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Everything posted by azrael

  1. See, I keep tellin' all you folks out there, a reboot would solve all of that. No need to milk existing designs for all their worth or try to explain visual discontinuity when you can recreate it all the way you like it. But then you would have to find competent people for that...
  2. Co-creator. While Kawamori wasn't involved in the minute details of Macross, the original concepts did come from him (i.e. the Valks and setting). He mainly focuses on mecha design, he has written episodes, directed episodes, and directed series. Others have developed Macross into its current form, but the original concept began with Kawamori and matured through other people, hence, co-creator. A more effective title for his role these days is probably "Show Runner" or "Executive Producer".
  3. Wrong book. You're thinking of the Batman/Doc Savage Special called First Wave. http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2009/11/10/its-here-take-a-look-at-a-few-more-pages-from-batmandoc-savage/
  4. Considering this production has started filming, here's the first shot of Dori, Nori and Ori: (GO TO Source: ComingSoon.net) And for those of you who missed the August 2011 issue of Empire Magazine (came out on June 26th) (Source) And the Official blog.
  5. It is. Having read Year One, there is a stronger focus on Gordon than Batman. Not to say Batman is pushed back, but Gordon has a little more dialogue compared to Batman's. We see more Batman through that hard-boiled detective-style monologue.
  6. I call it rubber-necking mentality. People can't help but watch the carnage.
  7. YouTube. Those clips are from the Macross Fever pachinko game (closest thing to gambling in Japan).
  8. Sounds like hardware. You may have a faulty temp monitor or a bad component on the motherboard or a faulty CPU (unlikely but not beyond impossible). If you're still under warranty, I'd suggest you call the manufacturer for a possible replacement. If you're out of warranty, you could try disassembling the computer and reapplying some thermal paste on applicable components and see if that corrects the issue.
  9. Nolan never said The Dark Knight would be his last, but that he needed a story to make him emotionally invested in making a 3rd movie cuz not many franchises seem to do well with their 3rd movie.
  10. That's what we keep tellin' the Memobots but they keep coming back for more. Really, there's no more dead horse to beat but the Memobots keep rattling their broken rusty sabers. We've mentioned rebooting or doing something with the franchise that removes Macross out of the series so many times that it's a running gag.
  11. Agreed. All the pre-orders plus any of the extras are sold out so you'll just have to wait for the next run. This is the first run (i.e. 1st print) of the toy. It may be a few weeks before the 2nd run comes off the assembly line so you'll just have to wait. You can always e-mail HLJ and ask them if they know when they'll get the next batch, but don't be surprised if they're not sure.
  12. Pardon my lack of coffee (or alcohol, or sleep, or even Yoshinol; I haven't had much of any today) but are we bleeding sarcasm here by the bucket load?
  13. Are you leasing the modem from your ISP? If yes and still wish to lease the modem, then call your ISP for a replacement. If you don't want to lease the modem anymore and want to use your own, then discontinue the lease and have them remove that charge by your next billing cycle.
  14. Maybe someone should do a comparison vid, just to prove the Memobots that nothing has happened with this franchise.
  15. There's a thread for that. According to Box Office Mojo, 60% of this movie's gross came from 3D sales, surprisingly, but yet still down overall. So yes, people are tired of 3D, even Baysplosions in 3D.
  16. I'm just waiting for the convention panel where someone ask "Can we get more Macross?" and Tommy replies with that response and a collective moan is heard around the room to which someone yells out "Is this franchise THAT creatively bankrupt that we have to rip-off another show from another country just to make us look good?"
  17. Or he's admitting to his own lack of creativity.... Just sayin'... BTW, were they sitting behind their laptops again?
  18. So the fan's question was "Since RT is so lacking in creative thought right now, can we import another show into RT so that it looks better?" And the people in charge of RT like that idea because the fan is right that they lack any creative thought? Transformers: DotM lacks any creative thought except on where to put those explosions and still pulls in $162M after 5 days. And that's my spin on it. Maybe later I'll provide a special comment or a scathing editorial in a fake Italian-mobster accent.
  19. Laugh? How about a drinking game? OK, I know I'm late considering most people are probably enjoying the festivities than being a forum troll, but we should have a convention panel drinking game. And yes, I am well aware of the likelihood that you will be admitted into the hospital for alcohol poisoning after listening to this particular panel.
  20. Those are the system drivers provided with Windows 7. I won't go deleting that one as it may be a "universal" driver of its own. If you are using the one provided by Windows 7 and if there isn't a new driver out there from HP nor from Windows Update, then you're kinda SOL.
  21. And one more till July 22nd. Also, The 1990 film will be released on DVD, July 19th
  22. It's not "No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-NO!", it's "Noooooooooo-oooooooo-oooooooooo!, followed by a quarter-speed scene of Minmay making eye-contact with Rick while falling pass Rick with sparks from the arm hitting against the canopy glass, and explosions in the background. Has watching these 3 movies taught you nothing about how Bay works?
  23. Maybe a vernier, maybe something to make the VF look cooler....
  24. Don't think those are guns.
  25. Have you tried reinstalling the printer, i.e. remove the printer from "Device and Printers", unplug the printer, then plug it back in?
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