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Everything posted by azrael

  1. *MOD Note* Please send beta codes via PM. Do not post codes on the forum. Guests are allowed to read the forums (pictures and all) and it would be best if this didn't become a free-for-all. Thank you.
  2. Doesn't say anything about 2 years. Most of the article is talking about the 20th anniversary of Plus and 7 (thanks for the reminder of my age, jerks) and that they'll be re-airing in August thru September.
  3. We heard layoffs to Microsoft were coming. Here's the video game-related victim. Microsoft shuts down Xbox Entertainment Studios video team as part of layoffs
  4. Also announced was the new Avengers lineup and the "let's turn Tony Start into an evil bastard again"-Superior Iron Man. I honestly don't understand Marvel's need to match comics with their TV/movie properties. I'm not a fan of Deathlok's new look.
  5. Build Burning Gundam looks like a brand new kit as opposed to a kit bash. Time for some SHINING FINGA-fighting Lightning Gundam is based off Re-GZ.
  6. Speaking about other changes at Marvel. Wasn't hard to guess who would be taking over the role of Captain America.
  7. Among many things.... The whole send the inexperienced crew into the unknown sounds...so...generic. Not saying it's good or bad, just, "Meh". Since Robotech 3000 wasn't made, I'm not sure how you could make that comparison, but ok. He donated a large amount and is having donator's remorse? That's a discussion for that other thread. Macek's widow played her cards. Good for her. And I'm not sure what Mrs. Macek can do to revive the franchise. Besides some drawings, what did she do for the franchise?
  8. I'd prefer to suffer brain damage AFTER I retire, not before. Feel free to summarized.
  9. ComicCon preview issue is out: This week's cover: Meet the new boss in Marvel's 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' It's not listed on the agenda but you know something will show up at SDCC.
  10. I'd wait till after SDCC before making predictions about its funding status. And lots of people may be holding off till the end. Sidekick is predicting a 82% success rate. http://sidekick.epfl.ch/campaign/249359572-robotech-academy
  11. If sales are good, they won't kill her off when Thor goes back to being a guy when the next movie comes out.
  12. So how long till Thor goes back to being a guy? What? Look at that Superior Spiderman-title's shelf-life. Ok, when is the next Thor-film due out?
  13. They use to be Buy.com, until they were bought up 2010. Haven't shopped there for ages. I still get email ads from them.
  14. So if Bateman is a lying, then Shadow Chronicles did poorly and doing this Kickstarter is such a great idea especially because it comes from the same group that did the unsuccessful Shadow Chronicles. What about LLA? Was that a failure as well? What about those collector sets and boxsets? Those a failure as well? And now they expect people to get it right the 3rd, or 4th time around? See how easy I can do this? That's all donors have to do. They don't need to yell or use harsh language.
  15. Here's a question a donor can bring to SDCC: Tom Bateman mentions a couple of times that Shadow Chronicles did successfully, IHHO. Enough to warrant a sequel. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33067&p=886898 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33067&p=909996 Yet, nothing was produced. Love, Live, Alive was pretty much bought and paid for via the Mospeada license. Now factor in DVD boxset sales over the years, you would would think they have enough money. Yet here we are on Kickstarter. As a donor, you can ask that question. Did all those funds go into releasing DVD boxsets or other merchandise? Where did those funds go? How were they invested since you got them? Now, I know the peanut gallery here will try to answer that, to which I say, DON'T. Don't even think about posting your answer cuz that's not who donors should be hearing from and you don't have the answer. You only have a theory. One that can be easily brushed off coming from this forum. The project creators are the ones that should be answering this question. And by signing onto Kickstarter, they have opened themselves to this scrutiny. Kickstarter encourages project creators to be open about their projects to encourage donors. I consider it fair game to ask about their previous works.
  16. Memo and Mav are fans-turned RT.com moderators. Kevin is Kevin Mckeever, the marketing guy at RT.com. As for how bad they are? Dunno. Never met anyone of them in real-life. But we had to ban all 3 cuz the trolling from them was annoying enough. Look at the pinned Licensing thread. You'll find their posts in the archives.
  17. Oh wait, now I remember where I've seen the cone-engines on normal engine designs and not magical engines like the GN-drives, Gundam SEED. The METEORs. We won't hate you cuz you donated. Honestly, most of the project funds donated on KS are from people, like yourself, that put in at the <$100-mark. More people donate at that range anyways. I'm more curious about those who donated at the >=$5,000-mark.
  18. What did Duke say? Everything these days is ripping off something that came before. I maintain my "Meh".
  19. Meh. The cone-engine nozzle has been done. Gundam 00 is an example that comes to mind. Been there. Done that. Next?
  20. Which is why there's no point in bringing up Macross in this conversation. The last 2 HG-funded projects were "so successful" that they resort to KS to fund their next one. Just keep pointing to their current works. Look how those turned out with the current staff. Point to what HG does with just the RT fanbase. We keep telling folks to stop lurking over there. Even that will hurt your brain.
  21. I questioned their seriousness when this thing started. But if I knew nothing at all and saw that, I'd question this whole project. You want people to donate to you just to troll you. So they're not focused on the project. If that wasn't another red-flag to the numerous other red-flags, I don't know what would be. You would think they would act differently when they're beggin' for money but nope. And how could a $5,000-tier be full? You don't want people to drop a wad of cash on you? So they're saying they don't need the money? I guess everyone should pull back their money then cuz they reached their goal.
  22. So is HG serious about "troll tier"? You're on KS cuz you're asking for money. You don't see PBS making a tier for people that contribute <$20. They're happy if you contribute anything. This gives me the impression that HG is not serious about this project. I'm serious when it comes to my money. I would expect them to be serious about this as well. And I'm not seeing that with this "troll tier". I expect a certain level of professionalism if you're asking for money.
  23. I'm sure people will throw money at this. Geez, people funded the potato salad-KS. It's just a guy making potato salad and he got more than enough money. At least with the potato salad, we know he's going to buy the ingredients from his local supermarket.
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