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Everything posted by azrael

  1. "Robotech"... American for "Macross". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaHkEH3nk8w
  2. One more thing... So we have our next set of MGs after Wing.
  3. Gunpla Expo World Tour 2011 I'll let you kids look at it first then we can either or then
  4. BTW, yui117's post as usual, makes little sense in this thread (if anything, it's about bringing more Japanese-produced works to international markets). And look, it's on ANN: All Nippon Entertainment Works Begins Film and Anime Production Reference: All Nippon Entertainment Works Co., Ltd. Established to Introduce Japanese Contents to International Audiences Such a confused woman....
  5. Aren't the Palladium Books their impromptu tech manuals? Cuz they don't have anything else or had anything else to give them specs on their Protoculture happy mechs? It's like Rick Hunter...the fans made Palladium more than it's suppose to be.
  6. Really? We're going into I-'ship-Sheryl-cuz-of-her-larger-twins talk? I thought we left 'shipping for other spots...*hint hint*
  7. They're using the Squad Designated Marksman feel instead of the guilied sniper. Consider using the Mk 11, SVD, M39 EMR, SKS, or Type 88. Sorry I don't long-range snipe but considering my tendencies to run into combat zones even as a sniper, I'd go with an automatic instead of a bolt-action. Heck, the VSS was my favorite as a Recon in BF:BC2.
  8. How do you know they're brainless? Just because they don't communicate the same way or act the same way you do automatically makes them brainless? A common housefly has a brain. As the saying goes, "What we have here is a failure to communicate."
  9. I believe they just say VF-19. Which? They don't say nor should you care. It's just a freakin' cameo.
  10. I like how they brought back the knife and shield as addons. Although, I think the shield would be better if it was attached to the arm instead of the gatling gun.
  11. I'm probably in the same boat but I'll get to that point in a minute. It "worked" for the movie, but I had issues with how it played out. The whole thing with Frontier/Galaxy-conspiracy thing, IMO, was best handled in the TV series. I did not like how it was handled at all in the movies. The Brera-"No Ranka. I am your Brother."-thing felt a little ESB-ish. Overall, yeah was a lot to take in at only two 2-hour doses compared to 25 weekly 25-minute doses, but it worked for the movies even though it felt it was jammed in there. Like Graham I agree with the idea that seeing the YF-29 in action didn't really sway me into liking it. The "It's just there to sell a new Valk"-feeling is sticking. Compared to the 1st movie, I'm with David; the 1st movie felt better than this. But to my point, if this movie used some of its plot parts as a continuation and finale to the TV series, I think it would have been perfect. Some of the plot points would have fit in there perfectly. Galaxy taking over Battle Frontier would actually work pretty damn well with the TV series. They never mentioned what happened with the Galaxy mainland in the TV series. Having Galaxy come to Frontier and the Vajra homeworld to re-attempt the network after Grace's failed attempt would work and would bring better closure. It would also make use of some of the elements that I felt were crammed into the movies (like the NUNS/S.M.S. fleet that somehow got the message and mobilized a ridiculously large QRF in 30-minutes of movie time).
  12. It's a Japanese user-generated quiz site. Someone (apparently an online-buddy of her's) made this quiz asking Japanese users on how much they know about RT and HG. Why? I don't know, nor care.
  13. Won't that violate the definition of a "cameo appearance"?
  14. I'm gonna agree with David. I didn't like this movie as much as the first one. The ending felt too much like Zero. It was good but I prefer the TV series over this. There are no other subs out right now. If you want another group, you'll have to wait. Otherwise, STOP WHINING. http://commiesubs.com/playback/ If you want the .ass sub file, we already had a member who extracted it. -> http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33650&view=findpost&p=936643 Download CCCP (July 30, 2011)
  15. The 1080p version already has 5.1 audio, but in AAC. If you want 5.1 FLAC, that's what that .mka file is for. If you're lazy, there's a torrent with the 5.1 FLAC audio track already mux'd in that you can download. If you have the Blu-ray/DVD, I'd pass and just grab the non-FLAC 1080p or the 720p copy.
  16. If you just want the movie + subs, click on the 1st link. If you want a 5.1 surround sound, lossless audio track, click on the 2nd link and then mux it, by yourself, into the 1st link. Random spot checking shows me they missed a few lines in there and missed Grace's actual surname.
  17. Nope. Like the previous sequels, they'll be referenced in the vaguest possible way. That's the story and I'm sticking to it
  18. We'll keep the spoiler policy up until tomorrow (October 29) 9AM PST/12PM EST. Many people were waiting for a subbed version to appear. Now that one has, this should hopefully give people enough time to download it and watch it. After this time, if you don't want to be spoiled, do not be reading or posting in this thread.
