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Everything posted by azrael

  1. It does seem to match the toy descriptions from a few weeks ago. But production art to screen usually varies a bit. http://news.toyark.com/2014/01/05/tmnt-2014-movie-toy-descriptions-110682
  2. I'm bowing out until they show the C&D request. You blame one party, then a few days later, blame another party. Then start deleting/hiding the conflicting statements. If they can't figure out who to blame and won't show proof, where after this much time has elapsed I would question anything they post, then that by itself says something. And one other thing, people don't understand that a lawyer is technically a 3rd party.
  3. I'll maintain the stance, "Proof or it did not happen." Seriously, this is not a hard thing to understand. Who sent the C&D? Then obviously, you violated an IP of whomever sent you the C&D. We have this copy/pasted from their now defunct project page:
  4. They can post the C&D request. They can post it or we can say they're lying. First it was HG, now it's Big West. Who sent the request? I'm not asking "What is the conflict with the trademark & copyright?", I'm asking "Who sent the letter?".
  5. This post: What he said. Who sent the C&D? Whom are they representing? This is normally clearly stated on the letter. If we want to clear this up, they need to post the C&D request letter. It would be hard to believe anything they say at this point unless they post the letter, especially if they are changing their story on who sent the letter. As the saying goes, post the letter or it never happened.
  6. It's in the next episode preview, so it's finally animated. Will it get any action? That's another question. Gotta love the Zaku-comment in the episode.
  7. Yes and no. HG, being the licensees of the SDFM animation, cannot make any new animation based off the SDFM designs. Tatsunoko, owning only the animation, cannot as well make any new animation based off the SDFM designs. Big West is the only one who can do that. Technically speaking, Big West and only Big West can make any decision for new animation. No company or fans can make anything based on SDFM designs. Otherwise they all would be open to a lawsuit. But, fan-made videos are a grey area since they are normally done under fair-use clauses. HG is the one who sent the letter, therefore you will need to look at what they own and how this fan video applies to what HG owns. If Big West sent the letter, then one could blame them, but that is not the case. What is in these videos would violate their trademark and copyright? Whatever it is, that is the reason HG sent a letter to them.
  8. Robotech is a copyright and trademark of HG, not Big West.
  9. Also, keep in mind "D" doesn't always have to stand for dual-seat. VF-17D is a single-seat craft. And just happens to be the next letter in the alphabet.
  10. Read below. Either HG sends a letter or get sued for breach-of-contract. Talk about a lazy legal unit at HG. They should probably read the contracts they sign.
  11. Because they're...
  12. It's gonna be one of those unlimited-ammo movies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfS1ANhIXhQ
  13. Star Wars 1313 Trademark Abandoned by Disney So...anyone wanna a pick up a recently abandoned trademark and make a video game?
  14. As someone who's worked with lots of Dells through the years, Dell makes perfectly usable machines. Then again, I usually lean toward the units in the Business/Work section and stay away from the regular consumer/Home machines.
  15. Re: Episode 15 Someone should open a tab on the number of parts the Gunpla builders are using for the damage. How many kits are these people going through with all the damage they cause to their Gunplas???
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=39009
  17. What do you plan on doing with it? How long do you expect it to last you? Do you have a budget?
  18. January 7th's episode is up for viewing. You'll have to wait until January 21 to watch the January 14-episode though.
  19. If there are any truly adventurous gamers out there, you can participate in the Titanfall-ALPHA http://www.titanfall.com/standby-for-titanfall Although, with only 2 more months till release, calling it "Alpha" seems a tad odd.
  20. I would say it depends. Do you have a lot of devices that are not IR-based? If you have lots of devices that can make use of Bluetooth or plan to hide your devices in cabinets, then yeah, it might be worth it. But if you don't, then it's probably not worth the upgrade.
  21. Steam Controller drops touchscreen, adds physical buttons
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