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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I suspect it is the Intel SATA controller. As technoblue suggested, try placing the HD on the ASMedia SATA controller. These would be the lower 2 ports on the SATA plugs or the plugs farthest from the RAM slots.
  2. Likely problem is your SATA controller cannot read drives larger than 2.xx TB. You'll have to get a PCIe SATA controller card and plug it in that way (It's like or is a RAID card). Make sure it's a newer SATA-compliant card.
  3. Martin's response to what transpired. You want to read it? Click on the link. May make different sense after reading the scene again after reading Martin's response.
  4. WonderCon footage. Watch it before it's taken down. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1q0txr_godzilla_shortfilms
  5. Sorry, it's been a busy week. I'm gonna back myk on this. If the vid card on the laptop is dead, you would get no video. Period. Not even in safe-mode. Neither the laptop display or an external monitor would show anything. Unless the laptop has a 2nd GPU (like Intel integrated graphics). But the laptop sounds like it's headed for computer heaven so I'll stop. Which G750? JM, JZ, or JS? Now, how much are you willing to spend if you have a limit, i.e., (like we ask everyone); What's your budget?
  6. Well, at least you brought this point up, which many people seem to forget. I admit that when Frontier premiered, I was probably well out of the target audience range. Whenever this show starts, I can be sure I'm not in the target audience range. In fact, I'm sure many of us here are not in the target audience range. Doesn't mean we can't love or hate it any less. But let's get one thing straight, we're not getting any younger. And if we want to keep Macross going for years to come, we gotta keep the influx of new fans coming. New shows, new merchandise, etc. (Unlike a certain franchise in the USA which relies on nostalgia to keep it's dwindling population going).
  7. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36874
  8. It not the worst animated, more like animated simple. There's not a tremendous amount of detail because the designer decided they should all look like blobs. AGE isn't bad, but it's not very good. The first 1/3 is incredibly bland. If you strained MSG through cheese cloth, Flit's arc is what you get. The 2nd 1/3 is better, but still meh due to the compression. You've gone through about a year or something in the 1st 3 episodes of this arc. I would have liked it better if this arc was longer. That way I might care a little more. The protagonist and antagonist actually have a relationship you care about. The last 1/3... yeah, I gave up and only popped back in here and there. I was just unimpressed with the show by this point so I gave up and waited until the end to watch the final battle. The highlight was the conclusion of Asemu-Zeheart conflict which was better done in Memory of Eden-OVA compilation.
  9. Side note: I would avoid believing anything posted between March 31st through April 1st on the great Interwebs. When it's March 31st in your neck of the woods, it's April 1st somewhere else in the world. You have been warned. As for the second question, I don't recall many behind-the-scenes shots of the voice actors.
  10. Couple of notes: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Exclusive: Cobie Smulders Brings Agent Hill Back for May Sweeps and
  11. Isn't it possible to play through VF-X2 with just the VF-1? Or do you have to fly what they give you (I know you can't pick for that VA-3M mission)? Can't remember....
  12. Season finale is currently scheduled for May 13, 2014.
  13. Depends. YF-29 and YF-30 are technologically more advanced due to the Fold Quartz. But once you strip those away, they are similar to the VF-25 with optional parts. A VF-27's engines are weaker than the VF-25's but makes up for it by mounting 4 of them. The VF-27's control system is newer BDI/BCS system, but it forces the pilot to adopt cybernetic parts, which drives up costs. And the tit-for-tat goes on and on. The YF-29B was also modified. So it's hard to say. Overall story of Macross 30 is canon. Frontier movie is not canon except when you strip out the specifics of the story. BUT, the specifics of their stories COULD have happened.
  14. According to the game mechanics.
  15. The fact that he's got a head-Shado whispering in his ear should probably tell you how much the serum is messed him up. And the producers are well aware of this fact. I've read a few interviews where this has been addressed. So they know.
  16. It's no longer April 1st. Lock.
  17. They're from the VF-25 Master File. VF-25A, B/D, C, E, F, G, S, VJ, F-Recon, V, WR, RVF-25 and VEF-25E. Only canonical ones are the A(?), F, G, S, and RVF-25.
  18. Finally! My Mondays are free! And I don't think I'll be hooping on the How I Met Your Father-train when that comes in the Fall. 9 years was enough.
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