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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Feels like that user, yui1107. In fact, it looks like the stuff she/he/it post here. It's a wiki too so feel free to edit it.
  2. ....You would think PedoBear is better than that to associate with the people in that picture. It's an insult to PedoBear.....
  3. You assume they have the creative capacity to accomplish such a simple task...or an even simpler task of just rebooting the franchise.
  4. Try enabling the G-side. Although, the N-wireless should be backwards compatible. The G-setting may have been turned off to get better performance over compatibility. Double check the encryption to be sure that's not causing any problems.
  5. Interference? Another device is causing problems (like an 'Net phone)? Encryption causing problems between the NIC and router? Faulty router? Haven't had a chance to jump on that. I'll probably load it on a VM to try it.
  6. BTW, to the OP, posting a news article usually helps: 'Top Gun' Coming to Theaters in 3D (Hollywood Reporter) Again I will say this, how is a film that was originally produced in 2D gonna look better in 3D?
  7. You had to remind me of that, didn't you....
  8. BTW...The Animeigo liner notes for SDFM...great resource.
  9. So all we have to do is just mention Bendo-ver in a sentence and we can get up to 2-hours of internet fame? Wow. And here I was trying to hack the interwebs.
  10. Depends on the laptop. Usually 30C~50C. But running at 60C seems rather high for light usage. Possibilities (ordered by likelihood): 1) thermal paste needs to be reapplied. 2) temp sensor is defective. 3) other part is generating too much heat within the system 4) defective CPU
  11. All the more reason to reboot. Then RT-fans can say the Macross-purist-weebo-lolicon-trolls are jealous of RT. On the bright side, we would have less traffic from guys like Captain-How-big-is-the-ship-cuz-it-doesn't-make-sense-and-I-won't-believe-any-answer-you-give-me. But wouldn't this be a case of slapping the Hyndai's inferior logo (RT) onto a the much better Ferrari-product (Macross)? Just sayin'...
  12. Funny how some of them see Macross as inferior and Robotech improving on it and yet they want more Macross or more like Macross...
  13. If this was Ahim just being a badass by herself, I'd hate to see Ahim just pissed....
  14. Depends on your tastes. I use SMPlayer/MPlayer (95%) and MPC-HC (5%). I tried VLC but found parts overly complicated in the options. I would try them all and see which ones fit your needs.
  15. Let me guess....they plan to actually have the boat leave port?
  16. That is a in-book ad for something that doesn't exist...We don't know if Softbank/GA Graphic is going to put out another one...yet. Although I hear the next book featuring the RX-78 Gundam is coming.
  17. Let me break my Caps Lock key... Honestly? It's just a sound bite...If those kids are actually screaming like school girls...I would recommend they see a mental health professional.
  18. But it still "went rogue" and was still doomed or destined to die/be dismantled at the end. As I said, entertainment and AI leads to doom.
  19. II? Good character designs. Decent mecha designs. Animation? Starts good then drops...a lot, then comes back, then drops a lot. Like watching the stock market. That pattern does influence my opinion. Story pacing was terrible. Going from small fleet action to full invasion was way too quick. Story itself was meh, at best. Like they put DYRL? with a few grains of other ingredients and shook it up, hoping for something that tastes different. Too much happening with the story/characters and not enough time.
  20. Plus? Good visuals. Good animation. Character designs? Didn't like it. Masayuki Yamaguchi's designs just didn't play well with me. Music? Not my cup-o-tea. Just because it's Yoko Kanno doesn't mean I automatically will defend it with my life. I've heard her other works and Plus' didn't work for me. Story? Predictable. When someone mentions AI in entertainment, it automatically dooms it. Characters? Most of them didn't work with me.
  21. Heck, he probably has binders full of stuff that never made it to print, just like any writer, designer, or anyone else in the business.
  22. You must understand...yui1107 doesn't understand a word we're saying...nor does she care.
  23. Gee...someone already meme'd that pic...That was quick.
  24. Well, at first they were used to allow MSs to fly but then that idea faded when transforming MSs started becoming the norm for atmospheric use. By the time we got to Char's Counterattack, they became a mode of transport since MSs were being launched well beyond the combat zone and they didn't have enough fuel to get themselves to the combat zone. So they're not suppose to ride those things in some cool fashion. The hitch a ride, then ditch them when they get close enough. As for Southern Cross, they had the mother ships that carried them, then transport ships that brought them to the combat field, then they ride the hover boards in and around the combat zone...At least Mobile suits had boosters to get them around and didn't always need the Base Jabbers. I don't recall the Bioroids even having thrusters.
  25. OpenOffice or the fork project from OpenOffice, LibreOffice would be my choices for an Office alternative. If you want to bypass this and go cloud, Google Docs is your best choice. The only thing missing is an Outlook alternative in both suites. Unless you absolutely need Exchange support, Thunderbird or Apple's Mail client should be more than enough. But if Exchange support is a must...Evolution is the only decent non-MS Windows client around (WARNING: The Windows-version of this is still beta as this was originally designed for Linux/UNIX as is being ported to other platforms). If this is for a Mac, Apple Mail will support Exchange, but only up to Exchange 2007, not Exchange 2010, as of this posting. Evolution will only support pre-Exchange 2007 setups. Thunderbird has an Exchange 2007-specific plugin but I won't put too much faith in it as it may not work for later versions of Thunderbird or Exchange. If Exchange support is a must, I'd bite the bullet and get MS Office.
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