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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I'd be wary of any review up there with a month before the release date.
  2. jenius means this thing: http://www.robotech.com/infopedia/mecha/viewmecha.php?id=64
  3. As I understand, it's not really a follow-up to SC. Not in that sense at least. This is suppose to show how Lancer/Yellow Dancer came to Earth during the 1st operation to retake Earth and some of the aftermath of the Invid (Think Mospeada's LLA with some Yun-footage crammed in there). Here's the RT homepage spread: http://www.robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=488 Hummm... So there's an extra 40 minutes of stuff into RT's version of LLA.
  4. As I mentioned, let's see if consumers still feel burned by MS. There's still the creepy always-on Kinect and the +$100 price point of the console. And there's still the possibility (though unlikely for a long time) that MS will bring the DRM-restrictions back in some form or another.
  5. My suggestion: Read this thread and all the threads before it which we link to: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36541
  6. Microsoft decided to make a dramatic change in the UI. They designed it based around an interface for tablets and touch devices (i.e., phones). While fine for consumption devices, it's been a nightmare for desktop and a majority of laptop users or people who still use keyboards and mice and IT operations, i.e., people on the productivity-side of things. The standard UI is very limiting because it is designed around a tablet/phone interface. The training curve for the new UI is too steep for most people to learn and or too time consuming for training. People had to use 3rd-party software to bring back the familiar interface which may break on Windows 8.1. While the hope was for Windows 8.1 to resolve many of these issues, that doesn't seem to be the case. In fact, Microsoft didn't seem to get the hint, at all. Microsoft tried to meld together a UI for consumption devices with a UI for productivity and it's not working. David Pogue of NY Times summed it up best: There are plenty of articles you can search for if you want to know more than my summary. Wonder if someone higher up called him in for a personal meeting immediately after E3.
  7. Microsoft will be careful about letting the DRM genie out of his bottle now. If they decide to bring it back later, which isn't beyond possibility, they will probably have made their money off it by that time. Will it be worth hacking by that time? I would like to see the long-term impact on sales. Will consumers forgive and buy in to the XBone? Or do they feel like they've had enough with Microsoft and move to the PS4? We'll see. Now if only the Windows team would take a page from the Xbox/Game Studio division and reverse Windows 8/8.1. (Yeah, I threw that in again.)
  8. I prefer to say, "All the Above". I'm sure HG will promote this at AX2013. They're scheduled 1st thing on the last day (Sunday). Ya know, the day after Masquerade and when all the dealers are trying to get rid of their stuff.
  9. Now if only they'll undo the always-on Kinect... and Windows 8.
  10. Microsoft reverses Xbox One DRM policy, kills required online check-in and used game complications Post is live: http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update
  11. And Sony gets taken back down a peg... Don't Update Your PS3 Today! [update: Firmware Pulled]
  12. Until there is an official announcement for a sequel, I'll leave this here: Prometheus Sequel Gets Itself a Writer At least they decided not to call back Lindelof.
  13. On the bright side of things for Microsoft... Xbox 360 top console in May...with 114,000 units sold Feels like a "get it while it's still good"-moment.
  14. Yeah, it's PR speak for "No comment". As for PR people...I think last week showed us Microsoft should seriously consider layoffs in the PR department.
  15. Which means they'll patch it when it nears End-of-Life to act as a local authentication server. Or the next Xbox will also use the same style of authentication so that it accepts the next Xbox and XBone.
  16. I felt the story was a disjointed at spots. Some spots felt like they needed something in between. Instead of A->B->C->D, it felt like A->B->D or A->C->D. It happened enough times to notice. It wasn't the full movie but with individual scenes. What was presented were things that needed to shown but how those scenes played out by themselves needed work. The action here is significantly better than Singer's version and we finally get to see things that Donner could never do back in the day, but yes, I can see why the critic reviews were not stellar.
  17. People want their Halo. Anyone wanna bet on how many PS4s we'll see on eBay on launch day?
  18. Yeah...because the Launch Day PS4s are all pre-ordered. No one wants to get the standard PS4? Cuz there's this note:
  19. Here's a thought: Instead of just saying you're gonna ignore someone, just do it and don't say a word. Now both of you can sit in the corner of the room.
  20. Exactly. Which is why I said they would have a lot of angry customers. Microsoft defends Xbox One: 'Digital is better' (CNN) I found this quote amusing: I'll say it again, cuz this plan worked SOOOOO well for Windows 8/8.1. Yes, Digital is better, but not they way Microsoft is doing it. Found this on a Xbone thread on Gamespot:
  21. And we know how well that's going for them... But yes, what happens when the authentication servers go down and stay down for weeks? When the PSN was hacked, Sony shut down the network service for 24 days. If something happens to XBone, and Microsoft has to take its network down for a month, you are going to have lots of angry customers. LOTS. At least when PSN went down, gamers could still play locally-run games.
  22. Yeah and we now know, one is the XBone, and the other is a redesigned XB360. Yeah...rumors from 2012.
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