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Everything posted by azrael

  1. (That's all the response I'm gonna give it.)
  2. Were you looking for a specific thread? We have never had a "other anime/scifi toy" section. We have threads about other toys in the Anime and Sci-fi section, but not an entire section dedicated to other anime/sci-fi toys.
  3. No. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=19545
  4. Interview with Ken Iyadomi. There's still a chance that Turn A may come, but it won't be under the BEI label. But considering how Sunrise's licensors are, it would have to be a hefy investment on any company going for the Gundam license.
  5. I'm not terribly worried about the Japanese market as that's fairly easy to figure out who has a stake in what. Bingo. Again, bingo.
  6. That would work too. You could try dropping it off a 20-story building for added measure.
  7. In all honesty, we don't know. This has kinda been a problem with DYRL?. We don't know who owns the film distribution rights because it has been released through so many labels. And those labels may have been bought up through the years so they've transferred from one hand to another. Those companies may still exist in some form or another. We don't know if those rights expired or if they are running in perpetuaity.
  8. We talking "complete wipe due to sensitive data" or "I just want to clean it"-wipe? If it's the latter, any low-level formatting will do the job or KillDisk. If you want the former, then you'll probably want to look for a program that can do a DoD 5220.22-M-standard wipe or adheres to a certified cleaning standard (Like DiskWipe or SecureErase (no longer supported)).
  9. Cuz the only decent way you can get 5.1 sound from a mono-track is to mirror it on other 4 channels? Or blast it from the center channel? Spliting a mono-track into different channels is pain-staking work that's more effort than its worth. By the time you're done with it, it ain't gonna sound the way it should and you'll probably be years older when it's done. Here's a thread on VideoHelp.com about converting a mono-track to surround: http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/196415-Converting-Mono-to-Surround This is why they changed it. Freiflug88's post back here pretty much says it. If they're selling nostalgia, I'm sure many of us never had 5.1 surround sound back in 1985.
  10. Hey, if you wanna prove your case, then you better have some clear questions. That's all I'm saying. Same goes for for the other side. You never asked what AnimEigo recieved or confirmed what AnimEigo recieved. Frankly, if the company HG hired to do the sound for their "Remastered"-collection decided to screw with the 5.1 sound, then that's on them. AnimEigo, ADV, and Bandai probably got a it right by not converting a mono-track into something that it shouldn't be or redoing sounds altogether. It's probably not. But oh well. That's RT's problem. Not Macross'.
  11. His response didn't say WHAT they recieved and from where. Also try including what you wrote for context.
  12. This is something about story telling which people in this day and age don't seem to understand. You don't have to follow them till death or what not. You can just end the story. Yes, it is possible to just say, "THE END" without knowing "What happens after that?". QUIET YOU!
  13. Meh. The defunct-ADV Films is still cybersquating on macrossfrontier.com.
  14. Main: Shutdown if not going to use it for more than an hour (i.e. work, bedtime, vacation trip) or if it's not doing anything (downloading/burning/maintanence). I don't use sleep. Secondary/Testing box(es): Off 97% of the time. I turn it on, do some things, then it I shut it down. Laptop (which happens to be a Mac): Shutdown. It's my fastest On/Off so it gets used for quick things. Work system(s): Usually on 24/7.
  15. I think Scott said it best in the interview I mentioned: It's a basic question which no movie has really answered.
  16. My understanding of what I've read is, the film will focus on the Space Jockey and only the Space Jockey. There will be something in there to lead into the Xenomorphs, but this film isn't about the Xenomorphs. You can find the interview with Ridley Scott here: http://filmophilia.com/2011/12/17/interview-ridley-scott-talks-prometheus-giger-beginning-of-man-and-original-alien/ But that was taken down by the author due to publishing issues. But the author left various mirrors. So you can find the reposts here: http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=41273.0 No Xenomorphs In "Prometheus"? http://www.horrorbid.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=279&t=18951
  17. BIOS would be either F2, Del, or you have to tap a key like Enter as soon as you see the BIOS screen. You can change the boot order once you get into the BIOS. The manual for your MB should also tell you which key it is if you can't find it.
  19. Robotech was pretty much on the tail end of the 80s anime. Harlock was on in '85 but I can't even recall seeing that. Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs (Sei Jushi Bismarck) came in and out in 1987, closing out the 80s. After which theere wasn't a ton of imports (Ronin Warriors (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers) came in and out in '92 but nothing really followed it) till we got to 1995 with Teknoman (Tekkaman Blade), Dragonball Z, and Sailor Moon. Noteably, the latter 2. So any idea of an anime boom doesn't seem to fit after RT. I don't recall show after show, year after year of anime coming on TV. Minus the shows that did come on, there's a 10-year gap between RT and any significant anime. So I don't see RT making as big an impact as some may say.
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