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Everything posted by azrael

  1. You know...conspiracy theorists are already running around saying that he went to Nokia, just to bring it down so that MS could buy out Nokia's phone business. Me? This just sounds like a bad idea. If it were up to me, I'd look outside the Microsoft sphere-of-influence for a CEO.
  2. LLA was so groundbreaking and such a success that it shattered the space-time continuum and brought RT to the Voltron-verse. It was so awesome that Roy was brought back to life, just so he could do battle with evil King Zarkon and the Robeasts.
  3. And all this has to do with RT: Love, Live, Alive how? Don't even answer that cuz I don't care. Get back on topic.
  4. "CV"/"CVN"/"CVS"/"FFM" are probably more analogous to registry numbers like "CVN-65" or "CVN-80", or "NCC-1701". I believe the question is do the ships have a "USS" in their names.
  5. It's from that same author who wrote that RT was the greatest love story. That should say something about his opinions and editorial at that site.
  6. Price drops are effective Sept. 20, 2013. Wii U Price Drops $50 Effective September 20 If it dropped another $50, it would be more tempting. Maybe in a year when the price drops further.
  7. With this and BF4 on my list, I wish I had more time for these games...
  8. At least they'll let you unplug it or turn it off now. http://techland.time.com/2013/08/13/xbox-one-lets-you-turn-off-kinect-not-that-youd-want-to/
  9. At this time, we are not going to increase the cap on animated GIFs. Our main concern is with regards to mobile devices. We have tested other forums with lots more images on our phones and we found the performance to be less than satisfactory.
  10. Sorry for the delay. This function was removed by Invision. Sorry.
  11. We're looking into it.
  12. That kid in me says "YES!". But the adult smacks the kid over the head and says, "Remember, Michael Bay is in charge."
  13. Yes. It's that as well. To us. Glad you asked because there's a thread for that. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30317 You betcha'. Give that man a cigar. AFOS. And Shin.
  14. He's actually right....kinda. Within the Macross universe, they made a movie, coincidentally named "Do You Remember Love?". And it kinda looked like DYRL?. Kinda like how they made a film called "Bird Man" in Frontier which coincidentally looks like Macross Zero. Some facts were changed and such to make it work for a movie and as a work of drama, but within the Macross-universe, they did make a movie, that coincidentally, looks a lot like Do You Remember Love?. We don't know if Minmay ever sang "Ai Oboete Imasu Ka?", but she probably didn't. But why does history have to get in the way of good drama. We see these works of fiction as if we are watching them after they have happened just like some shows about periods before our time. No one can say for sure if that's how it did happen exactly, but the one true fact is that it's fiction or drama, based on historical events.
  15. Someone has to write those apps for your smartphone or tablet. Someone has to write those long financial reports with huge spreadsheets and slideshows for the executives. People need massive amounts of computing power to run calculations or process data for experiments. Someone has spend time on Illustrator and/or Photoshop creating or fixing images with huge monitors and pen-&-tablet input devices. Someone has to mix together an entire score with huge sound boards. Tablets and smartphones can't do that. Not at the same level. I made this argument a page back. To bring what mikeszekely said 1 step higher, tablets and phones are, undoubtedly, THE device of choice for consumption computing now. But, professional work still is best on traditional devices. Was Windows 8 a necessary move? Probably. Was it done well? No. Under-the-hood updates for Windows 8 carries lots of new things that are needed. But it was wrapped up inside a UI that no one could understand. It was reported this week that Lenovo and Acer are actually bundling Pokki in their Windows 8-images just so people can use they computers they buy from them. And unfortunately, Windows 8 will now be synonymous with Surface RT which made all the wrong moves and is now suffering from a $900-million write-down.
  16. Oh thank you Jeebus! Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to retire within 12 months First business for the next CEO: DUMP WINDOWS 8 AND EVERYONE WHO THOUGHT METRO WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA FOR PROFESSIONALS.
  17. I know Kevin Smith does a podcast. Can someone post that episode when he starts yapping about his bud playing Batman. I feel like torturing myself when he starts talking out of his ass. Seriously, I know things have been good for him lately but...Batman? Can't wait till HISHE, ScreenRant and a few other YT channels put up their vids.
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