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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Keep in mind that it's been used in Gundam, except they didn't look like jet-skiing hover boards, but are multipurpose transport units. Base Jabber Shackles
  2. I liked the personal armors in Southern Cross...and the Spartas.... It's probably a misnomer to have called them "tanks" in The Robotech Masters. Yeah well, they're getting old and they shouldn't be the target audience for a 30-minute toy commercial anyways. It's what happens when you put a fanboy in charge.... edit: There's a acronym for that: FUBAR.
  3. Maybe he was too reliant on the crystals back then. How about "Furball(s)".
  4. [gesture=waves hand] You will buy and enjoy the Star Wars Blu-ray set. [/gesture]
  5. They're not as smart as you or I? I would say it's probably due to market saturation. They've probably had less imports coming from Japan. So when VFs are displayed, we see "Macross" more, they see "Robotech". It's probably why HG seems to give more love to the South American market than North America. Or because South America was an untapped market so it made it ripe for HG to move in there. It's a guess. You'll probably want to talk to our South American members.
  6. You can always hit "Contact Us" on Big West's home page: http://www.bigwestfrontier.co.jp/index.html -> https://business.form-mailer.jp/fms/10d340593465
  7. Fanboy rage I sense...mmmmm.
  8. I'm reminded of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation with this week's upcoming episode....
  9. Semantics, people. Semantics. The journalist didn't ask them "Did they change any material?" Of course they didn't create anything new. They just CHANGED it using existing material. Fer-cryin' out loud, where are these people learning journalism from?????????
  10. Fine. You don't have use buzz words like "gritty", "dark", or "modern" or whatever BS Hollywood uses as an excuse to redo it all.
  11. They could at least do things that would allow them to develop and expand the franchise into something a little more "creative" instead of being tied down to a mess. Something "new" ("New" being something they create that doesn't involve someone else's license). Like I said, they already adapted 3 unrelated series into their fine mess. Adapting or adding more shows into their world would be like pushing their creative bankruptcy to their kids. If they start fresh from the beginning with a reboot (not the wussy soft-boot DC Comics is doing, but a full reboot), it would at least feel like they're trying to break free of their creative bankruptcy. Don't even use buzz words like "gritty", "dark", or "modern" or whatever BS Hollywood uses as an excuse. Eff-it, just dig the dead plant out of the ground and plant something new. Cuz grafting obviously hasn't worked out. We know Hollywood is creatively bankrupt anyways, what's one more to the pile of poo? Would you rather have Robotech Frontier? Robotech Plus? Robotech 7? Robotech Zero? Hell, why limit yourself Macross. Let's do "Blue Comet SPT Robotech", or "Super Dimension Century Robotech", or "Combat Mecha Robotech". Call in someone else to do it then...oh wait.... [cough]RT LAM[/cough]
  12. Probably not. Again, this is Dengeki Hobby, a magazine for model makers, toy customizing enthusiasts and scratch builders. The great thing about the magazine is, they'll tell you what it's made out of (custom or production resin kits or production model kit) and most of the time, HOW they did it.
  13. Yeah...we're already talking about it here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35118 Feel free to stop by.
  14. Hence the reboot. If we strip away everything but the name, will it still stand? Although, the RT franchise has been creatively bankrupt from the start since they adapted 3 unrelated shows into their "universe". I'm just giving them a chance to finally break free, should they choose to accept it. If they choose not to, then we know that creative bankruptcy knows no bounds.
  15. See, if Row-bow-tech was truly an awe-inspiring series, something that has stood the test of time, blah blah blah, etc., then you won't need to splash a random image of Macross in the ad(s). It should be able to do it by name alone. Even if this is some ad agency doing the poster, the fact that they put it there only proves Row-bow-tech can't stand on its own. So we come to a "prove me wrong"-moment. Prove to me that you don't need Macross and its franchise, Southern Cross, and Mospeada to survive. If Robotech did such a good job of improving these stories, then you won't need them. Reboot the franchise. If it has stood up all these years, a reboot will not hurt it. Take away the old character and mecha designs and create new ones. Redo the story so that they're strung together into one coherent story instead of Carl Maeck's 90-second sewing job. Stop relying on Macross and its franchise, Southern Cross, and Mospeada. Stop trying to make sequels or sidquels. Stop trying to sell collection set after collection set. Reboot the whole franchise and start fresh. If that can be done, then it will earn my respect. 'Til then.
  16. So the people who made that poster, Entertainment One, Ltd., realized Tommy's artwork sucks and resorted to using something from Frontier to make the poster look better? Ouch. Tommy should sue them for defamation.
  17. Honestly, 16 GB of RAM is a bit much. Even at my worst, I'll probably never break 5 of my 12GB. Also, for the price of that SSD, you could probably get a Raptor or a higher capacity HD for the price. I know SSDs are quite popular and people love the fast access, but if you want to be economical, a SSD probably isn't something I would consider.
  18. It was a good episode, but not the best so far. I would like to see a little more backstory on rest of the cast before we spend some time on the main story though.
  19. Maybe Cameron should do a non-Avatar 3D flick just to demonstrate "This is how you frakin' use 3D, ya dumbasses".
  20. If you're softcoding the subs, I believe you can specify which fonts to use in both Mplayer and VLC which will override any specific fonts of the file. Hardcoding should be able to avoid that problem.
  21. In terms of synthetic benchmarks, I would say it's better to get the E6800. How that would translate to the real-world, I can't say. That extra speed may make up for the 1/3 less cache. At the same time, the extra cache of the E7600 would help make things run faster by reducing load times. Because these 2 processors are nearly identical, it's hard to answer the question.
  22. I had that same CPU and mobo.... You want more L2 cache or would you be happy with 2MB of L2? Other than that, that's all the E7600 has going on it. Spec wise, they're the same. If you want to save the money and spend it on something else, I'd go with the E6800.
  23. If you can find cheap RAM, then I would definitely just upgrade to a minimum of 2GB. But yes, DDR is old and well, you can find 4GB of DDR3 for half that price whereas a single 1GB stick of DDR could cost you $50. But I would agree with mikeszekely, an upgrade would be preferable. Honestly, you can shoot low with a micro-ATX, Intel Core i3 or i5/AMD X2 or X3 (Athlon or Phenom), built-in video (like the Intel HD 3000 or AMD 700/800 series graphics) and be fine.
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