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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Now...where's the Excedrin? Would someone please tell these people to do some frakin' research BEFORE then decide to write a frakin' article? "Journalists" these days.... In fact, here's the author: Michael Kozlowski - michael@goodereader.com Have fun.
  2. Can't argue with the results... 1 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) $65,000,000 It posted $97,000,000 worldwide. Additionally, Paramount is scheduling TMNT 2 for June 3rd, 2016.
  3. The court docs are very specific with what they cover. Anyone who says they're not are repeating the company line, never read the documents, or never sat with lawyers. They trademarked as soon as Big West won their side of the case. They were awarded the trademark because they were "first-to-use" the trademark.
  4. Nope. That's it for now. The 1st 3 you list are the best. GP01's I found to be meh. The 1st 3 cover a lot but GP01's feels like the VF-1 Squadrons-book. As in, now it feels like you're just making stuff up to fill in the pages with words.
  5. You know, I'm gonna say this. Carl Macek's vision for Robotech died with him. Carl is no longer around so it's time to move on. Back in the day, this (grabbing someone else's work and editing it together into 1 piece) worked for Carl and co. These days with the internet, the walls of the world are no longer there. When overseas people want to watch Downton Abbey or Doctor Who, people don't want to watch some bastardized version, they want to watch the actual show. Studios know this. When people in China got Transformers: Age of Extinction, they got the actual movie and not something edited together from god-knows-where. The environment that made Robotech doesn't exist anymore. So what is Robotech these days? The KS tells me it's not what it use to be so what is it? Is it something unique or something made from someone else's stuff? If the current "creative team" wants to follow the latter and continue Carl's idea of Robotech, then RT is gonna get smaller. If it's something unique, then they better do something unique (like reboot and make it their own).
  6. ============================== Mod Note This thread will be closing today. And I wanted to point out that unlike the Kickstarter project, we stuck to our guns and kept this thread open till the end of the proposed project date despite request to close the thread when the project was cancelled. We can finish what we start and for the most part, stay on track. I would consider that an accomplishment among our user base. ============================== As for calls for HG to bring over more Macross, I say, "Why?" I would find it more appealing for this generation for Big West and Bandai (who have had a very good working relationship since the VF-1 toy) to consider streaming the franchise online. They have been doing it for Gundam lately and I find that to be a very good medium to release, especially for overseas. I also see it as cutting out the old model of licensors/licensees (the middle man). Certain things would have to happen for this to occur and I don't see that in the immediate future. I also say "Why" because is what is Robotech these days? Is it Macross? Is it Southern Cross or Mospeada? Is it something else? From this KS project and RTSC, it seems like RT is trying to be something else (Mospeada-lite? Mospeada II?) but it can't break free from the original series. And it doesn't look like the "Creative team" want to change that while at the same time, trying to move away from the original series. This is why I've been advocating for them to just reboot the series from the beginning. Take the bones of the original and start fresh. No one is going to watch the old series to understand any new series. A KS project to reboot would probably have had more backers. Maybe. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening either. Not with this current "Creative Team".
  7. I would say it's ripened enough for a reboot. But I said that back in 2007 when the deal for the LAM took off. It's probably rotting now. If you've read How-To guides for Kickstarter, most say start low. They should have low-balled the goal and then added stretch goals. They shot high and ended up below the 40% mark. They should have used SDCC to promote the KS. But it sounded like they did the opposite. If I was Papa-Frank, I'd look at either selling off the property or getting rid of Tommy and/or Kev. Steve probably isn't that involved except running the web store so I'd consider his job safe. The KS should be the icing on this cake of lackluster. If the KS didn't say anything about Robotech, I honestly don't know what would.
  8. Worked for Captain America 2 when it premiered at the beginning of April of this year. Still, it's not coming till 2016; still more than a year away. I don't think most viewers will care considering it's still gonna be a long wait.
  9. It no longer needs to compete with Captain America 3. And we get it sooner. Warner Bros. Blinks in Marvel Showdown: ‘Batman v Superman’ Avoids ‘Captain America 3' Along with 9 other dates for unlisted movies.
