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Everything posted by azrael

  1. So if you connect your computer directly to your cable modem, you can access the forums just fine, but if you connect through your router, it doesn't work?
  2. And people who are reading that Kawamori isn't involve are only proving my point that people are lazy and don't read anymore. Nor do they have any form of reading comprehension.
  3. I'm not the target audience age so we'll skip that point. Hopefully, this continues to bring in new fans cuz face it, this group isn't getting any younger. Yes, it can throw in some cameos, references, throwbacks, but that's it. New characters, new story, new valks. But I just have 1 request: Can we go planet-side this time? I'm tired after spending the past 3 TV series wandering space in a colony.
  4. Ya ready to shell out for revision #3? Now 100 issues long. Unless they slow the release, chances are that the new series will not make it into this edition. Or they may expand the edition, but likely no.
  5. I'll start. You sure they don't want a taller stand-in for Ultron or even a hat with a motion capture ball on top to represent the head, or whatever that is? Little short to be a Stormtrooper menacing robot.
  6. Thought it was an average finale fight episode, which is why I didn't comment.
  7. A teaser was show at CinemaCon in Las Vegas yesterday. Expect to see either it or the actual teaser hitting the web soon.
  8. The original Black Canary character was named "Dinah Drake". She eventually married and took her husband's name, "Dinah Drake Lance". She had a daughter and her name was "Dinah Laurel Lance". Now, from the pilot episode of the show, we know that Laurel's full name is "Dinah Laurel Lance". Why she uses her middle name as opposed to her full name hasn't been said, but when you have 2 Dinahs in the house, it probably won't be hard to know why. Why is Sara Lance dressed as Black Canary? Keep watching. That's one of the things about this show that I like. It's continually evolving and not dropping things but slowing moving forward. Some examples (spoiler'd if you haven't been watching)
  9. The map is "planned routes" or representative. It doesn't account for incidents, detours, reroutes, roadblocks, or if they find something along the way and settle. If Megaroad-01 didn't go MIA, they would have followed that route.
  10. Something we probably figured... Report: EA lands deal for Titanfall 2, sequel won't be Microsoft exclusive
  11. If we look at JUST this forum, we have a userbase of ~15,700 accounts. At time of this post, we have ~80 unique visitors viewing the forums, ~30 are actual members. Out of those ~15,000 accounts, how many of those are active vs non-active, legitimate vs spam, I haven't crunched the numbers yet. Our most usage occurred when Frontier aired. Those days where we saw ~200 unique visitors were on viewing days. We have not had those numbers since.
  12. Trust me kiddo, they know. And it doesn't produce the numbers you think it produces.
  13. They even got Tara Strong to do the easter egg voice-over. I've been watching the show since it started and I'm liking what they're doing. As for Flash, when it premieres in the Fall, we'll see. I liked Grant Gustin's start for Barry Allen. The costume? Not enough gold in my opinion but otherwise perfect. If the show does well, then they can start evolving the costume like they did in Arrow.
  14. Just a Frontier-thing, just for the movie-thing. This is probably more of a story element because of the format difference between TV and movies. And if the director wants to portray things a bit different in the movie than in the TV series, then this would fall into a production-change.
  15. And that's why I didn't jump on the TitanFall train. Figured the replay-factor was probably gonna kill my interest in the game.
  16. Kawamori is also working on as a mecha designer for M3 ~Sono Kuroki Hagane, which premieres in April. Trust us, if there are any plans, we will know about it.
  17. You want actual problems, here ya go: Multi-GPU problems, loss of progress plague Titanfall launch I hear people are still having connection issues. Not as bad as launch day, but still, problems. There's a help page for the common problems.
  18. This issue is still going on?
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