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Everything posted by azrael

  1. You'd probably make those poses too if you were tied up and hung up in a harness that crushed your balls.
  2. We'll find out if they're true when it premieres in the UK next week. Oh and spoiler tags please until after the May 17th weekend (after it opens for most of Europe, Asia, Australia, and USA). Commentary about the sad state of Hollywood is fine, but the rest needs spoiler tags.
  3. And yes, the synopsis is online already if you wish to be spoiled.
  4. Ummmm, maybe it's because I'm use to the feel of the textured-look to the suits used in the previous movies, but this looks a bit too much like the shiny spandex from Sentai shows. Spidey Returns To THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Set Gorgeous Pics Of Spidey's New Costume On THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Set EDIT: New set pics. Now I see what's weird. The suit looks a little loose/too big for the suit actor. It also looks like the suit actor gained some weight...
  5. There's a 1st look floating around, but it's unofficial and may get pulled. But here's the official teaser:
  6. Roy Fokker? We have nobody in the database going by the name of "Roy Fokker". Roy Focker? Dunno. Probably sometime around 2002 or around the start of the war.
  7. Take from this what you will. And I know we had some Homeworld players here at one time. Going once, going twice! Gearbox picks up Homeworld in THQ auction
  8. Ok, let's try to steer this conversation back to the movie, which is now just a month-and-change away from theaters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ffwt0IKk51M
  9. Well, it had to end at some point. 'Futurama' to end seven-season run on Sept. 4 -- EXCLUSIVE
  10. How about we just leave it at "Not everyone likes or hates the same Gundam show" and leave it at that. And we're all insane if we're arguing about which is a better 25-minute toy commercial disguised as a children's show.
  11. Going back to the 1st print of the Chronicle, the article on the YF-24 may shed light on why it became costly (they may reprint this section later). The VF-19/VF-22 would occasionally operate in high-G instances. Very few pilots would be able to attempt those cases so they had to work on a solution to "dumb it down" for every pilot. They couldn't find a solution to fit these 2 fighters and they probably ended up spending a lot more money to "fix" a brand new toy after they just got it. Because money was an issue, they cut back deployment. The article did mention that the UN heads were also not very happy that the YF-19 broke through Earth's defenses during the "Sharon Apple Incident". So that was a reason. The article also mentioned that UAVs also out-performed manned-aircraft by a landslide but that the heads didn't really like the idea of an AI like Sharon running around, unleashed. And we all know how much cheaper it was to roll out UAVs.
  12. So if anything, people are actually getting an extended look on certain elements from the books directly from the original author's head. No reason to complain there...
  13. Sherlock S3 and S4 first, dammit. Then he can do whatever.
  14. I'm waiting for HISHE to post a trailer #3 reaction. LOL. Here's the reaction to the teaser from a few months ago:
  15. Toys and models (and merchandise in general) have other factors riding on them. Did people buy the products or services? Does a company make a profit on their products (Bandai, Yamato, etc.)? Did a company allow itself to be bought out, i.e. was the sale willingly done and not mitigated by other factors? Especially with business, we don't get a clear picture because private companies are in no position to tell the public any concrete information.
  16. Cap's new suit: And yes, I think I know where they got the suit design from... (spoiled' for size) At least the belt is a different color and stands out from the suit unlike Whedon's.
  17. Pink doesn't look right on screen. Worked for Batman. As teaser trailers go, that was pretty standard. Give me an actual trailer.
  18. So apparently, there will be 2 games under this title. Batman: Arkham Origins for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PC. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate for Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita which will be set directly after Arkham Origins. https://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2013/04/09/may-cover-revealed-batman-arkham-origins.aspx
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