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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I thought Affleck didn't want to do superhero movies anymore. I know there was talk of him directing Justice League, but Bats? -How does Affleck look in a Armani suit? Cuz Bale kinda knocked it out of the park with that look in the last set of films. Bruce Wayne is, ya know... a business man of one of the most powerful companies in the DC Universe. -No Bat-nipples. Please make it look something like armor. Despite Nolan's liberties on the last 2 films, at least he got the idea that Batman needs armor, not a rubber suit with nipples and a smooth ass. -How's his Bat-voice? Can he make his Bruce Wayne-voice feel different from his Bat-voice? I'm not talking Bale-throat-cancer-voice but you know, he's got to make the 2 personas sound really different. -Someone give him a cowl and let's see his Bat-glare.
  2. I just want a MG Jegan. Yes, something so simple as a freakin' Jegan.
  3. So, it's only been what...2 months since RT:LLA came out on it's own set with SC and now they're combining it with yet another collection set and only throwing in Mospeada: Love Live Alive and with a fanart box? Didn't they release a boxset for the entire series like a year ago?
  4. MG Sazabi Ver. Ka., available Dec. 2013.
  5. When I read that, I thought to myself, "Crytek is saying to hell with Change Control and Quality Assurance checks."
  6. I don't see it as if they are trying to be funny, but it's so outlandish with the violence and blood that it's comedic. It's like a gory teen horror flick where after the 2rd character dies, how the others die starts losing the appeal. The deaths becomes is almost cliche. That's kinda what I see in this franchise.
  7. Enough of the freedom of whatever-talk. I get enough of that from Alan Moore. Who cares if Jim Carrey doesn't want to support this movie. That doesn't decide whether or not this will be a good movie. I'm gonna have to side with Twoducks about this comic and movie. Seems more for shock value and blood over actual substance. Never saw the 1st movie. The clips floating around didn't impress me. The clips for the 2nd movie also don't impress me either. I see this as one of those extreme-end genre movies that takes it too far to the point where it's more comedic than actual story.
  8. On most VFs with a PPB system, usage is limited to Battroid mode due to power consumption. However, a VF-25 with Armored pack can use PPBs in fighter mode due to the presence of a energy capacitor in the Armored pack. A VF-27 can use PPB in fighter mode thanks to the 4 engines it possesses.
  9. At least they deployed the prop into the field instead of using a giant blue screen and place holder dots.
  10. I think Batman/Superman Adventures: World's Finest would probably the best piece to look at. And we really don't need to establish Batman as much if this is going to be more Man of Steel 2 as oppose to World's Finest or Batman vs. Superman. They can use the fight mechanics of The Dark Knight Returns to portray how Batman could fight Superman. And really, there have been lots of comic and cartoon portrayals of how Batman would fight Superman and it basically comes down to Batman having to outwit, outmaneuver, and misdirect Superman. One of the best things to do if they use Batman/Superman Adventures: World's Finest as a guide is they introduce Lex Luthor. But there are tons of other stories they can draw upon to introduce Lex Luthor together with Batman. Man of Steel leaves that door open since they practically leveled a city.
  11. The whole "GU"-naming convention means little since those are company designations. We've seen "GPU" on the VF-0, "Gsh" on the SV-51, "MC" on the VF-17/171, or even "ESA" on the VF-25's wing root guns. Would they be considered a rail gun? Probably not. Normally, they would make mention of that fact in the specs if was. But we haven't seen anything to that effect. A beam gun could also be considered "cartridgeless".
  12. There is such a thing as a cartridge-less gun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_G11 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerasimenko_VAG-73 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caseless_ammunition
  13. Sentinels == Robotech =/= Macross. Whether Zentradi-stuff from Sentinels-books is canon to Robotech is anybody's guess. But it sure isn't official canon to Macross by a long shot.
  14. It's a possibility. If HG wants monetary compensation for this piece of plastic, Hasbro can say "See you in court". The whole point of settle-out-of-court isn't that one side wins or loses. It's to avoid the scrutiny of the court and any after-effects. But we'll see if and how Hasbro responds to this.
  15. *Must con..tain... smart...ass * That would be truly outrageous. Truly, truly, truly outrageous.
  16. That won't be bad because then they actually have something that isn't a Macross toy. Ya know, something NEW.
  17. This means little to businesses. Or I should say, partners are only defined by the contracts connecting them. In Japan, not in the USA.
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