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Everything posted by azrael

  1. And here I went lighter with a rMBP. I don't game on my laptop so I was fine with that direction. Yeah, that's one of many adapters. They're nice to keep around since you'll never know when something will break and you need to extract data. An enclosure will also be good if you want to reuse that hard drive as spare storage. I've done that with a few laptop drives after upgrading to a larger drive. I'll also throw my weight behind CloneZilla. Used it a few times already to migrate to a larger HD. Worked fine.
  2. Some of us came to that conclusion way before the time stamp of this statement. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37082&p=1098010 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37082&p=1099634 Anyone who says they're "investigating the issue" or still thinking that line that Big West had any involvement with this should serious "talk" to us.
  3. I bring it up only because we're at this now. Only 3 months since Titanfall. So when I saw this, I just said, "Wow, how low can we go with CoD? Apparently not low enough."
  4. Call of Duty: Titanfall CrysisAdvanced Warfare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sFu5qXMuaJU Wait a sec, didn't Black Ops 2 already do this advanced tech crap?
  5. I didn't really see any new footage of the Turtles in this compared to the last one so I'm not terribly impressed. Hence, the "Meh".
  6. Not sure how much faith I want to put into the novelizations...Anyways. Seto is probably right. If you've ever worked for a company with a large workforce, beyond your group or the few faces you see daily, it's unrealistic (for normal people) to recognize some 10,000+ people. And lab assistants come and go all the time.
  7. JJ is also Executive Producer on Persons of Interest, Revolution, and Believe. So I doubt it had to do with Abrams. It's more likely that it wasn't a ratings magnet. Look at this thread. Not many posts despite starting a year ago when the show was announced.
  8. Oh Robotech. Not single ounce of creativity. Not even among their fans.
  9. Well, to be fair, at least it's above the waist line. Thunder-thighs got a small spare tire.
  10. I'm guessing this will be the principal cast going through the next trilogy. Well, Star Wars is known for using lesser known actors. Nice to see they are continuing the trend.
  11. Go read the news. There's a world outside this forum. It's been broadcasted on every tech news site today (like CNet for example). Secondly, people use IE?
  12. Just to make things clear. There shall be NO talk of the TV show in this thread. No facts, no theories, nada. Nothing. Keep this thread confined to the books and the books ONLY.
  13. If Liefeld designed that, it would be all upper body muscles and no fat. The feet would look like clown shoes or a diamond (depends on the angle). And the body would be bending at all the wrong angles.
  14. All trademarks last ~10 years. After 5 years, you need to start filing paperwork to renew so that by the 10th year, it will be renewed. Roughly speaking.
  15. Seriously, people. They make search engines for a reason. List of Gundam video games (Wikipedia)
  16. I suspect it is the Intel SATA controller. As technoblue suggested, try placing the HD on the ASMedia SATA controller. These would be the lower 2 ports on the SATA plugs or the plugs farthest from the RAM slots.
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