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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Maybe Microsoft got the idea that offline isn't a bad thing... Microsoft: Next Xbox will work even when your Internet doesn’t
  2. Guess that means any future Star Wars: The Old Republic releases won't work offline or online.
  3. He was a proponent of giving Gwyneth Paltrow some action in this movie, if anything. There was also a GQ article from March about life after Tony Stark after Avengers 2. Take these as you will. And I know he's in talks with Marvel about further Iron Man movies.
  4. I'll just leave this here. Can't say we tried to stop this... Megan Fox: 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Set!
  5. http://www.pacificrimmovie.com/downloads/PRM_SUPER_HORIZONTAL_WW_res.jpg Way too big for an image tag. Have a link. Or find it at your local theater.
  6. Yes. There have been a number of strange posters as well as FNGs. They don't use Google or the forum's search feature to look up threads. At least with the FNGs, that issue has existed since MW started and is not an uncommon issue on forums elsewhere.
  7. I think someone needs other hobbies... Might help pass the time in-between.
  8. From the walkthrough, this looks '80s-cheesy .... done right. Nostalgia is a helluva drug. I might actually download it from my barely-used Steam account.
  9. No. It's the guy in the title for this movie. In case I forgot to mention, people may want to check out some graphic novels to get an idea about this story: http://www.amazon.com/Captain-America-Vol-Ultimate-Collection/dp/0785143416/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367528443&sr=8-1&keywords=captain+america+winter+soldier
  10. Anthony Mackie on set, in costume. Anthony Mackie Spotted As ‘The Falcon’ On Set of CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER I'm guessing the wings will be added in post for this scene. About the costume....soooooo....generic. Not impressed. And more concept art: New CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER Details And Concept Art Revealed I'm sure the spies are looking for Sebastian Stan to appear in costume on set.
  11. At least for another ~15 hours. The midnight showings should be tonight. Here's what they added to the Chinese release: 'Iron Man 3' China-Only Scenes Draw Mixed Response
  12. Lemme guess, one of the gripes in this also rings true for this movie?
  13. Yes it was bad, but lawsuit worthy? Gearbox and Sega falsely advertised Aliens: Colonial Marines with press demos, according to lawsuit
  14. And if your eyes caught it, you'd see our olde frenemies, the Klingons.
  15. I did see pics of Garfield on set, in costume for that scene. So he maybe there for the closeups but otherwise, it's probably the stuntman. You folks who can be near the set during filming, look for the guy in the puffy jacket. Spidey Swoops In To Help Jamie Foxx In AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Set Video & Pics
  16. Another clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkdaaLSEKWA Sherlock can't start soon enough cuz damn BC's voice is like crack.... On the spoiler side...Yeah, it's inching toward "true" for these plot leaks we've seen.
  17. My comments: #4: Did article author ever read John Bryne's Man of Steel? Jor-El knew where he was sending his child to and knew his son would have special gifts under the yellow sun there. And that was back in 1986. #3: This is very clearly spelled out in the movie. It's the moral issue vs. the fear of society rejection. If your child had gifts beyond belief, you think you would want the media and governments hounding your family for the rest of your lives? Did the author watch Smallville during those 10 years it was on? That was one of the running themes of the show. #2: Relates to #3. If you heard of a kid that could lift an entire bus filled with people out of the water, you would expect some fear with that "Thanks". Again, society fears what it doesn't understand. Again, also look at Bryne's Man of Steel or Morrison's All-Star Superman, or the very quote from Jor-El in this very movie. Superman gives them something to look up to. Something that inspires others. Jor-El knew humans have potential, but they needed a kick. #1: From the looks of it, and as was done before, Jor-El is responsible for Zod's downfall. Zod has a bone to pick with the House of El. A very sharp and pointy bone. And Supes stays because this is the only world he's known. He never knew about Krypton. Earth is home to him. And if he can do something about it, why not stay and fight for your home?
  18. Well, they were in post-production by the time the announcement of Abrams' Star Wars-attachment came about so they already had it all on film so you can't blame Star Wars for this.
  19. You had some notifications disabled so you would not receive notices when you visited the forums. I've re-enabled them for you and sent you a test PM. Let me know if it works. edit: fixed!
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