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Everything posted by azrael

  1. While I'm sure they wanted fresh fighters, more importantly, the game engine they were using was completely different than the cartoon-ish system they were using for WC and WC II. It was as close to a 3D engine as the hardware of the time could do. A true 3D-capable engine didn't come until Prophecy.
  2. SDCC preview issue is in store this week: This Week's Cover: 'The Hobbit' -- plus our annual Comic-Con preview And new pics here.
  3. Pre-SDCC issue is out: FIRST LOOK: 'Iron Man 3' concept art catches Tony Stark in awkward moment
  4. A healthy start: 'The Amazing Spider-Man' earns $7.5 million at midnight shows" (EW.com)
  5. Well, early numbers seem to be telling a different story: ‘Spider-Man’ Opens Foreign With $50.2M: Bigger Than ‘Avengers’ In Some Markets We'll see how things look starting tomorrow.
  6. Budget, screen size, other uses, etc? Depends. If you're an enthusiast, then no. If you under spec'd the computer when you originally built it and now regret the choices, no. If the thing is FUBAR and is cheaper to build a new system than repair the old one, then no.
  7. The 675 probably is the better choice if you want performance. If you're worried about power usage, the 670 would be the better choice. If you can, I would get the 750GB Hybrid HD (from Seagate) either from them or from Newegg (they have been on sale or reduced priced via coupon lately). It's a little more expensive than regular HDs for the same amount of storage but it doesn't break the bank like SSDs. I've been using them in my desktop and MBP and it's worked out really well cutting boot and some program launch times by half or better.
  8. Canon 7D Firmware Upgrade Due in August… Bigger RAW Buffer, GPS Adapter Compatibility and Manual Audio Levels(Photgraphy Bay) Canon EOS 7D Firmware v2 Official (Canon Rumors) For you 7D shooters (like me) this should be a welcomed update to extend the life of the 7D in spite of the rumors of a 7D successor still floating out there.
  9. Grandpa sums it up best:
  10. Before you do that, are you routing through a proxy? Control Panel-> Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN Settings (Firefox) Tools->Options->Advanced->Network->Settings
  11. While you could do some clean-up, I'll just focus on your networking issue. Is there a reason why these are showing up? C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Pure Networks Shared\Platform\nmctxth.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Expat Shield\bin\openvpntray.exe O23 - Service: Expat Shield Service (ExpatShieldService) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files (x86)\Expat Shield\bin\openvpnas.exe O23 - Service: Expat Shield Routing Service (ExpatSrv) - AnchorFree Inc. - C:\Program Files (x86)\Expat Shield\HssWPR\hsssrv.exe O23 - Service: Expat Shield Tray Service (ExpatTrayService) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files (x86)\Expat Shield\bin\ExpatTrayService.EXE O23 - Service: Expat Shield Monitoring Service (ExpatWd) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files (x86)\Expat Shield\bin\hsswd.exe I can understand why you using a VPN client, but is it necessary to leave it running? Does your problem only occur when your are running the VPN client or does it happen regardless?
  12. Just so I understand this.. You mean USB wireless NIC (network card) right? You mean USB NIC, right? Just so I understand, you mean USB NIC, right? Download Hijackthis: http://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/ Post only the log report in your reply.
  13. What do you intend on using it for? At that size, I would be thinking about it as a small laptop replacement device (in another year, they probably will be).
  14. Premieres in selected theaters June 30th. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-05-24/2nd-yamato-2199-film-promo-video-streamed
  15. Seriously...dem youngins need to stop expecting or asking for subs on these releases.
  16. Yet another topic you can easily find on video game forums and drags on forever.....(really, this topic really goes on forever) There are lots of reasons to love or hate DLCs. Everyone has their own reasons and we have lots of ideas on why companies do it as well as the companies' excuses. Me? It depends on what's in the DLC and money. If it's a feature I think should have been in the game in the first place (like a multiplayer game type), I would hate it. If it adds some new features or new maps, I might look at it. But I think it comes down to "How much is it and is it worth it?". If I'm getting more custom skins, a extra map or 2, or just another character, then, IMO, it won't be worth it. These games cost us $50-70 USD for the original game. Then we have to pay anywhere from $5-50 for DLC. Good thing they don't charge for patches. At the same time, the company may release a super-duper all-in-one collector's game-of-the-year edition which has everything in it for the same price as the original game a year later. Is grabbing the DLC 6-8 months before some collector's edition comes out worth it? That's up to you to decide.
  17. I'd be weary of using older shows as a model. Much like the US, older shows, pre-DVD collection sets, are more of an afterthought market. Eventually they come to DVD or Blu-ray but more of the funds go to cleaning up the AV due to degradation/wear-&-tear and modernizing it for current living room sets than slapping a set of subtitles. If Bandai didn't clean up SDFM for Blu-ray, it would honestly look like a pile of steaming elephant dung. No one would buy it. So having subtitles should be the least of your worries compared to the new stuff.
  18. Unfortunately, I think we're already at the "me-too"-ism for this. And they're going after OEMs and their ultrabooks with the Pro-version while coming out at Android and iOS with the RT/ARM-based version. Another thing people have noticed was missing today in the presentation was "what can it do?" No Office or Media Player demo for Windows 8 RT. Just a "here's our shiny new device"-presentation. I think this ZDnet editorial kinda touches on those points about what Microsoft didn't show us and the possible infighting they might cause. But frankly, Microsoft needed to do this because they're losing badly to the mobile market.
  19. I admit the backlit keyboard on my MBP is great, but it's not a real deal breaker unless you do a lot of low-light typing. If Logitech ever put a backlit keyboard using the K350's wave design, I'd probably go for it, but then again, I'm not doing much typing in low-light so it's not major point. But yeah, the MSI's price seems a bit more worth it than the Alienware, as I said, unless you want a 14" screen and backlit keyboard.
  20. The Pro seems like a tablet'd ultrabook. But yeah, specs are nice, but pricing and availability goes much farther. (not a joke) You can always get aftermarket RAM to bump it up. The MSI laptop seems like a better deal. Unless you want a 14" screen and a backlit keyboard...
  21. Paramount Shuts Down 'Ninja Turtles' Reboot; Release Date Pushed (Exclusive) (Hollywood Reporter) Really? Ya sure the problem is with the script???
  22. It says we don't know. It's never been established what his relation is to Roy. They share the same last name but so do a lot of people in this world. edit: And yes, have you tried running the words through Google Translate or some other machine translator? It spits out crap but you can get the gist of it right?
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