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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yeah, Sony did their little tease late yesterday. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/05/sonys-next-gaming-system-is-an-out-of-focus-black-rectangle/ Here's a write-up for what was presented. http://kotaku.com/the-next-xbox-is-called-xbox-one-509069410
  2. Time for a new tag for this thread: Xbox One 8-core processor 8GB RAM Blu-Ray USB3 500GB HD HDMI in/out SmartGlass Kinect: 1080p camera, Skype connectivity New controller: new battery, ergonomics, d-pad. Improved response-triggers, programmable triggers More details and game announcements coming at E3 in 3 weeks. Xbox One IS NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE with Xbox 360: http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-is-not-backward-compatible-509088037 Xbox One games will be tied to your Xbox Live account (i.e., there goes the Used Games market)
  3. Judging by the comments here...perhaps Netflix for me. Sounds like too many "Good grief"-moments.
  4. Like I said, read the comic. It will explain it a lot better.
  5. Since Clone Wars is coming to an end, we're getting a replacement. http://starwars.com/news/new-animated-series-star-wars-rebels-coming-fall-2014.html And because title, I have to throw in the obligatory clip (Sorry, cleanest copy I could find in a hurry on YT). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPqpuwVqlrs
  6. YT link: And if you preorder, you will receive Deathstroke as a playable character DLC. Some other tidbits: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/05/20/batman-arkham-origins-is-a-blast-from-the-past Batman will be voiced by Roger Craig Smith (Ezio from Assassin's Creed and Chris Redfield from Resident Evil). So is Kevin Conroy doing a flashback roll in this or does he have his games mixed up? Troy Baker will be voicing The Joker. Also taking a cue from the earlier setting is now you'll have to avoid the GCPD as Commissioner Loeb will be after you (Batman).
  7. Was anybody at Dallas Comic-Con to hear this? CONFIRMED: Kevin Conroy Says he WILL Return to Voice Batman in 'Batman: Arkham Origins'!
  8. They could breathe fire. I would suggest looking for the graphic novel as it would probably help explaining what Extremis is. http://marvel.wikia.com/Extremis_virus
  9. Ummm...Try the next page. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33374
  10. "Main Trailer" (whatever that means) And you Aussies get to see your mech in action...kinda sorta.
  11. The Tornado pack mounted on Alto's VF-25 is designed to enter atmosphere. In fact, it's a feature of the pack. And Ozma used the Armored pack within the colony in the TV series too. And the colony; that's technically not a gravity environment.
  12. Probably has something to do with this: Netflix cuts back on expiration dates after streamaggedon
  13. Probably the suit. Or maybe they told the actor to "bulk up" a bit. Probably didn't tell him to stop. Or the stunt guy is the one with the pot belly.
  14. It looks like they're throwing out a lot of money for the pilot episode. But I can't say what the budget will be for the rest of the season. But ya' know, with $300M (US) and near $1B total worldwide from Iron Man 3, you would think Disney has enough money to spend on this show.
  15. Maybe this is the "Evolution". MG 1/100 RX-78-2 Gundam Ver. 3.0 Announced - First Images!
  16. Yes. We are well aware of the "Post 1st, search Google/Wiki/online resources later"-mentality lately. As mentioned in the 1st post of this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34315&p=885417
  17. It has premiered in parts of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Asia, Central America. So if you don't want to be spoiled... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1408101/releaseinfo?ref_=tt_ov_inf
  18. Should any of you wish to have a leg up, or just want to watch this flick early, and are in the LA-area: http://www.lafilmfest.com/films/special-screenings/#.UYu05kqQMoM
  19. And now the nitty-gritty talk can happen now that Iron Man 3 is in theaters and had an impressive opening weekend. Robert Downey Jr And ‘Avengers’ Cast Ready To Rumble With Stingy Marvel Over Sequel Money And Strong-Arming
  20. If you mean Flashback 2012, look around. Otherwise there's nothing called "Macross 2012". YouTube? Hulu? Amazon? Netflix? Google is your friend. Import it from Japan. AmiAmi? CD Japan? If you want it on Blu-ray, there are threads for those. Use the search. Search is your friend. Don't know. Buy the Japanese Blu-ray. Use Search. Search is your friend. Use Search. Search is your friend. And searching Amazon, Netflix, Youtube would probably help you.
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