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Everything posted by azrael

  1. And the PC and smartphone markets. Heck, the fate of webOS is up in the air too.
  2. See, it's not a bad reboot. In fact, it's pretty good.
  3. It's fan art. You know, the usual RT-fans mooching of other shows.
  4. In case no one can read the AU site of ANN, here's the main site link: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2011-08-17/jmanga-manga-site-launches-with-100-new-titles
  5. Look at the side effects.... *pulls out laundry list* Yes there's more but you know how it is with fine print.
  6. How else do you expect them to make the laptop so thin? How old is the laptop? You may find one for old old ones but newer ones usually have the video card soldered to the motherboard. Either way, you'll probably be searching Ebay or Craigslist for a video card.
  7. Ebay? Unless the laptop has a MXM, Axiom, or proprietary "Dell slot", it is nearly impossible to replace video cards of notebooks.
  8. Everything is powered by Protoculture in the happy land of Rowbow-tech.
  9. They usually don't make those because those 2 extra pins are usually for controlling the fan speed so I won't try to solder a molex into that. A 3-pin to molex adapter should work with that motherboard connector.
  10. You mean a molex power connector to a 4-pin power connector? Isn't that the same thing? Or you mean a molex to a 4-pin PSU cable? Or a molex to a 4-pin connector cable/splitter?
  11. He's "checkin his e-mail". Really, most panels usually have 1 laptop for the presentation and yet I see 2... possibly 3. So whatever is on their laptop screens is more important than the "crowd"? How sad.
  12. What you found is probably all they've release to the press (i.e. TV Guide/TV listings/etc.), so far. Somewhat similar to how comic companies are releasing the solicitations for November's releases this month. By the end of the month, they'll get the schedule and info for whatever airs in November/December. And then the next month, they'll get the next schedule and so on. They may change the titles of the episodes and/or they may do some schedule changes for sweeps-periods, etc.. Anyways, great episode this week. Kinda sad.
  13. Thought all the old fans were outgrowing this show....
  14. Kenichi Suzumura = Shin Kudo (Macross Zero) & Morley (Macross 7)
  15. Unless you plan on burning Blu-ray discs and using your computer as a media center, not really. They are cheap enough these days but unless u plan on burning BDRs, then no. Do you need BitLocker Drive Encryption, UNIX application support, multilanguage interface, more Windows Media Player features, multiple virtual machine support? If no, then no. If yes, then get that.
  16. That would rule out B. Unless you have a coupon or can get a discount, B is out of the picture. Out of the remaining selection, C is the best card. A would be the next, followed by D. If you really wanna stay under $300, A would be the best choice. C and A are fairly close in performance but either one of those would be the better buy over D.
  17. This might help. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-files/can-i-stop-windows-7-from-automatically-resorting/799858a9-d37c-4b91-b30f-8cf0f6f87c46
  18. The cable should should not matter. SATA 3 cables are just rated for the higher speeds of SATA 3. Otherwise, there's no difference.
  19. 1) The cable is the problem. Either it is loose or it's just a bad cable. 2) The plug on the motherboard is bad or not suited for that hard drive. Try a different SATA port on the motherboard. Or the much worst scenarios: 3) The hard drive is dying. Download HD diagnostic tools from Western Digital and see if the S.M.A.R.T. sensor was tripped. Replace ASAP. 4) Your motherboard is dying. Replace ASAP. A few other scenarios are software. Either some power management is running and shutting down the HD, or firmware on the HD's controller board is bad and needs to be flashed, or you need to update a driver.
  20. I'll have to agree. Yes it was filler, but it's a lead-in to the larger story (i.e. the jump from A->B->C, not A->C) so in the end, I thought it fit. It reinforces that Lion-O still has a little more growing-up to do.
  21. You can reset it from the default. You'll need to make the menu bar show up for that to happen. Control Panel->Folder Options->"View" tab->"Always show menu bar." Then you can change the view to List/Detail/Large icons/etc. as you would in XP.
  22. Sequel? Ok. Stuff has changed since 1980. What was taught 30 years ago isn't exactly the same as today. Neil deGrasse-Tyson, Ann Druyan, and Steven Soter? Neil ain't Carl, and no one is Carl except Carl. I can live with that. BUT....Does it have to be Fox who will air it?
  23. Word is...that's the stunt double. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/168125-catwoman-stunt-double-on-the-dark-knight-rises-set
  24. So she's missing the cat ears. She's still got the goggles and the cat suit. And she still looks sexy in it. Source: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=33743 Source: http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/168123-its-anne-hathaways-qcatwomanq-from-dark-knight-rises (spoiler'd for space) It ain't this, but it works.
  25. Is it too late to say I kinda like the Brandon Routh look/costume?????? Source 1: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=33723 Source 2: http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/168111-first-look-at-henry-cavill-as-superman-in-man-of-steel Source 3: http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2011/08/04/%E2%80%9Cman-of-steel%E2%80%9D-revealed/ (Spoiler'd for size)
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