  10. It would have been more acceptable to have toughed it out. There are plenty of other KS projects that sit there waiting till the end before saying "we tried and failed, but at least we tried." HG can no longer say that 'cuz they quit before the clock ran out. They forfeited the game at the 7th inning just because they were down a few (hundreds of thousand) points.
  11. Yep. I had a countdown clock and everything. The fault, dear Robotech fans, is not your stars, but in yourselves... Can't remember what they call abusive relationships where the victim keeps going back to the abuser. It might have been better if HG kept the KS going till the end and accept a noble defeat, but sadly no.
  12. I think after a decade, we get it. The RT super-duper fanboys will say anything. There's no point posting it here. Not like it hasn't been done before. After this long, it's not even funny. It speaks volumes as mentioned on previous pages. IIRC, Yune said the designs would make their way to Palladium @ SDCC. Whenever they get a chance. So fans can get their fill in RPG-format. We shall see. Hopefully, Creavision is trying to look for other work if they want to continue in this line of work. They should be whoring themselves out anyways. It's what these studios do. They go from one project to the next. It's what every FX groups does.
  13. RTSC made enough to warrant a sequel, which HG never capitalized on, according to Tom B. Not sure about the not-being-made-part because LLA came out and they wanted to do RTA so making new ("new") animated works would appear to be allowed by their deal with Macguire Ent/WB. Yes. Yes it does. If they allowed to fail on the clock, it would have been a respectable defeat. Could have said they tried but it didn't work. They should have tried to push for more press during this last week of funding, but nope. They killed it on their own so now they're quitters.
  14. You equate a studio downsizing their animation department cuz the head RETIRED to HG not being able to properly run and fund a Kickstarter?
  15. If anybody says that, I'd asked if they were sure they didn't forget to take their meds. You can only brag about it if you actually got that money, which they didn't since they never reached their goal. On top of that, they cancelled with 6 days left on the clock. "Proved that there is demand"??? If they reached their goal, it would have proved there was demand. But they didn't and they ended early due to lack of demand. Let's do the math with the numbers. So you averaged $6,949.07/day. On day 35, you would have $243,217.50. That's still below 50% of the goal. At that rate, it would have taken them ~72 days to reach their goal of $500,000. Some of the comments of the KS page are funny. Some think "Plan B" is to fund it themselves. If they didn't fund it themselves and resorted to KS to fund, how can "Plan B" be to fund it themselves? I need a glass of milk so I can squirt liquid out my nostrils as I laugh.
  16. If they ever make that kind of statement at their next convention appearance, someone should point out this KS. Failin' so hard they had to put it out of its misery. Quitters. They could have made it to $200,000 if they left it running for a few more days.
  17. Oh come on! They had 6 days left. They could have had a surge in donations at the end. You know, a whole extra $1 a day surge. I wanted to see that clock hit zero as they missed their mark. Now I'll never see that whimper. Now I can't be Cartman to HG's Scott Tenorman.
  18. It's a spectator-sport for us now. It's been 9 years since the case ended. We just sit back and eat the popcorn now. I think I was the 1st one to break out the popcorn when Hasbro got sued last year. So are the RT fans. Macross has gained a new fanbase and will do so when the next series comes out. RT's fanbase, well, is stagnant. Took someone long enough. I'll just quote this to reply to that thought. Speaking of Family Guy and this thought, I'm reminded of this:
  19. Until that 1st death happens. Let's not forget those FAA rules on that 10,000 ft max altitude. Oh, and those single occupant aircraft rules.
  20. Because people love staring at a train wreck. And it happens to be a train that everyone loves. And that train brings tons of cash it.
  21. That would be hilarious. I won't be surprised if the $1 and $2 backers pull out at the end. Most are probably there just to fill up the Comments page.
  22. Of course they'll do something. They'll release another boxset of DVDs. Regarding the KS comments page, they seem to be talking mostly about the licensing issues, and incorrectly at that. And they're still talking about it????
  23. That would mean they would have to admit some things. And that would mean someone would need to consider looking for a new job. Externally (i.e., to the public) that looks bad. And PR is about looking good, even when things look bad.
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