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Everything posted by azrael

  1. If it's up on PSN, provided PSN is working, then yes. Otherwise, wait till December 2nd when the Blu-ray is out. Yet, PSN has been known to be flaky with Unicorn. So it may be up one day, down the next, then back up after that. Oh Sony....
  2. We have a winner! Ever hear of Gundam: The Origin? Same idea as Macross The First, but for Gundam.
  3. Episode 5: "The Black Unicorn" May 2012
  4. So they chopped off the last 34 minutes and saved that for "Part 2" while the US release got all 1.5 hours on 1 disc. Talk about a slow agonizing pain... oh and milking of fans in the Spanish-speaking world.
  5. How come they're listing it as Part 1 and Part 2? Someone in the Spanish-speaking world trying milk SC???
  6. After DYRL?, Tatsunoko was not involved with the franchise. This relates into Tatsunoko's lawsuit against Bandai. Tatsunoko wanted a share of the profits from the rest of the franchise (II, Plus, 7, Zero, and any future projects) because they worked on SDFM. But because they didn't work on the rest of the franchise, the courts ruled, simply, they get nothing from the rest of the franchise. Currently? Manga Entertainment. If someone were to buy assets, but not renew the trademarks, then yes, it may be possible. But you'll need to take into account regular marketing. There hasn't been a big push to put old shows onto Blu-ray. Likewise, there may not be enough demand to bring toys over at the price points they currently are at. Beyond collectors, no one is gonna buy a $300 VF toy.
  7. Maybe. We don't know the terms of the original contract. For all we know it may have been a perpetual or even a permanent sale of those rights (it was back in the 1980s...) so Tatsunoko/Takara would probably have to buy back those rights they originally sold. While they may have initially involved HG, Agrama owns another company called Olympus Trading (among many) which did some of the licensing buying/selling in 2002-2005. If there is enough evidence to bring Agrama to actual trial then a bunch of things could happen. This article from the Los Angeles Times in 2006 may explain what's going on a bit better: http://articles.lati...cal/me-agrama29
  8. As Mike said, as long as you're not overclocking, the stock cooler is fine. If you are going to OC it, then spend a little more money and get a better cooler.
  9. Yeah. HG selling assets would be even worst.
  10. Berlusconi is going to step down for other reason but not due to his numerous legal problems. But that's a story to another site. And no, this will not be the end of Harmony Gold. Unless money was funneled through HG, then yeah, HG will still be alive and kicking.
  11. Like how they do things in real life, they submit a request and they're given a number. It's just "luck" that the VF-25 was given to the 25th New Macross....
  12. Model Graphix magazine? VF-25 Master File? Probably one of those 2. The Chronicle only used "YF-24".
  13. On that note, let's get back to the topic or I lock.
  14. No cheats will save you. You miss the button window, and he kills you. When you see the icon appear, just tap the button. Don't button mash unless is keeps blinking.
  15. Let's keep speculation out of this thread please. Unless you have solid evidence that anything is being worked on, keep your thoughts elsewhere.
  16. Don't know. In recent years, most live-action film contracts have only lasted 10-20 years with the option to renew and/or continue after a certain number of years or if they are continuing film production. For example, 20th Century Fox got the license for the X-Men franchise. The film rights would have reverted back to Marvel Entertainment after X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but they continued making films, i.e.,X-Men: The First Class, and will probably continue making films so the film rights will stay with Fox. It's the same with the Spiderman franchise. If Sony wasn't making The Amazing Spider-man, they would have lost the film rights. The only weird one I can think of is Watchmen where 20th Century Fox actually maintained the distribution rights they got back in the early 1990s yet sold back the film rights to Larry Gordon who took the production to WB. At the end of that WB paid Fox a settlement. So really, we don't know how long this will last. I won't bother thinking about it until sometime after 2015 or 2020...which is a ways out there right now.
  17. Both. Macross with Prometheus and Daedalus? Pre-2012. Macross with ARMD carriers? Post-2012. After 2012, Macross was rebuilt and refitted with the ARMD carriers. Why does Macross in the DYRL? movie appear with the ARMD carriers? Because the movie is a movie-within-a-movie. DYRL? is a retelling of the events for both the real-world audience and the in-universe audience. Although....historical accuracy may be a little off..... Easy enough for you to understand?
  18. Yeah, then there's that part about Tatsunoko and then other property sale laws that would apply. But you would probably need a lawyer to explain that stuff.
  19. Of course it is. There won't be much impact. If someone were to buy the entire franchise outright, they would inherit all the problems that come with it. They could market the stuff out of SDFM, release videos of and using SDFM just like HG. But when it comes to using those images in brand new animation...BAMM! Lawsuit material. The exact same spot that HG is in. If you decide to by a car from me that has faulty brakes which I never repaired, buying it from me doesn't automatically fix the faulty brakes. If we contractually agreed that I would fix those brakes before I completely sold it to you, then yes, I would have to fix it before you bought the entire car.
  20. Well, I can either change your settings or you can do them yourself in the User Control Panel. Your control panel -> Settings -> Notification Options
  21. If anybody has played Battlefield: Bad Company 2, then you'll understand that you'll get more points for moving in with your squad/team than hanging back being a sniper. Battlefield 3 follows that same feel. Yes, one can snipe from long range and be merry, but helping the team is much more important and you'll be rewarded for it. In BC2, I spotted and threw motion detectors as a recon so that my team knew what was in the area. Staying back on Rush maps definitely will not work, especially when there's an objective to deal with.
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