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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Titanfall falls on March 11, 2014 for Xbox One, PC, and Xbox 360
  2. Stock kit vs. custom kit. And the custom is a Red, which means it's already 3x as fast as the cannon fodder.
  3. Those of you who have applied for the beta: Bungie posting Destiny beta codes on Twitter, Facebook this week
  4. Focus on Build please. If you want to talk about all the shows before this one, go here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=18457
  5. Too bad it wasn't some rabid fanboys, just extortionists. Michael Bay Explains The Transformers: Age Of Extinction Hong Kong Incident
  6. The Battlefield 4-beta is finished so any other comments will have to wait for the final release. That being said, I seriously hope they fix the graphics/framerate issues. I was running 320.xx Nvidia drivers on High-settings and it wasn't too bad but as soon as I updated to the 327.xx drivers, I felt like I was lagging when I was actually dropping lots of frames. Even dropping down to Low-quality did not help. I've heard upgrading to Windows 8 or using Geforce-beta drivers fixed the dropped frames but since a lot of people are sticking to Windows 7, yeah, DICE better fix this in the final release.
  7. AGE suffered from doing too much in too little time. It started out fairly standard, got better toward the end of the 1st arc, then nose-dived at the beginning of the 2nd arc, got really good toward the end of the 2nd arc, then slowly sunk when when we got to the 3rd arc. The only redeeming quality of the 3rd arc were the 2 main characters from the 2nd arc. Cramming that much story into 50 episodes was quite a lot to swallow in a short time. Characters didn't have time to develop because of the crammed story. SEED, SEED Destiny, or 00 don't suffer anything nearly as bad character development or rushed story as AGE. If AGE was expanded out more, it would have done a lot better. Back to Build, I hope they give some love to other MSs like the Sumo. How about some a Nightingale custom.....
  8. Yep. Knew something like this would happen. Basically, attorneys for both parties agreeed to settle this out-of-court. Doesn't mean any side won or lost nor will we ever know, just that this wasn't worth the court's time, which would be my opinion of the case.
  9. Surprised no one mentioned this yet: MG 1/100 Gundam X - On Display @ 53rd All Japan Model & Hobby Show 2013
  10. Some good news for a ending: Dave Filoni confirms final episodes
  11. Even the classic colors on a toy looks better than the black "suit".
  12. I guess that's a prep for NYCC this coming weekend. Speaking of which, Star Wars: Rebels will have its own dedicated panel on Oct. 12, 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm, Empire Stage 1-E. I'm sure they'll show more at the panel.
  13. Some more thoughts as I play the BF4-beta. I'm gonna echo some comments I've been hearing so you'll probably see so you will hear them again. Again, this is only playing Domination rounds. -Spray-and-pray only works for PDWs. I could unload an entire mag on guys who line up and take them down with the Beretta MX4. -Spray-&-pray doesn't seem to work as well with ARs and MGs. There are times I've unloaded a mag and had fewer hits. This seems to call back BF:BC/BC2 days where controlled burst were king. This may only apply to the AK-12 and SCAR-H though, which are the only guns available in the Beta. Between the AK and the SCAR, the I like the AK more. -The XM25 and ACW-R are annoying. The XM25 reminds of the USAS-12 pre-nerf in BF3. It's rapid-fire splash damage kills. The ACW-R just murders in close-quarters with that high ROF. Been killed too many times by that gun. I'm working on finishing up Assault and I'm starting on Engineer and Support soon. I get to Recon in a bit as well as Conquest for vehicle action.
  14. I'm interested in seeing what kinds of custom-kits they roll out for this show. What would have been nice they opened up the show to some fan-made customs. As in have a contest where fans can submit and vote for their favorite fan-custom and have it appear in the show either as a cameo or something.
  15. I have only played Domination-rounds so far to get a feel for the small-arms. I haven't tried Conquest yet which has tanks and helicopters. As I understand it, small arms (i.e., rifles, machine guns) can affect jets and copters now (not tanks obviously). Not much, but enough to annoy them.
  16. So I played a little of BF4-beta. I hope they did some work on the net-code in the final because I see lag. Or it maybe that we had other country users on the server. Some of the guns might need some balancing as they seem a little too good right now. The customization menu seems a little too complicated now. This is a problem I see with games these days. As games get bigger with more features, you invariably get more complicated.
  17. A 1TB drive will be more than enough for most people. It's likely the 1TB 2.5" Seagate SSHD. http://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Solid-Hybrid-2-5-Inch-ST1000LM014/dp/B00B99JUBQ Why 1 HD? Because, this is suppose to be a HTPC/console-like machine. Usually you'll want those devices to be small so that you can move it around, stick it into small spaces, or keep it out of immediate view. You won't have room for 2 drives in there if you're trying to keep it as small as possible. So a 1TB SSHD makes sense. A Linux install can be quite small if necessary. That leaves more room for games, HD movies, HD TV shows, tons of music, etc., which they are expecting you to load on this machine.
  18. I use hybrid drives and it's a good compromise for storage and SSD-like speed. It's there likely because you'll be downloading games from Steam and running from the system. And the more stuff you put on the drive, the more storage you'll need. For the price, SSD can't compare with regular HD storage. So that leaves the alternative of Hybrid drives.
  19. The CPU+GPU alone cost more than some consoles already. On the flip side, guess it's time to upgrade my box...
  20. I've had access since Oct. 1 but haven't downloaded it. But, being a 6GB download and being sick hasn't helped my desire to play it. Maybe this weekend.
  21. From the group that brought us the BigDog, here's the progress they've made with Atlas.
  22. Of course they do...but not for the desktop market. Servers (i.e., Xeons) come in sizes of 6-10 cores.
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