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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I'm sure Spielberg has seen lots of things from ol' buddy George. But it doesn't mean he's going to get involved in any way.
  2. Thoughts: Spoiler'd for those who are avoiding watching it till the SyFy showing or home video release next year...
  3. So nice to see the ol' girl in her prime, with the armor plating and all. Now, will they show any other ships besides the Battlestars? I hope so. Ep. 2 for your viewing pleasure
  4. Regarding Matthew Vaughn's departure from X-Men: DoFP Mark Millar Reveals Why Matthew Vaughn Chose THE SECRET SERVICE Over X-MEN: DOFP So Vaughn should probably be put at the end of the list for any new Star Wars as he's probably gonna be tied up elsewhere.
  5. I won't be worried about any of the existing contracts between LucasFilm/Arts and other companies (Dark Horse Comics, LEGO, etc). Disney will, most likely, honor those contracts until those rights expire. Considering they just spent $4 billion buying Lucas' company, they probably don't want to spend more to just pull out of the existing contracts. What will happen after those rights expire among the different companies is anybody's guess. Disney may pull out and go on their own or they may continue to extend those rights.
  6. Unless it comes to PC, then no, I won't be playing (Yeah, I stopped holding my breath when Halo: CE for PC had a delayed release so don't mind me). But, I was watching the walkthrough on Youtube during lunch. It does seem very action packed with lots of things to shoot.
  7. Yes and no. Yes in the conceptual idea of 3 kingdoms with sword-wielding mechs (that some could fly), but no in that they went with magic girls and Arthurian legend, Greek/Arabian/who-knows-what-else mythology and that whole playground.
  8. Reposting in it's own thread: More views, more retweets/likes/shares and maybe...just maybe, someone at Universal will give a sh*t.
  9. He is diabetic, but we've known that for a while. See what anonymous fanboy-rage does to people. Lucas had probably decided long ago (in a galaxy far, far away) that he would enter some state of retirement by this year.
  10. I'm sure Fox will let it go for the right price (i.e., Somewhere around the ballpark of "bend-over" to "your grand-children's generation is still paying for it"). The article makes a good point, Disney would take all the risks while Fox would sit back and collect a check. That's the best outcome for Fox.
  11. It will probably be the latter. But that would be up to Disney. So far, Disney isn't going after Sony, Fox, or Paramount regarding those cinematic licenses. Dark Horse is still slated to release a new series in 2013. Beyond 2014 is looking mighty 'iffy at this point. Whatever ongoings DH has left might start ending their run next year.
  12. http://www.forbes.com/sites/carolpinchefsky/2012/10/30/lucas-gives-up-star-wars-to-disney-episode-vii-to-be-released-in-2015/ 'Probably should have seen this coming when Kathleen Kennedy came on board back in May/June of this year. Kathleen Kennedy Joins George Lucas as Co-Chairman of Lucasfilm (June 1, 2012) George Lucas Says He is Ready to Retire, Make 'Hobby' Films (May 31, 2012) Edit: And here's a thought from a friend, Star Wars Episode 7 - A Michael Bay film.
  13. He could try converting to a PDF. That should handle the character issue. Or at least it should.
  14. The T's were crossed and the I's were doted with Tatsunoko. Their licensing was with HG as an entity, not Agrama. Even if Tatsunoko pulled out, it doesn't change the fact that Tatsunoko owns what it owns. We don't know what Agrama's share of the $12.9-million fine among the 11 others who are part of the indictment is. It could be very big or very small. As for the 3-year jail sentence, that goes to extradition. Both could go to appeals which would ending up reducing both. Going to appeals would also drag things out. If Agrama dies from old age (the man is 77 already) or actually goes to prison, he'll just sign off HG to someone else like any other continuing business.
  15. Bingo. We have a winner. This has absolutely ZERO/NADA/0/ZILCH/NIL/NOTHING to do with Macross. HG is not part of the indictment. Only Agrama is and this would go into appeals, followed by extradition which would go on for years. It's good for a point & laugh-moment, but that's about it.
  16. We don't do comparisons like that here (we even have a rule for it). Different series are governed by their own set of rules so such comparisons are pointless. Hell, comparing the Gundam-franchise within itself is difficult.
  17. Just adding to what's been said, Don't nit-pick the details. As long as you walk away with the overall story of what happened, that's all you'll need. Example: Macross Plus takes place during the Super Nova competition, which tested the next generation of variable fighter. During that period, a popular AI singing idol name Sharon Apple, went rogue and took over an entire city and the UN military. The summary applies to both the OAV series and the movie and that's all you'll need. Watching any Macross like watching movies and drama shows about World War II, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc. Is that how it happened? Not really. But they got the basic idea.
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