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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Licensing Expo 2012 has produced these images: (Spoiler'd for size) I'm getting too much of the Bleeding Edge-armor feel in there. I'd prefer a bit more...red. Also this:
  2. Right now, it's all talk. Before we can revisit this topic, it would probably be best to see how The Dark Knight Rises or Man of Steel do, especially the latter. And what works for Nolan's Bat-films may only work for Batman. That, they should have figured out long ago. If they want to salvage this franchise, they can always pull an Incredible Hulk and recast the lead and only mention things from the 1st movie in passing.
  3. Canon EOS Rebel T4i/650D Full Specifications (CanonRumors.com)
  4. A quick look around PS3 forums seem to point to your wi-fi security settings or you need to reboot the both the PS3 and router. I'd look at the wi-fi security settings. You may want to redo the settings or if the router is a dual-band router, isolate the PS3 to one channel (i.e.,Channel X using the 2.4GHz or Channel Y using 5GHz).
  5. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron E3 2012 trailer
  6. Looks like a certain group will finally be showing up in this movie. (Comic Book Movie.com) (Yes, I'm hinting it instead of copying the article headline, look carefully at the letters)
  7. Last of Us - Gameplay demo This looks somewhat interesting.
  8. Heck, we get a better look at the Abrams-Klingons from this deleted scene than that screenshot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W66bSajPGtQ
  9. Heck, the Mk.I looks restored and the battled damaged Mk.III, Mk.V, and Mk.VI look less slashed up.
  10. Surprisingly, Microsoft kinda copied Nintendo with this SmartGlass. Except of adding a new accessory, they are making your mobile phone or tablet into a controller. No new console. Just taking advantage of the current hardware. On a related note, the same vibe seemed to come out of Sony's keynote. New software and PS Vita bundles. The highlight seems to be Assassin's Creed 3 being multi-platform (PS3 and PS Vita players can now co-op simultaneously or cross-control). Oh, and yet another God of War game, God of War: Ascension coming out March 2013.
  11. Crysis 3 Live Demo Gameplay Oh joy. Looks they actually incorporated the HD graphics pack that they left out of the release of Crysis 2 and made us download later. *Imnotbitter*
  12. Halo 4 E3-2012 trailer Halo 4 Gameplay trailer
  13. Well, they wanted to push game-engine updates and content on a shorter basis (i.e., 2 years for a new game vs. 6 months for DLC) with the Episodes but they never promised Episode 3. At this point, they might as well just release HL3.
  14. After last year's even-lower-than-dismal news, Nintendo will be hold a pre-E3 online press broadcast on June 3rd around 3PM PST. Nintendo can't wait for its own E3 press conference, schedules pre-E3 broadcast for tomorrow (Engadget.com)
  15. BTW, here's a list of the big games expected to rear their heads into E3 this week. E3 2012: The Big Games List (IGN) Press conferences start on June 4th (Monday) with the main show from June 5-7. Expect lots of gaming news this week.
  16. I'm not going to open that can-of-worms...EVER. To do so will invite a flame war which would scare Hell. If you ask any serious shooters, the split between the Canon and Nikon is 50/50. Remember, which ever choice you choose, you will be marrying that family's accessories. anime52k8's advice is perfectly fine. Go to the store and try it out.
  17. *Reads Front page article...Looks at EXO* Are you sure that all you wanna do?
  18. Versus whom? Nikon? Sony? Panasonic? Casio? Olympus? Pentax? Tamron? etc? And in what category...point & shoot, DSLRs, lenses?
  19. Read into this however you want: Big Problems Behind ‘G.I. Joe 2′s Big Delay (Deadline.com)
  20. My printers experience? HP? They're good...when they work. When they fail, EPIC FAIL, is what I see. Canon? So far so good. Lexmark? So far so good. Epson? Problems. There's always something I see wrong with it, usually software-related. But as mentioned, they do make some high-quality prints. Since most printers are made of more plastic than metal, I tend to think of them as cheap equipment that will eventually fail. So smoke 'em if you got 'em.
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