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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yeh....someone might wanna inform them of what they have before, you know, ...they get sued. DMY. Part of me feels bad for Voltron-fans. And this is why we don't do this crossover crap. Except for Super Robot Wars and A.C.E..
  2. Rumor: Microsoft may be upgrading the specs of the Xbox One before its release Considering hardware development just got a new boss, it wouldn't surprise me if there was a spec bump prior to release.
  3. For anyone who will be attending SDCC 2013: SDCC 2013 Metroplex Unboxing and New Details About Exclusive Set
  4. Folks, use spoiler tags if you're going to talk about specific scenes in the movie. Spoiler policy will remain in effect through Monday.
  5. There a little more war-of-words in SEED Destiny. Athrun doesn't Bright-slap the boy enough. When it originally aired, Shinn came across to me as very Anakin-Skywalker-y to to me. It started to drag right around the time Freedom reappears then slowly started to look like SEED around the end of the 3rd arc.
  6. This might be more worth it if it included the movies or anyone who didn't get the series the first time around.
  7. Considering most are from genre fanboys and most critics are under embargoes which prevent them from posting until next week, I will hold my cautious optimism.
  8. E3 game footage:
  9. Microsoft CEO Said to Give Bates Mergers Role in Revamp Now we know they didn't learn anything. [sarcasm] And apparently now you'll need that Kinect to use that XBone 'cuz it's gonna have that Ribbon or Metro Modern-UI interface which requires touch but since most TVs don't have touch-interfaces....KINECT! Oh and that spankin' new Xbox controller is obsolete now that the Windows chief is in charge of hardware engineering. TOUCH-UI! "USABLE"-UI[/sarcasm]
  10. While a great concept, we're rehashing Gunpla Builders in a new format. Why not just make Gunpla Builders a full TV series?
  11. Bumblebee is getting another reformat???? http://michaelbay.com/2013/07/02/bumblebee-2014-concept-camaro-2/ ALT: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-just-movie-31/bumblebee-2014-concept-camaro-officially-revealed-all-vehicles-unveiled-177914/ BTW, for the Automotive thread readers, this is the 2014 Camaro concept or maybe the 2016 Camaro.
  12. Steve Ballmer replaces Don Mattrick as Xbox One chief Yeah, instead of hiring a new guy, all the Xbox-heads now talk to Ballmer. This is gonna be great.
  13. How about all in 1 show and all on 1 kit-bash? It's a story involving customized Gunpla; it could happen.
  14. So...it's Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G in a TV format...and with actual MSs instead of models and simulators... They have to keep the new generation entertained. I get the feeling Origin is gonna be the next Unicorn. OAV on a really long release cycle.
  15. Exclusive: Microsoft’s Entertainment Head Don Mattrick Leaving to Take Top Role — Possibly CEO — at Zynga? Now all that needs to happen is axe a few heads on the Windows Development team.
  16. Just to clarify, this guy is called MG Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW. Newer pics and details: Gundam Wing Endless Waltz MG Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW - Images & Info
  17. We're probably crossing into the Car-thread territory here: http://michaelbay.com/2013/06/25/pagani-huayra/ Who wants to pull a name out of the hat for this 'Bot? Anyone?
  18. Here's a visual for people wanting to know what the differences are (courtesy of The Oatmeal):
  19. Well then, here's how it might have ended... Here's How 'World War Z' Originally Ended Before the Reshoots.
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