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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yep. For the VF-11 at least. Animation -> Toy; things will get lost in the conversion. This should be a given. You can't make a toy/model 100% like the show. Also, the VF-11 and VF-19 shield actually rests off-center on the left arm. This allows for the extra magazine.
  2. Don't worry. The next set of conventions you'll attend should have it.
  3. The mobile skin was probably disabled from view. HOWEVER...the mobile skin still works and is very active....at least for iPhones.
  4. Yeah, I would imagine a Shamblo kit would have to be a 1/144 HG kit to keep the size down if they ever wanted to market it. Of course the box would probably be the size of a big MG....
  5. If we're no longer on-topic, then this thread will get a lock.
  6. You mean we haven't already? It's like watching a train wreck, we can't turn away. But like all rubber-necking, we're holding up traffic and it's probably time we move on. Unless some fundamental change happens, nothing is happening.
  7. ??? Thought the mobile skin handles that for most smart phones these days... You mean for feature phones (i.e., regular cell phones)?
  8. There's also the scene at the very beginning of Ep. 4 where you hear the pilots confirm a reactor shutdown against the Juaggu. And then there's the famous scene from Ep 1 of MSG where Amuro's inexperience causes a Zaku to blow up, creating a large hole in the colony. So yeah, ideally, you don't want those MSs to blow up.
  9. Isn't this film more for the Kaiju/Daikaiju genre? Giant monsters and giant robots. Sounds like Godzilla vs Mecha-Godzilla.
  10. IIRC, Zakus mount their reactors in the belly/hip area so yeah, he was probably was trying to commit suicide and take as many with him.
  11. That would also be incorrect. It's not even a semi-sequel. It was made when the rest of the show was made and was just an add-on to the Macross Plus movie release. Kinda like the Pixar shorts that get added on to movies. VF5SS is correct in that it was a part of a double-billed feature.
  12. The VF-11 was cheap. Can't beat a bargain. And heck, if Hakuna can take a VF-1/VF-0 and turn it into a monster machine, why can't Chelsea?
  13. To answer the retorical questions with silly answers...No, not when Star Trek has such a "rich" franchise to draw from already. And no. Why screw things up more than RDM's re-imaging. Not when you have great shows like Voltron Force. For Robowtech? You betcha. As I've said many times, the only way out is to re-image from head to toe. And seeing that nothing is happening on that front, you'll only see more threads like that one.
  14. That I can't answer. After 15...or are we on 16...I can't remember...It's not bad. It's standard Gundam-fare. I'm interested in the multi-generational aspect of the story.
  15. Wear A and B seem to follow the ZZ-ish look more than the Normal look.
  16. AGE-3 Normal Not quite the whole ZZ-ish look that the preview image had us believe.
  17. Blame Whedon for that. He wanted Cap to be dressed more like a superhero than a soldier. I would have preferred something a little less form fitting, non-color matching utility belt, a darker blue, and a more body armored-look. More banners you might see in theaters: http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/169475-new-avengers-promo-banners-loki-pic-hulk-figure-and-minimates
  18. Probably creating one. Will you notice it? Probably not. It would probably end up annoying you more than giving you a headache like the old CRTs. With video, things might not interlace properly. It might just be enough for you to notice, but it shouldn't be bad. You may see some motion blur or some flickering (If you can call it that since LCDs don't really flicker) since you're slowing down the refresh rate. Are you creating one? Yes. LCDs have a "optimal" setting to avoid issues. Will it be a substanial problem? Don't think so. Unless you're sensitive to those changes, you should be fine.
  19. Won't it be better to use shows that have romance as their central theme than a mecha space opera? Romance in other genres are somewhat boiled down to the essential component. Guy picks the girl and that's it or the line is hinted at but never crossed, usually never becoming the focal point of the show. In a romantic-themed series, the guy picks the girl, but that doesn't necessarily end the story. In fact, it's used as a point to explore the relationship. And this formula hasn't changed much. So if the formula hasn't changed, then perhaps your perception of the story has.
  20. Say that to the people working on these shows. Then why are you using you using romance from a mecha space opera as your example as opposed to romance from a romanced-theme show like say...Kare Kano?
  21. "Wah wah wah. Today's anime isn't as good as yesterday's anime. Wah wah wah. I want things to go back to yesterday!" Certain people should come to the realization that they're not getting any younger and kids these days don't follow the ways yesterday's generation. That includes their romance dramas among many things. Nostalgia always looks better than today. But we don't live in yesterday... Unless there's some anime about a guy who goes back in time to become his own school teacher who gets his past self to hook up with the girl who he had feelings for but never shared them with while reliving all the stuff from his past, but also discovering that the girl he saw as a friend actually had feelings for him and that maybe he should get his younger self to look at her as more than a friend.... I need to write a manga if I keep this up...
  22. No. Cuz some member(s) seem to find stuff before the rest of us do and don't wanna translate it into something the rest of us can read.
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