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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I'll file this under "WTF". Halo: The Master Chief Collection has 20GB day one patch to unlock multiplayer
  2. Geoff Johns has stated that they wish to keep the DCCU and the DCTU on 2 separate planes of existence. http://variety.com/2014/tv/features/gotham-flash-arrow-shield-fall-tv-comic-book-heroes-1201306686/ Now, that's not to say that they can't borrow actors for a cameo or 2 here or there. They did ask Liam Nesson. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/09/liam-neeson-was-offered-the-role-of-ras-al-ghul-in-arrow Part of me wants Nesson to show up at the end of the season pulling the good-olde switchero.
  3. IMO, Flash should never look like Captain America. He should look fit but not a muscled meat head. Somewhere between a sprinter and a marathoner. Grant Gustin got the right body type for the TV series so I would hope Ezra Miller works out enough to get to that look.
  4. And that's what always gets those camping snipers. Always camping. Yeah, I'm talking about the opening scene.
  5. Yeah, they need to tone it back. Bring in Bruce where necessary like this week where it did have some story purpose but otherwise, leave him out. I hear they are casting for Leslie Thompkins and Thomas Elliot (Hush). Hopefully that takes away the whole Gordon/Wayne storyline cuz that needs to go. Agreed. I think that will play in next week's episode.
  6. I keep seeing these 2 collections being thrown around in references and an interview with the Russo brothers from The Winter Soldier press tour. Civil War and Fallen Son. That's probably where they'll be adapting from.
  7. There's been rumors of Marvel and Sony trying to work something out but nothing to hold your breath about. We also don't know how much of Civil War will be adapted into this movie but it will likely use that story as a basis. They'll likely announce the formal title at SDCC 2015 or early next year.
  8. This went out over Twitter and stumped most of us since this sounded like a cash grab (and likely still is cuz really, they're doing this AGAIN...). But then this came out a few hours later: Robert Downey Jr. to Join Captain America 3′ (EXCLUSIVE) And we put the 2 together. So we're likely going down the road of Civil War for #3.
  9. You can also try logging out, clearing your cookies and logging back in. But you will need to do this from where ever else you have logged in from. This should also reset your skin preferences.
  10. In related Fantastic Four news from NYCC'14 NYCC: Robinson Discusses the End of "Fantastic Four" There's been an underlying rumor that Marvel/Disney is making this move to spite Fox's license of the series. I've heard the comic hasn't done too well in recent months so who knows. Rumor has it that Marvel hasn't been introducing new X-Men characters due to the Fox license as well.
  11. Would love to see more cast-offs builds. http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2014/10/hg-1144-build-burning-gundam-cast-off.html
  13. Yes. It has been answered. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34315&view=findpost&p=1026394 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34315&view=findpost&p=1026335 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34315&view=findpost&p=1026333 Why do they look different? Because when you go from prototype to mass production, things change. You get something that looks like Basquash!.
  14. Not really. They borrowed a little from Batman: Earth One where Alfred is somewhat of a jerk when he's presented in the comic.
  15. ‘Dredd’ EP Adi Shankar Reveals ‘Dark Judges’ Miniseries Coming Soon Online
  16. You 2 wanna get a room? If you wanna be judgmental about who likes what here, leave it off the board.
  17. Not really a remake: https://twitter.com/DAVID_LYNCH/status/519147574381379584
  18. Just another movie to add to Liam Nesson's kill count.
  19. Perhaps you should try backing up your phone and restoring (reinstall iOS).
  20. Be sure you are using iOS 8.0.2. It resolves an issue with embedded videos in Safari. I'm fine with my 3rd gen iPad and 5S running 8.0.2.
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