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Everything posted by azrael

  1. There's no real age limit. But since MGs use small parts and may require some tooling, I'd say age 6, supervised. HGs just have small parts so they should be fine at age 5-6. Just be sure they don't step on a dropped part.
  2. We try not too as we would get inundated with requests (i.e., choose wisely). You have a choice to change your just display name or login/display name. PM me when you've made your decision and what you would like to change it to.
  3. Jeebus, why have Tatum doing the John McClane when they could have hired Willis do it? I think I'll wait for a trailer for White House Down to figure out which one I'd poop on more. (The fact that 2 movies with identical plots come out in the same year makes me want to crawl into the corner and cower while repeating "Can't sleep. Hollywood really has no more ideas".)
  4. This will interest some, most likely piss off most (as we all love those exclusive web store-only releases). P-Bandai Hobby Online Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 Tallgeese II Announced!
  5. This. There's only so much they could fit into a 100-minute "movie". Keep in mind this was originally conceived as a web-series, that was considered to be put onto TV, then went back to being a web-series, which will also air on TV in Feb. 2013. If it does well enough (i.e. people watch it and people buy the Blu-ray/DVD, which goes on sale Feb. 19, 2013), SyFy may consider more. Either more web-shows or maybe a run on TV.
  6. Oh wonderful...only 100+ pages dedicated to the VF-1...again... I'm sure they'll get the all the different color schemes this time. Are they gonna devote an extra 20 to Minmay this time around? I don't think they covered her costumes when the camera wasn't rolling on her... Or how about Mylene? Gotta get those panty shots in this time. And for you new people who will be picking this up, read back (and from the previous thread here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26302) regarding my absolute hatred on the filler sheets for the VF-1, Minmay, and Mylene.
  7. Little of column A, little of column B. Companies need to recoup their costs for those screens. So they put out large-but-low-resolution displays to offset. But at the same time, does one actually benefit from having a 1080p 32" display at a viewing distance greater than 4-ft? Consider this guide: http://carltonbale.com/1080p-does-matter/
  8. I'll leave the RT/Macross issue out of my response (plus the comments section of that article has all the RT/Macross talk) and focus of the point of the article. Greatest Love Story of the 20th Century? I'm somewhere between these 2:
  9. You may have to wait till they actually are released on their street date. I'm gonna have to agree with this. I may pick up the ones with new info but another entire collection is a bit too much, especially for those of us who collected the original set.
  10. The ever talented Sherlock Holmes of Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch, is voicing Smaug and the Necromancer in this film series. That answer your question?
  11. Blu-Ray/DVDs are being handled by directly by Bandai Visual, not Bandai Entertainment. So those will continue to be released on schedule.
  12. Well that would explain why a movie trailer is appearing at CES... Yeah, it's almost a blink-and-you'll-miss-the-ad kinda thing.
  13. Apparently, Banshee is getting some new parts (the Armed Armor DE that's coming out for UC Bande Dessinee Vol. 8 Limited Edition will make an appearance in the anime with Banshee as you can see).
  14. While I'm fine with linear or sandbox games, I prefer that the campaign be isolated and not be affected by side missions (That's why they're called side missions right?). For example, Crysis and Crysis: Warhead. What happens on Warhead does not affect Crysis in anyway, and actually builds up around what I saw in Crysis. Example of bad side story missions? C.o.D.: Black Ops 2. We have a campaign and side missions. Unfortunately, those side missions do affect the story of the campaign. So I should play them, even though you're giving me to option to skip them? If they affect the story, shouldn't I be forced to play them? That kind of open narrative annoys me. Like anime52k8 mentioned, I would be forced to spend more time on side quests than the actual campaign. Kinda breaks the pace of where the story is going don't you think? One thing I also don't like are unexplained time jumps. If you're going to make a franchise around a bunch of characters, at least try to follow the same characters or explain what happened to everyone else who didn't show up in some form or another. That's what annoyed me from Crysis to Crysis 2. What happened to Nomad, the girl and Pyscho...without making me look for a comic book which explains what happened (At least they're bringing back Psycho for Crysis 3). Build a bridge from one game to the next.
  15. It suppose to be a open environment where the player is free to choose any route to complete the objective. Basically, the player is dumped into a "sandbox" and they are free to explore, do missions, etc., within the "sandbox". Ubisoft keeps changing the plot but the idea is the same. Maybe it was the lack of a compelling story for Far Cry 2 but I wasn't impressed when I saw it either. I thought about Far Cry 3, but I really don't have time to immerse myself in a game for that long anymore. I may pick it up once it goes into the discount pile but probably not now.
  16. Seriously, this is just another Youtube fan video. Just like most of the other stuff on Youtube. If you have an opinion of their fan work, why not post in the Comments for the video or on their channel instead of here. Who cares what they call it. It's their project, they can call it whatever the hell they want. If you want to continue down this road we closed long ago, we can ban you right now and then you are free to go to Youtube and tell them how you feel without hiding here. Or, we can continue talking about the work these fans have done and encourage them to continue their work, I'm fine with that.
  17. So he was a campin' fegget. Every game has got 'em... Anybody use the sticky detonator on him and run away with a "LOL"?
  18. Dwarves live long lives. As much as 300+ years. Thorin was only middle 195 years old. There were some bits of white on his head and beard.
  19. Read this post in the Star Trek thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36464&view=findpost&p=1007605
  20. And this.
  21. When they do it to a rhythm, they're chanting "Deshi Deshi. Basara. Basara." Besides the various accents, the rhythm'd chanting, and no one says that in real life, that's probably what's contributing to the confusion. A romanized pronunciation would probably be "teeji basra".
  22. That is some very simple and nice boxart:
  23. For those of you wondering about Dark Horse's comic license, here ya go: Star Wars Comics Come Back To Marvel
  24. I'm all for the principal that you want them to a)admit they have a defective product and b)repair the thing or send you a replacement. But seriously, I would have gotten a new laptop by now. And if you still want want good customer support, Consumer Reports still rates Apple as the best. I did pick up a 670 a while back thanks to gift cards and while I have seen some instances where my 570 would choke and the 670 carry on, I would agree that for the price, a 660 would be a good investment that doesn't break the bank.
  25. Reviving 'cuz,apparently, there's movement. Here's the press release VALHALLA ENTERTAINMENT SET TO PRODUCE “GAIKING” FOR ANEW AND TOEI ANIMATION Maybe the buzz around Pacific Rim is spreading.
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