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Everything posted by azrael

  1. They're still patching a lot of the problems and still balancing. The Sony hacks aren't helping online play either.
  2. Must be due to the fact the current Hollywood one has all the weight in the neck and small head.
  3. Besides John Wesley Shipp and Amanda Pays returning for this incarnation of The Flash, Mark Hamill will also return. EXCLUSIVE: MARK HAMILL TO PLAY THE TRICKSTER AGAIN ON 'THE FLASH' Which likely means they'll be using the new Trickster/Axel Walker-character for the show. Also, a commercial for this week's Arrow shows us that Ray Palmer's Advanced Technology Operating Mechanism-suit will be showing up before we hit the winter break.
  4. I'm sure the bombshell will drop at the end like when they revealed Malcolm Merlyn was the Black Archer of Arrow. The year of the newspaper article is 2024. As for this week's crossover... -"That man deals out brutal justice"... I thought I heard Batman as well. Oh well. But it does correlate to Batman and Superman where Batman also dispenses a cruel form of justice vs. Supes. Kinda brings to light how DC's human heroes see the world vs how the meta-humans do. -Color/Emotional psychology. Tee hee. -I liked Ollie's speech at the end of the Flash-part of the crossover. Reminds me of Identity Crisis where Ollie made the same speech to Wally West about why they wear the mask. -Which brings up the nightclub scene in Arrow where the Flash-crew realize that it isn't a game. Nice of them to bring up how the 2 shows see the world. It's one of the things I like about the 2-sides of the same coin.
  5. That was the only redeeming plot point of the whole movie. But T3's whole plot that Judgement Day will come no matter what feels like a semi-fixed flux point. It's going to happen but the details could change as to how it happens. Which means whatever happens in these movies where they are time traveling are meaningless.
  6. Series 4 of Sherlock is filming now. This will likely delay Series 5 which Moffet and Gatiss have plotted out to already.
  7. Looks like the finally agreed to a payment plan. BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH TO PLAY DOCTOR STRANGE (Marvel.com) One wonders how much he's getting for this role. And dammit, it better not get in the way of Sherlock.
  8. Just (confirmed/not just at stock holders announcement) announced, so time for a thread. Suicide Squad Cast Revealed: Jared Leto to Play the Joker, Will Smith is Deadshot
  9. Not sure how much you need to do with PS-Express for Android but this is what it can do There's also GIMP Inkscape https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.gimp.inkscape
  10. At least no 'effin lens flare. The pilot suits, X-wing cockpit, stormtrooper guns feel....fanboy amateur-ish. And yes, that lightsaber with the short-blades on the cross-guard are dangerous. The whole concept of the cross guard was to protect the hand, not potentially injure it at the same time.
  11. Ya sure those dinosaurs don't have HIM trained? I know dogs and turtles that train owners to do exactly what they want, when they want. Or hell....cats, the pets that think THEY'RE the ones in charge of the house.
  12. Why does that remind me of when Homer Simpson changed his name to "Max Power". You would think after 3 movies, they would learn not to screw with nature... In movie world, nature screws you.
  13. Trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c9ijVs-C0k Gonna need a bigger boat. A much bigger boat.
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