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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Teaser trailer is out: http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/167923-the-teaser-trailer-for-the-amazing-spider-man Mirror http://www.sonypictures.com/previews/movies/theamazingspiderman/clips/3638/
  2. You could at least use the original 1985 vids... not the Tommy Yune-bastardized version.
  3. And at the same time, why appeal to a dwindling fan base? But as for the question of why? For the very reason you mentioned, nostalgia. Everything was always great back then. This magically show with "adult" themes and transforming machines, things blowing up, yadda yadda yadda. People want to relive that. Everything was blissful back then. But that's only 1 answer to the question.
  4. Well you get to see Richard Armitage (Thorin) in Captain America: The First Avenger playing the part of Heinz Kruger. So that should you kids some idea of his voice.
  5. There's no greenlight. http://screenrant.com/transformers-4-reboot-trilogy-rob-122652/ You will stop. Headmasters? Yeah it's time to kill Optimus (for real...again) and give the damn Matrix to Rodimus.
  6. Yeah...Are we gonna get back on topic or shall this thread be close till there's an actual announcement that yes, a 4th movie has been greenlit, has a director, and a script?
  7. Speaking of giant robots, at least Armored Core V has the whole cinematic this going already...
  8. Official teaser trailer release Mirror
  9. Those watching Captain America: The First Avenger, stick around for the ending: Exclusive : Captain America Nick Fury scene, post-credits teaser revealed
  10. Last but not least: Thorin Oakenshield Please visit The One Ring.net for a LARGER version.
  11. Should have known someone would revive this thread thanks to footage reuse....
  12. 'The Amazing Spider-Man': 15 New Pics! (EW.com)
  13. Balin & Dwalin And if you can't see it, here's a source: http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/07/15/time-exclusive-first-look-at-balin-and-dwalin-from-the-hobbit-movie/
  14. Thought RT episodes were up there thanks to Manga Ent. Or do you mean the Movie and Sentinels?
  15. Ye lads want facial hair, I'll giv ya some facial hair in today's roundup: Bifur, Bofur & Bombur If you can't see it, here's a source: http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/07/13/46046-hot-dwarves-peter-jackson-strikes-back-with-bombur/
  16. This month's Entertainment Weekly: http://popwatch.ew.com/2011/07/14/amazing-spider-man-comic-con-this-weeks-cover/ There is also word that a trailer will show up with Captain America: The First Avenger.
  17. Those of you attending CCI 2011, Year One will premiere at CCI San Diego on Friday, July 22 at 8:00 p.m. in Ballroom 20. Source: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=33249 The DVD/Blu-ray is due out on Oct. 18th.
  18. More daily roundup: Trailer Description for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES? Plus the First Poster [updated with Image] (WARNING: spoilers)
  19. In this morning's round up: Fili and Kili If you can't see it, here's a source: http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/21159/-hobbit-dwarf-centerfolds-fili-and-kili And I forgot to post this one: Gloin & Oin If you can't see it, here's a source: http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/07/08/45861-behold-gloin-oin/
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we cover this about Southern Cross? "Kind of" the reverse situation of Macross. Tatsunoko owns the animation and lineart but Big West owns the merchandising rights? (The "kind of" in relation to Macross where Big West owns the lineart but Tatsunoko owns the animation and merchandising rights) I'm gonna have to agree. Wonderfest is a poor example since the stuff there is a showcase for scratch-built/garage kits.
  21. They can touch Southern Cross all they want. But they know there's no money coming from that series. They want Macross for the masses but they can't do much with that except toys and books. So that just leaves Mospeada.
  22. Speaking of designed to fail, who is the target audience of Robotech these days anyways? If it's the nostalgia crowd, I'm not sure how long that's gonna last. Most of them are probably entering their 40s so, times-a-tickin.... And I don't think anime kids these days care for or even know about something dated like Robotech. I doubt it's the Macross crowd...obviously. Not enough mech-heads who aren't Gundam-nuts anyways...... So...who then?
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