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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yeah, except it isn't us, primarily, doing the talking. We're just sitting back watching the show. To which I welcome them Hasbro-fanboy youngins to the Sued-by-HG club.
  2. They 300'd The 47 Ronin. You know the ronin all commit suicide at the end of that story right? Oh sorry, SPOILER ALERT.
  3. Only way this would go to court is if they drive the mediator crazy. The more cases that are settled out of court, the less grumpy the judge will be. And since HG is the plaintiff, the burden of proof is on them to show that Hasbro committed a violation of their trademark. If HG wins, you expect Hasbro reclaim all those toys they sold at SDCC? Really?
  4. Thought they wrote a script treatment. Maybe not?
  5. Yeah, and I watched it on Hulu for free. At work. During lunch. I want that bandwidth back but I know that won't happen. If the store asks, just say the DVD player won't play it. In fact, it shot it out as soon as you put it in.
  6. Not really. HG and Macross finished a long time ago. This is a brand new game. Considering this is a SDCC exclusive, there's not a lot of money from selling this. How many did they sell at SDCC? Does Hasbro plan on selling it again?
  7. Yes, it got mention earlier. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36540&p=1063964 But since this toy is the offending piece of plastic, talk of this case should go here. And as I alluded to in the other thread, HG has now managed to piss off Macross, Mechwarrior and Hasbro fans now. Can't wait till Mattel gets some HG-love.
  8. Now Hasbro fans can join us Macross and Mechwarrior-fans. Welcomed to the club.
  9. For those bad game masochists out there: Aliens: Colonial Marines 'Stasis Interrupted' DLC tells the story of Hicks, out now
  10. Which is probably why they are just jumping to Batman/Superman. It's not like we have a generation that didn't see The Dark Knight Trilogy or doesn't know how Batman started. The best Bale-Batman voice was in Batman Begins. After that, it sounded like someone had serious throat cancer. As long as they don't go beyond that voice, I'll be happy.
  11. Oh Row-bow-tech. Causing Macross headaches since 1985.
  12. I have heard various reports that certain stars have been cast as key Nova Corps members. Hopefully, they'll make it to the final film. Would be a waste if they didn't use them. Nova suits look like...police uniforms. So no special powers for the Novas? Just people in uniforms?
  13. As I recall from the audio recording of the panel, they only used that line from TDKR as a teaser since most fans know that line. But as it won't be a versus-movie, Bats and Superman will probably fight once and argue. Synder even mentioned they are not adapting The Dark Knight Returns. Here's a clip with video from the panel: Synder and Goyer should ask the HISHE guys to write the humor for the movie. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLimhOT0Avg-Q1zzIFxw0DOcBmDcat4bnK
  14. And now we have a title: Avengers: Age of Ultron. And they revealed the design of our villain.
  15. From EW: Cobie Smulders joins 'SHIELD'! First photo I'm assuming she'll show up from time to time this season until How I Met Your Mother concludes this season.
  16. SDCC released Season 4 trailer:
  17. See title: In theaters July 26, 2013. Unless you went to SDCC. In which case, there was a drawing for an early screening/SDCC exclusive.
  18. If Japan has to bring back the man-in-suit in 2015 or 2016, then we'll know. Guess we'll find out on Saturday. Panel is scheduled for Sat. 7/20, 10:45am in Hall H.
  19. Hence, why we don't do give in to fan-wanking and do crossovers.
  20. We must be really close to SDCC: http://www.omnicorp.com/ The SDCC 2013 panel for this movie will with the Sony panel on Friday, 7/19 @ 4:05PM PST in Hall H.
  21. It's from the VF-0 Master File book. It's official in that it's official fan art (was made for the book, not any animation or "official" materials) .
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