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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Obligatory meme: You have to wonder if someone would actually buy it...and not as a joke present.
  2. As the saying goes..... Link? Or it didn't happen.
  3. Here's a thought. We could feed them pineapples. In Macross, we have Fire Bomber to protect us. And I doubt psychedelic plants will work against pineapples. Last I checked, nothing protects RT from the dreaded pineapples.
  4. HD goodness: http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/fox/prometheus/
  5. You mean there's more than 1 edition floating over there in France? There's that word again....
  6. The thing that caught my attention wasn't the chick with the over exposed chest, it's the words "Prestige Edition". WTH? You mean there's more than 1 edition floating down there in South America?
  7. Why can't they just give us a MG Delta Gundam? HGUC 1/144 Delta Gundam (Release Date: Mar 2012, Price: 4200 yen) HGUC 1/144 RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee [unicorn Mode] (Release Date: Jan 2012, Price: 1680 yen)
  8. So you're saying the peeps on 2ch rigged the polling?
  9. Apparently there was a poll in the Japanese BD release... Gundam UC Episode 4 BD & DVD Survey - Which MS/MA would you want to see appearing in Gundam UC? Barzam? WTH? How did that one get 29% of the voters?
  10. First line of the article: See, what did I tell you people about nostalgia?
  11. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/thedarkknightrises/ In 1080p. You're welcomed.
  12. The author sounds like one of those "Michael Bay raped my childhood"-people. And as I understand it, Pacific Rim is an homage to Kaiju-genre (giant monsters) than an Evangelion-ripoff. Could RT be done as a Hollywood-flick? Of course it can. Any 80s franchise could. Will it appease people like the author of that article? Probably not.
  13. Yeah, they might wanna clean up Bane's muffled voice by the time this thing hits the theaters. Apparently that was a major complaint with the 6-minute prologue screenings.
  14. The Hobbit Trailer Officially Attached to Tintin in the US (But What About the UK?) (Hey U Guys.co.uk)
  15. Either way, it's still just a cameo. And that's all it amounts to. Don't know why everyone has is having a party in their pants about the 2 seconds he's on screen.
  16. We know more than the people "in the business" know....
  17. Amazon description M. E. H. Probably because it has very little to do with RT. Unless of course, the lunatic fringe decide to paint it as their bible on how to break into voice-over business for some upcoming show involving robos and tech.
  18. No. The VF-19A is a mass-produced VF. The VF-19ACTIVE is a single, custom VF.
  19. More news roundups: Poster: Link 1, Link 2 Official site: http://theamazingspiderman.com/ Official synopsis: And promo pics: If you can't see, Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
  20. International posters. I prefer Iron Man with the helmet on and Scarlett's ass shot, personally. If you can't see it, LINK 1, LINK 2.
  21. Take deep long breaths.... Now won't be a good time to say I don't like extreme heights with no hand rails would it?
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