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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Showing a cinematic trailer with no gameplay footage for A GAME is about as useful as showing me a title card. In this day and age, game trailers need to show gameplay, not all cinematics. Until then, MEH. I can't even be skeptical because you've literally showed me NOTHING.
  2. HD transfer means capturing the original film in 4K (or 8K, etc). Upscaling means blowing up a version (like the DVD transfer). Upscaling is cheaper and doesn't need significant post-processing to clean up the image, but you are essentially, filling in the image with extra pixels, leading to a softer image. HD transferring needs a lot of post-processing work because now you can make out all the defects from the film, but the tradeoff would be a sharper image vs a softer image. But keep in mind, you would need to see these differences with a magnifying glass with the image blown-up. You would never notice the difference sitting at a normal viewing distance. That's why most people at upscaled. But 98-ish% of people will NEVER be sitting at a distance where they will notice the more softer image of an upscale.
  3. Times change. People change. The valks of old reflect their function, but that's no longer the case so things change. While I would love to see the old valks in use, I'm not going to take offense to new stuff. I have long since given up that "modern" Macross shows are for me or most anime is for my viewing audience range. If it was, I'd probably be b*tching about it incessantly like some people do. Even stuff for "older" audiences is likely out of my target audience group now. I want to see Macross grow and not be held back by nostalgia like that Americanized related-franchise. Gundam has moved that way; focusing on what is relevant to audiences today and it has worked. Macross, to stay relevant, has to do the same. Yes, it may mean I won't be watching, but it should be for and reflect the tastes of modern audiences, not for grumpy old people like me us. Yes, even if it means we may get vtubers.
  4. So Sony is coming out with their own Nvidia Shield/Logitech Cloud device. Well, it ain't competing against the Switch/SteamDeck/Ayaneo-devices/ROG Ally...Even if Remote Play does support cellular...it's still a crappy connection vs Wifi.
  5. OK, the budget cards are in the same cost bracket as consoles (portable & living room). The mid and high-ends costs 2-4 consoles...Same issue. No one can afford these "upgrades". And Nvidia's (and AMD) push for DLSS/frame generation only gives them an excuse to mask their performance. It makes sense on portables, but not on machines that can actually render those pixels.
  6. Right on the heels of Computex, reviews are up for the "budget" cards, RTX 4060/4060Ti and the RX 7600. Response is the same, too much money for too little performance gains. 8GB of VRAM just isn't enough. The 16GB RTX 4060Ti is priced way too high for a "budget" pick at $500. The 8GB 4060/4060Ti just feel too underwhelming and you are better off with a RX 6700XT or, worst yet, getting a Arc 770. The RX 7600 is just crippled on 8GB making the price drop to $270 still not worth it, making the 12GB of VRAM on the 6700XT a better value proposition. Keeping what you have if you are in the RTX 3000-series or RX 6000-series families seems to be the best option. Upgrading to the RTX 4000 and RX 7000-famlies just doesn't feel worth it. Rant I've been hearing this as the new problem of 2023; VRAM sizes need to be scaled up thanks to the new games. Last of Us Part 1:Remastered eats up 12GB of VRAM if you want the best experience. Almost all titles of 2023 are pushing that 8GB on cards. Game devs are complaining 8GB VRAM sizes are not enough. PS5 and Xbox S/X already increased their VRAM. PC GPUs still hover at 8GB. Consoles have outpaced GPU makers. Oh but the Steam survey shows most people only using GPUs with 8GB. That's cuz a GPU costs the same frakin' amount as a console. People are not gonna swap out their GPUs every year at that price nor are they going to buy more if YOU KEEP RAISING THE PRICE.🤬 What about Resizable BAR? NOT EVERYONE SUPPORTS IT. 🤬 PCs do not see a consistent upgrade cycle. Some people still rock a computer 5+ years old. Any upgrades would only be to smaller stuff. If buying off the refurbished/secondary market has a better value proposition than buying new, companies need to really rethink pricing.
