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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Tentacles monster. Its has a name ya know. "ActiveX Exploit".
  2. That's not a bad price for a gaming laptop. Unfortunately, I don't do laptop gaming.
  3. To expand on this, it may come out as a system patch at later date for on-console emulation for the PS4. But Gaikai's acquisition is suppose to be part of a long-term solution to game emulation of older titles for Sony. Reason being this would allow you to emulate games on-the-go with your Vita. Streaming from your PS4 to your Vita opens up a large segment for mobile gaming. Add the ability to emulate or stream older games would increase the Sony ecosystem.
  4. Word is that these will be more as cameo appearances (if the rumors are true and they will actually play these people and not as another character) and they'll use the actors elsewhere.
  5. For me, unfortunately I haven't had much time to play BF4. I did fix the majority of the flickering with a Nvidia driver update that they pushed out late last week. But I've run into client crashes and server crashes (I hear the server crashing has been fixed though), net code problems, some map issues, spawn dying (There's a "lag" where you hit the spawn button. It fades in and out of black, then you can see where you're going. During those few seconds when you spawn and can't see anything, you're a sitting duck and will probably get killed). Until they push out a patch, I really won't recommend this game to anyone. I hear it's fine for the most part on consoles.
  6. Well, to play some of these new games, we need the new consoles. Hence, we're talking about the equipment we need to play these new games on. And while this thread also includes PC gaming, some of the games we're looking forward to aren't out yet or like me, haven't played very much of the games that are out, hence the lack of discussion on that front. Don't worry, we'll be back to gaming talk soon.
  7. Sorry, it's almost release time for 2 new consoles. Expect turbulence.
  8. The realist in me says "You're damn right." Can't be any worst than Xbone's day-1 patch: Xbox One practically unusable without day one update Does anything just work out of the box anymore?
  9. Orth became the point-man to MS/Xbone's policies when he spoke out. If he didn't do it, Don Matrick would have only been pounded into submission more than he was. MS's recent problems have been more of their own doing. MS has been reactionary some time now. They only changed when someone else made them look like fools and threatened their dominance. When they tried to look ahead, they ended up missing. They leaped before they look. They raced ahead only to trip on their shoelace. They made a change for change's sake, but never ask if things should change. And when they backpedal, people got confused and mad, followed by a "I don't want to deal with this." Given how MS has handled things in the past few years, Xbone's issues only followed the same script.
  10. So Michael Arndt couldn't churn out a working script for Episode 7 fast enough to start filming with. Talk about fast-tracking a movie. He might want to start Episode 8 and 9 now then if he works that slow.
  11. Trailer #2 and poster: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNIxcH-LyaU
  12. I see that as fanboy-rationalization. Agreed. Amazing that people forget Lucas didn't have much money back then to do the film he wanted. Agreed. Additionally, not all cultures have the same design aesthetics. And yes, it is the PAST. It should look different. The look of the past should gradually go toward the original trilogy. And Episode 3 did that. They use that word "gritty". That look fit the period of the Empire because that's how things were. Look at cars going from decade to decade. They went went from curves to boxes and then back to curved boxes. And I think the next series should follow that trend. From glamor to industrial to a glamorous industrial. Star Wars should evolve, not dwell on the fanboy past. This is something I could argue both ways. The Prequels showed and the Original trilogy made a point of saying they start learning about the Force young. The Prequels had time to explore things and they did. The Original trilogy had to cram decades of training in a few weeks. I think they were allowed to skip a few grades and lessons. Like I said, it's fanboy dreaming. I hope they don't listen to the fanboys. If I see another Star Trek Into Darkness in Star Wars, then the fanboys will have already won. JJ, you were our only hope.
  13. Compared to most consoles, that's a lot of work to dual-boot when most consoles run everything from 1 OS. The Steam Box is suppose to be Valve's entry into the living room. Enthusiasts can create a dual-boot system on their own and load SteamOS but for people who will not be making a box for SteamOS, there's Steamboxes for the masses. And those people will not be doing work on their Steam box so why dual-boot.
  14. Not everyone is watching the same shows or have yet to watch some of the shows other people are currently watching so it would help to use spoiler tags. And since the individual series threads are normally filled with massive spoilers since people are watching it live, consider this thread a safe zone because it doesn't focus on any particular series. If enough people are watching, then it's probably worth starting an individual thread for a particular series. This: A) is not the same comment as B)
  15. The color scheme is tradition. The protagonist gets that combo of white, blue, red. As stated above, they look the same because they're part of the same lineage. Exia-> 00/00 Raiser-> 00 Qan[T] Exia was designed for CQC engagements, hence why it has a whole bunch of blade weapons. 00 Gundam builds off Exia's design and adds some improvements on top of being the testbed for the Twin Drive System. 00 Qan[T] further follows Exia's design of being a CQB-use MS as well as incorporating a Twin Drive System, inherited from 00 Gundam, and incorporating Innovator-technology into the mix. Gundam 00 is one of the few Gundam-shows where you can watch the progression of technology among the mobile suits without adding on another series with new characters.
  16. EA is still part the mix, right? Yeah, that doesn't help.
  17. So... I got Battlefield 4 on launch day and installed it, downloaded the patch and left it at that since I haven't had much time to play it. Then I heard about the issues... Battlefield 4 is unplayable on the PC - The PC version suffers from crashes and freezes, making it practically unplayable. So I decided to jump on a empty server to do my key bindings and controls and .... yeah I can't play this crap unless I want to induce a Pikachu-type seizure. I'm pretty sure the latest Nvidia drivers tried to cure graphics issues during beta but Jeebus, the flickering I see is not healthy. I have yet to actual play a round but yeah, this is not good. This should have stayed in beta for at least another month. At least I could somewhat play the beta. I've also heard the servers are suffering some horrible latency issues and crashes. This is not looking good for DICE's Star Wars game.
  18. I don't blame them. EA probably said it in passing, "Oh yeah, we won't be distributing a version for the PS4 because Microsoft paid us a ton of money to withhold a PS4-version." But at the same time, if Respawn decided to distribute it themselves, I'm sure MS would have gone to them with a wad of cash asking them to hold off on a PS4-version.
  19. At least MS isn't in charge of production. Otherwise, they would have pulled the Halo 2-for-PC crap (i.e., They released Halo 2 as a Windows Vista-only game to drive Vista sales. While it was quickly hacked to work on XP, this turned off a lot of people). If they even dare pull something like that to drive Windows 8/8.1 sales, there will be hell to pay. (Probably worst than what happened with Mass Effect)
  20. Seriously guys, it's just a TEASER TRAILER. Yes, they'll use music from who knows where. A good chunk of the VFX isn't even done yet. It's just suppose to grab your interest. That's all. Singer even did a breakdown of the shots here: http://www.empireonline.com/features/x-men-days-of-future-past-trailer-breakdown/p1
  21. So was MS so afraid of PS4's launch hype that they had to cockblock just to keep people from defecting to Sony? And as I understand it, Titanfall won't even be out at Xbone's launch.
  22. Probably means we're gonna get some rehash-variation of Episode 4, no matter how much they try to deny it. The Sith baddie will be using some pseudo-identity and the actor will deny he/she is a Sith Lord. The mentor-Jedi sacrifice him/herself in front of the pupil just like in Episode 4. We'll have some smuggler/rebel-without-a-cause anti-hero who will shoot first. Jawas. A giant space station. Oh, and lens flare. Lots of lens flare.
  23. Financially, this would be a good move to push for more Wii U units or eliminate a supply chain to stop bleeding capital. Also being the underpowered console of it's generation, it's probably for the best.
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