  19. As I said here: http://www.macrosswo...ndpost&p=907504 Don't hold your breath... Heck, that's why a majority of (strange) people coming from RT.com or whatever RT fansite seem to come to this thread 1st as opposed to posting somewhere else in the forum.
  20. Yeah, if people would read the 1st post of this thread, you would have seen it. In fact, it was posted back in April of this year: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33067&view=findpost&p=906104 It's a standard procedure and I explained it here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33067&view=findpost&p=906135 But you know...people don't read the 1st post of this thread (Heck, I posted the list RT stuff of what WB licensed from HG). You know, the HG crew and lunatic fringe come here just to read this thread. They probably saw our comments and called up the lawyers' office.
  21. Yeah...Wasn't Shadow Chronicles suppose to "reboot" as well? They made money off of it but why they didn't capitalize on that. If you're gonna reboot, why not just start from the beginning instead of these "soft" reboots. No. They're not selling the persona/theme. It's a free download made by a fan (from a Spanish-speaking country) that was posted on Mozilla's website. http://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/437955 Like many things on Mozilla's website, they're free. Does it infringe on the trademark? Yeah. Was there any monetary harm? No. As JB0 said, might as well delete all that Macross wallpaper we have.
  22. So what is an "acceptable conclusion" to these people then? We have to kill them off? Isn't Scott Bernard flying off into space a acceptable conclusion? Heck, Alto flying down at both Sheryl and Ranka without much resolution there seems perfectly fine to me (harem ending baby!). You have other infamous 1980s properties being rebooted. Why not RT? Is nostalgia running that deep to prevent that question? When the idea of bringing in new fans without the baggage of the original series comes up, I see nothing. And my curiosity wants to be satisfied. Which brings back the question... Who is their target audience now? The US probably isn't bringing much new life. Heck the current US base is probably in the 30-40 year-old range. Is it the Spanish-speaking countries? China? The funny thing is, IIRC, Tatsunoko was listed as one of the parties that the trademark would have infringed upon in that application rejection. It's like someone birdshot the trademark applications and filed it in Japan or Asia when that's probably the one area to avoid. Real smart work there.... Talk about great legal representation...So customizing browser skins and passing it along for free is illegal? Better call Stephanie Meyer's or J.K. Rowlings' legal team...
  23. Here's some food for discussion. With all of these convention questions I hear, I'm surprised no one has brought up the word "reboot" in the panel discussions. I keep hearing stuff about upcoming merchandise, "I want more Macross...", status of Shadow <insert title here>?", status of LAM, "Me wants more Macross...", self and fan-praising the franchise runners and more. But I don't hear anything about "reboot". Is there some sort of taboo with the mentioning of the word? I've said in the past that the fanbase is running on nostalgia but really, does nostalgia truly run that deep that it couldn't be mentioned in these panel discussions? Is nostalgia keeping the thought of bringing in a new generation of fans? Gundam and Macross reboots their franchises every so often (Gundam more than...well, anything). Hell, Gundam rebooted/retold the original with the Gundam: The Origin manga and upcoming anime. Macross did the same with Macross: The First. HG is obviously capable of making new works (i.e. RT: Love Live Alive). So to me, nothing is stopping HG from making a new title, or a reboot. But this doesn't seem to be mentioned at any time or very often. When something "new" is mentioned, it's a toy. New animation? Nothing but butchering cramming in Love Live Alive or Shadow <insert name here> into the RT folds. Never any mention of a reboot. Are RT fans that nostalgic that they think they'll lose Rick Hunter if they reboot? We've brought up the topic of rebooting Macross on this forum but I haven't heard too much about this from RT sites. This is something I'm curious about. Of all the yapping I read about the RT sites, Godzilla vs. SDF-1 seems to get more press than "reboot". Thoughts?
  24. Part 1: August 2003 - April 2009 Part 2: April 2009-August 2009 Part 3: August 2009-October 2009 Part 4: October 2009 - January 2010 Part 5: January 2010 - May 2010 Part 6: May 2010 - May 2011 Part 7: May 2011-October 2011 And then this: Majority of the references, as I understand it, of Macross relate to SDFM. I need to find the Japan Copyright and Trademark databases just to see what's listed in there. Warner Brothers' licenses of Harmony Gold properties: Harmony Gold's trademark request for "Macross" in Japan and Asia - Denied Issued: 1-24-2004 http://shohyo.shinke...?number=1088731 http://shohyo.shinke...?number=1088733 Additional Resources: What is Intellectual Property? Did You Say "Intellectual Property"? It's a Seductive Mirage
  25. If they made The Killing Joke an animated short with The Dark Knight Returns when it comes out, you'd make a lot of fanboys (and me) very happy. Speaking of Year One...I skimmed through it and it was fairly faithful to the comic.
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