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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Cumberbatch's voice does that to a lot of people. Which is why people love hearing it. (Dammit, hurry up with Sherlock S3!!!!!)
  2. Gotham Central had a good 3-year run in the comics. It could work.
  3. Yeh, Valve is throwing their hat into the console wars. Whether or not they'll survive, that's anybody's guess.
  4. Ultron bursting out of an Iron Man armor...they pulling from the archives and linking Ultron to JARVIS?
  5. Yeah, I don't see as anything other than another console entering the market. Mass market? Dunno. Can they dethrone Xbox or Playstation? We'll see in a few years what the outlook is.
  6. Microsoft to gamers: Xbox One should only go horizontal MS's version of "You're hold it wrong"?
  7. Chances are we'll be saved from that little monster. Justin Bieber As Robin May Not Be True: Funny or Die Stunt Not funny, and I hope he dies just like he did in CSI:Miami (see GIF in my previous post).
  8. Yeah, I think that black suit is the source of fan discomfort. It feels too much like a guy-in-suit a less like robot while the "classic"-look feels more mechanical.
  9. Maybe it's me, but I think the classic-colored look would give a better feeling of "man losing himself to a machine"-appeal than a black suit. The black suit feels like boron carbide plates instead of actual metal.
  10. This would be the best answer. Tranquil was the advisor to Chlore's fleet. She showed up because she served a story-purpose. Did Lap Lamiz have one? Probably. Was there a story purpose for the character? Likely no. So there was no need to waste screen space for a character.
  11. Ah, I just read something about that this week. McCoy didn't know how the other popsicles' blood would work. Since he already tried Khan's blood on the Tribble, he had a working example. So why risk with the others' blood and just use Khan's. Yeah, that part needed explaining within the movie and I'm not happy that it had to come as a extra bit of info after the fact. Link Century = 100 years. 300 years > 1 century. So sleeping for "centuries" is semantically correct. Bear in mind they could have rounded up the number but "centuries" is technically correct.
  12. I left the home audio system world long ago. But this part, I can help you with. I've used Exact Audio Copy with LAME to handle the encoding. EAC has some features for error correction for damaged discs which could be useful for ripping older or more worn discs. Otherwise, you can try CDex. It also supports LAME for encoding. EAC supports FreeDB for CD catalog lookups, which would help identifying CD tracks. CDex supports CDDB for catalog lookups. If you want to shorten the names,that you have to do manually since many players support tag information so shortening names isn't necessary.
  13. And this is why many of us just stopped responding to these threads. This is one of the many reasons why the Licensing thread was shut down. Why so many other threads were shut down. Until something new comes out, something so radically different, this cycle will repeat. And unless you want to stay on this train to nowhere, I would strongly suggest getting off. Right. Now. Now, regarding LLA, nowhere do I see on the ads of what those 90-minutes of RT:LLA actually is comprised of. Mospeada: LLA was 50 minutes of clip show. So that's 40 minutes of additional footage + extras + trailers + whatever other stuff they could put on the disc.
  14. Cuz if you haven't seen it, it's new to you. And since most people who would buy this did not see Mospeada - Love, Live, Alive... well, you know the answer.
  15. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33780
  16. Ain't post-production great? Because that's what the interwebs does ALL THE TIME. I like the ED-209 and drones walking down the street and laying waste to anything that moves. Heavy usage of CGI...*sigh*
  17. Sleeker, less smaller plates and lines. I liked the concept behind the TDK/TDKR suit but it felt busy with all the segments and lines. And I liked the head piece being separate from the neck instead of 1 piece. I would like Bats to crouch and have that freedom of movement from the Nolan films. I'd like to see the actor turn their head without doing chest turn. A good starting point is the Arkham Origins suit: It's got the right armored look without being too busy but it's a little bulky. Ears are an acceptable length, but the forearm bracers and the boots look too big. If they could use the gauntlets from Batman Begins, which were much smaller, less busy and more streamlined, that would be good.
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