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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Just a reminder that you are not paying Daddy Bezos enough. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/22/media/amazon-prime-video-ads/index.html
  2. FYI, in case anyone hasn't heard the news from the Xbox leaks in the FTC vs Microsoft case https://www.wired.com/story/ftc-microsoft-leaks-xbox/ https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/19/23880165/xbox-leak-ftc-documents-new-xbox-series-x-controller-next-gen https://www.resetera.com/threads/mid-gen-xbox-roadmap-hardware-leak-series-s-x-refreshes-digital-only-2tb-series-x-at-499-controller-with-haptics-and-quieter-buttons-at-69-99.765920/ There's a huge trove of news coming out of those documents from the Xbox roadmap, mid-generation hardware refreshes, in-development games, a wishful want to buyout Nintendo and Valve.
  3. How about not answering that. Calm down and sit down.
  4. I'll wait till the the season is over before commenting on that. And if it does go to a season 2, then that would color my opinion more. But we'll see when we get there. Yes. It's not bad. So far. But, just because something isn't bad doesn't mean it's good (So far.) It just hasn't hit the notes (yet, or yet to be seen). Yeah. We've said that WAYYYYYYYYYY to many times. I would say a lot of people wished we could just write off the sequel trilogy altogether but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, SOME LADY ONE is keeping it in there.
  5. Yeah...fan-service. 🤦‍♂️ Those folks who didn't watch Clone Wars or Rebels; this episode is gonna fly over their heads with both the flashback retrospective and the ending. 😒
  6. You know the Probe is in the opening credits? That whole clusterfrak with the Borg, Romulans, Packleds, Klingons, the Crystalline Entity (that spot in the opening gets more crowded each season...)
  7. Yeah, it's basically Skyrim... IN SPAAAAAAAACE.
  8. What mikeszekely said. You mean Location Services? Edge? Cortana? I turn that off, never use it and disabled Cortana. I only use Edge to download Firefox and Chrome. That's the first and last time I use it. Hell, I disable a lot of stuff to keep Windows from annoying me. It's one of the first things I do when installing Windows. 🤷‍♂️ Once they give me back labels on the Taskbar, combine only when full, and the ability to resize it to small, I'll like Windows 11. When you have multiple windows of 1 app open, it makes it hard to know which one I'm clicking on when I have to use Peak to find out which one is which. 😡
  9. Sorry. Context. What are the specs on your PC? And for context, here's Starfield's requirements: https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/60442 And if you needed a DirectX update, that would normally come packaged with the installer, no? And what version of Windows are you on? Yeaaaaah. The only advantage consoles have is standardized hardware. Xbox, Playstation, Switch, Steam. They all release system updates and many times, you can't bypass them. Especially if you have that thing connected to the 'Net.
  10. I like that the "Crossfield" was a kit-bash. It does fit with the story. The TMP-era Bird-of-Prey...interesting choice.
  11. This one of those thing I find annoying amongst Star Wars fandom. As Freud said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. For weeks, the speculation-mill has run rampant with thousands of theories. Hey dumbasses, how about the obvious answer? 🙄 There was no twist. Sit down. Shut up and watch the damn show. And put down the phone. Stop checking Twitter/X/whatever it wants to call itself this week, Reddit, Facebook, YouTube talking heads, etc, and just watch the damn show. 🙄
  12. Go to Youtube. Search for "Star Wars directed by<insert director's name>". There are a bunch of AI generated videos to click on. Silly as it is, Genevieve O'Reilly is around the same age now (46) as when Caroline Blakiston portrayed Mon Mothma back in 1983 (Ms. Blakiston was ~48). So having Ms. O'Reilly portray Mon Mothma, now, kinda works. It's easy to add more age to Ms. O'Reilly. Taking it away from Mark Hamill is not as easy. Good luck de-aging Caroline Blakiston today. I actually liked certain elements of the EU. Especially the part where there was no "The First Order". I was perfectly happy with the Empire Remanent. Then Disney and JJ gave us the JJ Abrams presents the Galactic Empire-lite.
  13. As of posting, the actors are still on strike and without the loudest members of the production out there promoting their shows and movies, advertising has been curtailed.
  14. Considering they spent it on a ship going from point A (episode 2) to point B (episode 4). Guess this was the "Let's save money by filming on a set instead of the giant location wall"-episode. It was an OK episode.
  15. Or call in an established singer (likewise, no need to audition). ex. JUNNA, May'n, Yoshiki Fukuyama, Chie Kajiura
  16. Good olde Ikea Signum and plenty of velcro. That too. *compares office desk vs WFH desk* 🫣🫢
  17. Over-the-ear definitely offers the best immersive experience for gaming. Unfortunately, the past couple of years allergies have not been kind to my facial skin so I’ve had to switch to earbuds to avoid suffocating and aggravating my skin. I used to have a 5.1 sound system but found it space-consuming and excessive for PC gaming. A good pair or 2.1 set provides equal or better immersion for gaming. Especially when gaming at night or when you want to reduce noise, you gravitate to a headset/earbuds anyways. Edit: When I say good "pair", I mean ranging from something like the popular Kanto YU2 to the Logitech Z207 (yes a pair of $60 Logitech speakers can actually produce some decent sound).
  18. Surprisingly, most games don't need THAT much horsepower and most systems made in the past 5-6 years are more than capable of doing what most games want to varying degrees.
  19. Minimum specs: Recommended specs: Overall, not that bad. Basically any computer built in the past 5-6 years should run it with graphics being the pain point. If you can find a deal on any Nvidia RTX 3000-series or AMD RX 6000-series cards, those would last you. AMD graphics might be a better choice only because they give you more VRAM for the money. If you want DLSS or RT features, then you would go with Nvidia. Monitor? Depends. Audio setup? You mean headphones aren't enough? Most people game on headphones anyways.
  20. Unfortunately, we don't have one. Watch this space.
  21. Ya know...Anytime someone mentions War in the Pocket, 8th MS Team, or Stardust Memory in a thread about the next Macross series, I'm just going to post this: Cuz those are the exact same 3 shows that get mentioned. Every. Damn. Time.
  22. Yeah slow episodes. But at the same time, if you watched Rebels, it's not really slow, cuz... It's pretty much Rebels season 5. If you didn't watch the last few episodes of Rebels season 4, now would be a good time catch up till next week's episode since the story is essentially starting from that point. Sabine needs her jetpack back...
  23. The buzz I’m seeing also says getting caught up by watching Rebels will definitely help understand the backstory of what’s going on. So take that as you will.
  24. FYI He went to the National Museum of the US Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He's just talking about the X-24 in the 1st tweet (or whatever it's called now). 2nd tweet is, obviously, about the X-29. If anyone was looking for Macross news-type stuff from the tweets, there's nothing. Just Kawamori being a tourist. 😝
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