few years ago, I rarely saw people with e-readers or watching videos on their PMPs or smartphones. These days, I see e-readers, tablets, and smartphones on every corner with people staring at those screens. This is a known problem with the anime market and it's been hard for them to adapt. And then there's the phrase, "Well, I can find it online for cheaper than in a store."
  17. As I mentioned, I don't think it's actually zero. It's the negative value of your original Catalyst counter. As a test, I killed a dozen of those little bugs since they give you about 20 Catalyst points and after a playing through several levels, I checked back and I found that my Catalyst points were on the positive side and some multiple of 20. The normal count on the large enemies is in the hundreds and thousands of points so seeing it as a multiple of 20 tipped me off that it's actually assigning the negative value instead of resetting to 0. So when it resets to zero, you'll need to kill lots of Ceph targets just to put you on the positive side. I was able to unlock all the upgrades only after playing through Ceph-filled levels. Most of the upgrades though are worthless.
  18. I'll just stick to this:
  19. I was referring to Talos' comment that the VF-19A+ and VF-19C showed up in Ride. Unless they've show up by mention in the chapter text than in the profiles, I'm not sure where he got that idea that they've shown up in Ride.
  20. I have yet to play Bulletstorm but I have finished Crysis 2. And yes, believe the talk, it's really buggy. I have yet to try the multiplayer but the buggy single player is a turn off. Levels where the voiceover or soundtrack keeps repeating for no reason, collectible points going from positive to negative values (it may indicate zero but it's actually the negative value of your points), bots that keep running into walls....Crytek has potential with this game, but they blew it making it a console port. Portals 2 looks good but I'm getting a "it's short" vibe from the gameplay vids on Youtube.
  21. No. Southern Cross was made and produced by Tatsunoko. Big West did some promotion for it but that's about it. Mospeada was made by Artmic and produced by Tatsunoko. Nostalgia is the driving force these days. And as many people have mentioned, nostalgia only goes so far before they need to bring in new fans.
  22. IIRC, Toynami is producing those toys for HG, so there's no problem.
  23. It was between Tatsunoko and HG. BW was never involved in that negotiation. Do companies still do that? Yes. Do companies still do it for so long? Probably not. Tatsunoko owns those merchandising rights so they can do whatever they want with those. All HG has to do is literally slap the "Macross" name on 1 product, show they are enforcing their trademark, and renew it every 10 years to maintain the trademark. HG is using those rights they purchased from Tatsunoko. They don't "own" it and Tatsunoko could buy back HG's portion of the agreement at any time. But since neither side is moving, we're still at the same spot we were for almost 10 years.
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