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Everything posted by azrael

  1. No. There would still be lag. Every display panel has lag. How much is another question. Just focus on picture quality.
  2. DICE optimized BF4 for AMD chips thanks to EA. However, I haven't heard too much from the Nvidia crowd. And benchmarks for AMD vs. Nvidia on BF4 have only shown about a 7% at-the-most improvement on AMD's side but Nvidia's 780ti blows away AMD's cards. I'm playing BF4 on a GTX 770 with mostly high-settings and it's fine for me. My beef is with the awful netcode, chat lag, and crashing.
  3. Cuz the word went out today. http://variety.com/2013/film/news/bryan-singer-announces-new-x-men-movie-for-2016-1200923164/ https://twitter.com/BryanSinger/status/408707930116980736
  4. They put Antje Traue through a workout for the Faora-character. I'm sure they'll do the same with Ms. Gadot. Also, I keep seeing this comparison thrown out. And Tom Hardy did the same when he had to bulk up for the role of Bane in TDKR coming out of Lawless. So I see Ms. Gadot hitting the gym. How much we'll see of her and what she'll look like when film starts, who knows.
  5. And we have a Wonder Woman... Synder has confirmed. The actress has confirmed (via Twitter, @GalGadot). Time for her to hit the gym.
  6. Poster: Electro, I can get behind. The Goblin? Green or Hob...I can understand. But Robo-Rhino????? We're going that route with Rhino huh?
  7. That CNet article is in regards to input lag (the time it takes for the monitor to receive commands, then to translate that to movement on screen). While reducing the lag is ideal for quick movements in FPS-gaming, I'm not sure how well that translates to sports games through a receiver. Plasmas have better control over input lag and ghosting but that means nothing if the room is so bright that it washes out the screen. They still have lag, but it should be better than the LED LCDs. If lighting-control is a concern, then I'd stick with the LED LCD-panels. Going that route, I'd look at TVs that can do 120hz-240hz (as high as you can afford). But keep in mind that some of these refresh rates are not really what they claim to be. http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-33199_7-57598032-221/fake-refresh-rates-is-your-tv-really-120hz/
  8. Thus, further heading to buying games from a Xbox marketplace. No more playing "backups" of your games, movies, or other media. Those wanting to do things offline are further cut off. And if Microsoft thinks this will stop cheaters, hackers, or the pirated games area, good luck with that.
  9. Repainted Zeta an gave it Astray Red Frame's new toy. Meh. Too bad they won't show a no-name fighter-character using a Jegan to fight Devil Gundam. Had to be a badass chick.... Couldn't have been a no-name girl.
  10. How nice of them: http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2013/11/gundaminfo-to-stream-gundam-uc-for.html Episode 7 out May 17, 2014.
  11. So... anyone need a XBone doctor's note: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-one/doctors-note
  12. Sony says PS4 failures have varying causes, affect less than 1 percent of units Not terrible-OMG-the-world-is-ending bad.
  13. Rewatch any of Justice League or Justice League Unlimited or any of the animated series. Supes sure creates a lot of collateral damage when he has to use his powers against a similarly equal opponent. What do you think is gonna happen if they fight in an urban setting? He sent Darkseid through a number of buildings. Heck, Batman has to cause some collateral damage to Superman just to keep him from fighting back. So I can live with the level of destruction in this movie.
  14. We'll find out on Friday.
  15. Yeah, I'm still looking at people who complain about Supes killing Zod in Synder's version when in Donner's version, Supes crushed Zod's hand and sent him to his pavement glue-death.
  16. Yeah, I won't worry too much. There will be some bad apples in the sea of good ones. As long as it isn't a huge number.
  17. Not really. The difference would only be marginal between the 2 HDDs. I would either get a hybrid drive, like this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822178381&ignorebbr=1 Or a <128 GB SSD + a HDD.
  18. Shadow, I would second technoblue recommendation on a SSD+HDD combo. If there's one thing that will slow you down, it's the HDD. Putting your OS and primary apps on a SSD would dramatically improve performance. I'm using hybrid drives and they literally are the middle ground. But I see hybrid drives more as a solution for laptops. There are people out there that live out of their laptops (they're laptop is their primary PC) so having that speed improvement over a conventional HDD without too much sacrifice on price/storage like a SSD is great. Considering this is a desktop, I would look at the scenario of SSD+HDD. But if you don't want to pay for that I'd consider a hybrid drive. But if you're happy or don't want to pay, then stick with a single HDD.
  19. I share mikeszekely's musings with Windows 8. While I think Windows 8/8.1 is a good OS, it is paired with a very confused UI that doesn't seem to fit with either tablet or laptop very well. Your mileage may vary. Simply, the Surface 2 Pro is an incremental upgrade to the Surface Pro. The Surface Pro 2's price + keyboard is already in the $1000 and you would get a decent laptop for that price.
  20. I'd consider bumping up to 16GB if cheap enough. But going by specs alone, it looks like this will be a mid-range computer so 8GB should be fine. If you can find a deal for 16GB, I would probably go for it but I won't go out of my way to make it happen. I'd probably omit the CD-RW. The DVD-RW is sufficient and will give you one less piece of equipment that would probably end up taking space. Difference between Ivy Bridge and Haswell besides age, Haswell has significant enough power-price ratio improvements as well as a integrated graphics boost over Ivy Bridge. This would help in the long run. Since you're going with a dedicated graphics solution, integrated graphics wouldn't enter into the picture.
  21. When I last traveled with my 13" classic MBP a few months back, that felt too heavy, which has prompted me to consider the new 13" rMBP. I could have brought my iPad but I needed to do actual work and I was watching my TV shows on the road.
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