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Everything posted by azrael

  1. It's now official. ‘True Detective': HBO Confirms Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn to Star in Season 2
  2. It's only the pilot. Takes a while for the writers and actors to start blending. I caught the latter half. I wasn't impressed but I wasn't turned off.
  3. Interesting group we have here. All based off the Ez8 platform. 1 CQB, 1 long-range support and 1 EWACS? & support.
  4. Patch released. Update - Patch Notes
  5. Unfortunately, he never mentioned WHEN he would get to that. Doctor Who: Steven Moffat has an explanation for Peter Capaldi’s earlier appearances
  6. That's probably the point of this season. Establish who he is. I don't think it's a question of is he good or evil. The line of "Am I a good man?" could imply "Am I a person who does the right thing, regardless of how it's done." He may perform an act of cruelty but do the ends justify the means? He doesn't see himself as a hero but others do, so is he a hero? He's afraid even if he puts on a show to make you think he isn't.
  7. They probably should have just made a cinematic trailer instead of that mix of cinematic and gameplay teaser.
  8. For anyone who doesn't get my sh*t-bucket-reference: 'Took the 1st team just 10h:46m:03s and the 2nd team 12h:45m:52s. Actually, this could be accomplished if you play a very quick and easy raid. Yeah, I know, there's a ridiculous small chance of that but that would be a way to get that achievement. They don't say how or where you do it, just that no one dies on a raid.
  9. ~12 hours huh? Guys must have had a sh*t-bucket.
  10. That doesn't always work. Sometimes, these goals require you to play certain matches (damn devs) or play a certain way (CURSE YOU DEVS!!!!). I can recall too many instances where I have to be a douche to my team just to complete achievement, or wait at a spot just cuz this vehicle doesn't spawn anywhere else on the frakkin map, or snipe at an exposed area on a certain map like a moron. Yeah, it's always 1 part of the achievement that drives everyone bat-sh*t crazy.
  11. The problem was likely with Apache since the box was responding to network acknowledgements. It happens and is easily fixed by restarting Apache. Even MW encounters problems like that.
  12. Nope. It's down. I'll buzz Egan.
  13. Ah the number of times I've heard or said that.
  14. Sounds like your standard assignment/mission/achievement. Games have plenty of those. Do something really stupid, get a trillion kills with this gun/gun type, kill people this certain way, or my personal favorite, do something or all of it in 1 match. And just when you're about to complete it, something happens and you have to start all over. All for some prize. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU.....
  15. Cuz we all know that Bungie loves PCs...Loves to hate on it. Destiny is likely coming to PC, but don't hold your breath for an announcement
  16. Spamming. The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of what may be considered spamming and will be deleted without warning: ... *Cross-universe "Versus" topics. ....
  17. Which he only wears for ceremonies... They're there. Only painted on instead of being little plastic feathers. On the bright side, at least Whedon had the sense to reverse Iron Man's paint scheme for this movie.
  18. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-09-08/california-macrossworld-con-to-host-singer-mari-iijima-illustrator-hidetaka-tenjin/.78537
  19. Another look at Vision. This may be from the Sideshow Collectibles toy/model (TBA) http://www.slashfilm.com/vision-costume-in-age-of-ultron/ edit: New link to pic.
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