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Everything posted by azrael

  1. That's why I mention that 1g and acceleration. Because gravity would affect your relative velocity and acceleration by reducing your velocity and relative acceleration because there's a force pulling on you as you run from it. 'Eff it. This is the better answer.
  2. But is it worth it? The seller could then drop FBA-service. The seller then reduces their costs using Amazon. They'll still sell through Amazon, but handle the distribution by themselves.
  3. "Fulfilled by Amazon" means: Instead of the seller packing, sending, and replacing returns, Amazon does it on behalf of the seller. The seller pays Amazon for storage and handle the customer service for them. So if you need to return an item, you can return it to an Amazon warehouse instead of to the seller, and then Amazon ships you the replacement from the seller's stock at Amazon's warehouse. So the transaction is still essentially with the seller. Amazon is essentially doing the "last mile" of the transaction between you and the seller.
  4. Oh well. I would just consider it sloppy mixing in the Mk.II VFX into the Mk.I VFX. In the end, Universal probably didn't see $$$ no matter how much he tried to lower the costs. Oh well.
  5. Gonna agree with TheLoneWolf. Nothing to see here. When you buy items sold by other distributors/sellers thru Amazon, you are doing the equivalent of hitting the "Buy Now" button on eBay. There are legit sellers on both eBay and Amazon. They are just using those sites as a vehicle to sell their goods. Just as sellers here sell items to other members on MW, that's what's happening there.
  6. For reference, you'll need to look up the Theory of Relativity. But as mentioned, it's all relative. People on Earth are moving at a certain speed relative to the planet. The planet is spinning at a certain speed and orbiting the sun at a certain speed. We are also affected by that 1g of acceleration. When you factor all that in, we are moving with our planet. So our passage of time behaves a certain way according to those factors. If you leave the planet, you are moving at a different velocity and at a different acceleration. So now the passage of time occurs at a different rate according to those factors, relative to that new situation. If you go to a different planet, times passes at a different rate according to the velocity and acceleration of that planet, i.e., it won't be the same as on Earth. It won't be the same for that spaceship you came on.
  7. We'll leave the plot-armor for another discussion cuz that's always going to come into play.
  8. ROFLMAO. I've seen a few games where a bunch of players corner a player with shields and then close in. For some reason, that reminded me of that hilarity with shields.
  9. Filed under "Head Desk" Matchmaking / Launch Issues Update Assassin’s Creed Unity performance issues reported on all platforms
  10. I'll take the wait-&-see with Winning Gundam. I still find it interesting that the Ez-SR team also uses the CQB/long-range/support team-scheme.
  11. Would you 2 like to get a room, while the rest of us continue on with the topic thread? Thank you. Come again. As for the rest of you, we're only on episode 4. We still have a ways to go so let it play out.
  12. You may need to check with Paypal as well since they are the middle man. And no, this won't have anything to do with the POODLE vulnerability so I have no idea why they sent you that. This sounds like a pure bank issue.
  13. This month's EW covers the movie. This week's cover: First look at 'Terminator: Genisys' Gets all wibbly wobbly, timey whimey.
  14. Can't wait for Robotech Frontier or Robotech Plus. They'll probably pump out a RT/Voltron sequel or another crossover before we see a new animated feature.
  15. Never had issues either. You might want to check if your card or HLJ was flagged by your credit card company.
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