  7. Yes, it is a problem with the current OLED switch. There was no change to the design of the joysticks. It also affects PS5 and Xbox controllers or any joysticks that use potentiometers to measure stick position (which is all of the above). The primary cause is wear-and-tear and production quality. Eventually, those sticks will wear out as they age. Some will wear out faster if they are abused more (button mashing, stuffing it unprotected into your bag, throwing them around when rage quitting, exposure to dirt and dust) or if they were sourced from a lower quality supplier. Even the Steamdeck's sticks will experience it (even if there are no significant number of reports as of writing). That's why Hall Effects sticks are floated as DIY replacements instead of sending it in for replacement. I've had my Joy-cons since 2020 and haven't experienced any drift.
  8. Or mod your joy-con with a Hall Effect sticks. Either option works.
  9. The problem is, if you close off all the places in the firmware where the voltage can be adjusted, you limit what can be done on the board, essentially crippling the product.
  10. It’s likely 2 different units, the motherboard and integrated devices (laptop?) groups. I’m just in awe over the audacity and stupidity of releasing a beta UEFI update, which contains a “for internal testing and validation-only”-AGESA fix, then voiding warranties. Who’s bright idea was it to release it in the first place????
  11. Besides hardware and brand recognition, Asus is certainly dipping their toes in uncharted territory here. We'll see in June if the ROG Ally is a competitive to the SteamDeck. Yeah, the hardware looks impressive but yeah, Windows....But if anyone wants a portable gaming/mini PC, the Ally definitely looks better than the Ayaneo. It just lacks the library of Steam. 🤔
  12. House of the Dragon S2 scripts were done before May 1. However, if they have to do reshoots, this will delay things if they need to rewrite dialog. LotR: Rings of Power is moving forward with non-dialog shoots and with what they have already written. The EPs are also part of the writing team so they are not participating on any level of production. It sounds like they prepared for this eventuality so they prepped as much as they could. Again, same problem if they want to do reshoots. Andor is in the same boat as the other 2. They are continuing production with what they got. But it sounds like they are maybe just a little more behind the other 2 shows just due to scheduling so 🤷‍♂️ While shows can continue in some sense, the Directors and Producers union contracts expire on June 30th, 2023. Whatever is not done by then may come to a grinding halt in 2 months.
  13. Yeah...context. Tony Gilroy is both Executive Producer (i.e. showrunner) and writer for this series. Due to the strike, productions have all but stopped worked (either in solidarity with the WGA or due work being unable to progress due to writing changes).
  14. They already mentioned it back here that Season 2 would cover 4 years. I'm just hoping it means the story moves a little be faster versus season 1 which had lots of long stretches of uneventful... stuff. But since Season 2 isn't coming until 2024...😴
  15. I'm hearing it's playable on console. PC...yeah, wait for a few more patches. I know companies have deadlines (if they didn't nothing would get released), but would this game moving to a Fall release kill them? I'm not an advocate for buying any games at launch, let alone pre-ordering, unless you enjoy being a beta tester. Especially these days.
  16. Like all Robotech...one day it withered on the vine.
  17. Yep. It's there in the video title. There's something wrong with the eyes, especially amongst the women, that makes it a dead-giveaway (and some disproportional head-to-body ratio, and some very disproportional foreheads). And some of them use the same cheeks.
  18. 'Could just...I don't know...switch to a weekly release format like the other streaming platforms. Vol. 2 comes out exactly 5 weeks after Vol.1, or exactly when episode 5 would air if it was a weekly format. Come on Netflix, DO IT!
  19. Meh. It's just his remains they are keeping on ice. He's still dead, Jim.
  20. I'm satisfied with this ending. It doesn't remove the stink from the first 2 seasons, but I'm walking away happy from this season. Unlike The Mandalorian S3. 😒 That show's third season was a disappointment. Picard Season 3: 👍 However...
  21. That felt.. rushed. Like really rushed. The only thing that really resolved was Other than that, my summation of this season is: Disappointment. Most of the season was "meh". The rest regarding Mando & Grogu feels like it got pushed to next season along with hitting the reset button, i.e., moving the goal post for the 2 characters we're suppose to care about. If there was no Season 4, it would be fine, but since they are moving forward with Season 4, Season 3 feels like a let-down. Season 3: 👎
  22. They actually got Klingons to look like Klingons. Was that so hard? But one minor gripe...they should have LESS forehead ridges during this time. LESS.
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