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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Reviving 'cuz,apparently, there's movement. Here's the press release VALHALLA ENTERTAINMENT SET TO PRODUCE “GAIKING” FOR ANEW AND TOEI ANIMATION Maybe the buzz around Pacific Rim is spreading.
  2. IRON MAN 3 Apparel Surfaces Featuring New Artwork See even the t-shirts use the classic War Machine colors. Next trailer needs to show the classic War Machine colors and not the Iron Patriot paint scheme, then all will be right in the world.
  3. At least one sentiment seems to be floating around. This should be called Star Trek: Into Lens Flare.
  4. The Transformers 4 Script Has Supposedly Leaked, Here’s What’s Apparently In It Take with your favorite seasoning. Bay seems to be denying it.
  5. Apparently there's another trailer. Did anybody see this during The Hobbit? (Youtube link pulled) http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/paramount/startrekintodarkness/ Oh, and probably some background info on Adm. Pike's words from this trailer: Benedict Cumberbatch Describes His STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS Villain Role Pay attention to this paragraph:
  6. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the movie will try to address simple questions for Clark Kent; (spoiler'd in case people would rather wait till the movie comes)
  7. It's War Machine....in an Iron Patriot paint scheme. They'll explain it in the movie. Jon Favreau is listed as Executive Producer. Favreau is there to provide input considering he did the last 2 movies, but this is Shane's gig as he's writer and director. So no problem.
  8. This is just promo stuff in Singapore this week, but it put a smile on my face when I saw this: IRON MAN 3 Showcased At ContentAsia Summit 2012 Please, please, please, tell me the Iron Patriot paint scheme gets burnt off during the movie.
  9. Actually, the live-action film premiered already (August 2012) and will be out on DVD/Blu-ray later this month (Dec. 26, 2012). Blu-ray (regular edition) (CD Japan) DVD (regular edition) (CD Japan)
  10. The common complaint I'm hearing is this film is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too long. Hopefully PJ won't release Extended Editions since he got 3 movies out of a single/lone book + short notes.
  11. Someone asked about Hawken? All Pilots to Their Mechs, Open Beta is Live!
  12. Since this film opens at midnight and some places are having the Lord of the Rings marathons in preparation for this gawd-damn trilogy (really???) again film: Anyone going to the midnight screenings, have fun. I'll see it in a week...when I head into my holiday vacation.
  13. Oh that just instills me with SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much confidence. ... Oh good. My sarcasm processor made it into this post, so we have that.
  14. Or it's a B/G/F switch(s)/safety switch on throttle which the pilot presses, then tilts the throttle 90-degrees. Otherwise, you're gonna have a lot of accidental transformations. That's my thinking.
  15. And Now We Know Who Alice Eve Is Playing In Star Trek Into Darkness Too (BleedingCool.com) I'm still leaning on "ruse" for the name of Cumberbatch's role.
  16. I heard the Trekkies have been combing the wikis for any kind of data. Or it could be a ruse...
  17. Wait for a DLC or next year's version...That was a leg crossing moment.
  18. I had a lot less problem hearing Bane on video than I did in the theater. But then again, I don't have some ridiculous sound system where things echo in the room. Just a normal 5.1 system. Probably also helped that I read the script when it showed up on the 'Net a couple of months ago.
  19. Like most teasers, it didn't present me with enough to go on to say Yes or No to this movie. But it was nice to hear Benedict Cumberbatch's voice (yes, I am suffering from Sherlock-withdrawal and we have to wait until March '13 till they start filming...FILMING... Season 3 ).
  20. As mentioned, you don't need to watch any previous UC series as Unicorn is self-contained. But if you want back story on the character behavior/motivations or some of the technology used, then it would be best to watch Zeta and Char's Counterattack. ZZ would help with the Neo Zeon information, but like the other shows, it's there if you need some back story on the character behavior and tech of the series. The link between Unicorn and ZZ would be two characters, Marida Cruz and Audrey Burne. But Unicorn covers all the info you need to know about the 2.
  21. Yeah, not sure about picking this up again. Even with updates, corrections, new pages, etc., it probably won't be released in the same order so we'll all have to start collecting from the beginning all over again.
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