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Everything posted by azrael

  1. There's a Armor Unlock sweepstakes going on over on the Facebook page for Iron Man. https://www.facebook.com/ironman As a present, they are showing images of the many new armors that will show up in this movie. More will be coming hourly. (Spoiler'd for size)
  2. Speaking of the FB-version... RG 1/144 RX-78 Gundam GP-01 Zephyranthes (Release Date: Jul 2013, Price: 2500 yen) RG 1/144 RX-78 Gundam GP-01 FB Full Vernian (Release Date: Jul 2013, Price: 2500 yen) http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2013/03/rg-1144-rx-78-gundam-gp-01-new-image.html
  3. Hence, why we're seeing a big shift in gaming from consoles/PC to mobile gaming. If the creators came with a Macross game for iOS/Android, I'm sure it would be big business for the game producer. I'm sure we all see people using their smartphones/tablets playing games, at work or on the daily commute.
  4. Maybe a little from column A, a little from column B. PSPs are cheaper and more portable for most folks in Japan compared to the larger PS. So buyers may see that gaming-on-the-go more appealing than stationary gaming.
  5. BTW, did anyone watch Zero Dark Thirty or Moneyball? How is this guy in a slightly less comedic role (i.e. Parks and Recereation)? Chris Pratt Getting ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Lead
  6. The iPhone 5 is gonna be a year old. It's old technology next to the HTC One (March 2013) or the Galaxy S4 (April 2013). 'Tis the life of tech.... You can buy the one on your own (outside the family plan) with a new number and all. But you will be paying for 2 phones, 2 phone numbers, 2 plans.
  7. No. And proper training teaches you not to spray-&-pray. You are taught to shoot in controlled bursts. Other notes to consider are the GU-11's 55mm bullet compared to the GPU-9's 35mm bullet. Larger bullet, more punch/round, less ammo. And 1 real-life note, a Su-27 and 37 both use a GSh-30 30mm gun with ~150 rounds.
  8. Sorry to say but this show will not be back for another season. A NEW DIRECTION FOR LUCASFILM ANIMATION
  9. What could happen is (a)the system may not recognize the memory, (b) may boot but not be able to address more than 2GB on a 4GB stick due to the chipset, © you get a system failure during POST. That laptop is old enough that it came with 1GB of RAM when they came out. I doubt they accounted for anything larger than 4GB for the chipset at the time since it would likely be out-of-date by the time 4GB or 8GB became the new standard. You're welcome to try and place a 4GB stick in there but it might not boot or it might not be stable.
  10. Has anyone read the novel? Did this episode happen in the novel or was it faster than this? If it wasn't for the fact that GSD-HD remastered is going to start streaming at the end of the month, I would actually forget about Gundam. Seriously...Spring 2014?
  11. It's the opposite. Newer tech means older tech gets less demand. Less demand = reduce supply and prices jump up cuz now they have to spend money to make older tech when their equipment is geared toward new tech. Your Dell probably will support 4GB of RAM but only in a 2x2GB configuration. I'm not sure if it will take 4GB on a single slot.
  12. Back to Karkand is fun. Armored Kill is good if you haven't used the vehicles much. I actually started trying my hand with the jets with Armored Kill (I don't fly jets). Close Quarters is like Metro x2. Tight space madness. You gotta watch the corners. Aftermath is OK. Lots of nooks and crannies. I'm downloading Endgame so I haven't played that.
  13. Holy. Moley. I don't think Jeebus can save this launch: Following 800 poor reviews, Amazon stops selling download copies of SimCity The SimCity Disaster Continues: EA Disables Features To Try To Get The Servers Working
  14. Those that wish to participate in the beta can sign up here: http://www.bungie.net/en-us/View/bungie/userresearch/index
  15. Why would they build another ship right behind the other...in the same pool of water??? Why? Don't answer that. I know the answer. "Cuz it's Robotech." And to bring this slightly in line with the thread, that would be something they could address in a movie.
  16. Hmmm....How you...how you comin' that SDF-2 you're constructing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_BqW0Gw0bU
  17. Iron Man 3 theatrical trailer (YT link coming soon) http://movies.yahoo.com/video/iron-man-3-theatrical-trailer-030044893.html
  18. And that's why I'm not giving out any ideas. If they want ideas, they'll have to pay me before I release them to the public.
  19. People who don't exist with that name here. Unless you know that this person exists here with that name here, refrain from using it.
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