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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I think the feeling is most people probably don't trust Sony's servers with credit card info considering the hack that caused this in the first place.
  2. Now that it's out, people have watched it....... Still hovering around 54% on Rotten Tomatoes. And still at 50% on Metacritic. I'm still planning on skipping this meh-movie. Still planning on watching The Hobbit and/or American Sniper.
  3. It is now available for streaming (purchase and rental) online on Xbox Video, Youtube, and Google Play. http://www.theinterview-movie.com/
  4. Depends on how many submissions they got. Depends how fast they can screen them. It's like any interview process. Then come talks with the singer's agency, contracts, yadda yadda yadda. The official nod will probably come by Spring(?) by my guess, or at least the producers will know who they want by early next year, if not by next month. After that, it's just waiting for the official announcement.
  5. That's the Macross Zero website. And the last update was in 2006.
  6. Halo anthology makers apologize, will give distressed fans free ODST Anyone wanna take bets if try the same? "We'll give you a free game if you legally agree not to sue us."
  7. Did anyone actually get the free game or sign up for the AC:Unity season pass an can verify this? Your Assassin’s Creed Unity Season Pass Free Game Comes With A Legal Catch 'Gives Ubisoft a free pass to keep making underdeveloped games.
  8. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41733
  9. Keep in mind it was the theaters that refused to play it, prompting Sony to pull it. Mind you, Sony isn't free from blame, but if the theaters said no, then Sony would be sending them a film that the theaters would not play, wasting time and money. If Sony pulled it and imediately said they would find another way to show it, they could have saved face. But since it took them 3 days to come out and say something, the damage is done. Now, it's likely not just that one scene but the way the entire movie that satires North Korea. I don't recall that scene showing up until after all of this started.
  10. Which is why this flick is hovering around 50% on Rotten Tomatoes and MetaCritic. What would be a mediocre comedy is now going to be a cult film cuz no one can see it. There are very few blockbusters being released at this time of year.
  11. Frankly, I accepted the designs in the prequels because 1) Different time period, 2) Different aliens, different design aesthetics. The road lead to the original trilogy in the end so I never saw a problem with that. When the prequels came out, I watched the Behind-the-scenes episodes so I followed their train of thought and it made sense. With this movie, time is going to factor into the design, which is fine. But, it would help me understand if they gave me a bit more to work with. I kinda miss those behind-the-scenes that I got with Lucas. These days, it's all hush-hush and everything-and-everyone is protected by a strict NDA.
  12. That, unfortunately, still would not work. Almost all malware are using some kind of man-in-the-middle attacks. All those compromised computers out there are likely relays. So they could infect a computer outside of the country, which would then spread and infect other computers around the world. If that gets cut off, they could do it the old-fashion way and sent someone out there with a laptop to a internet cafe in another country and send something out.
  13. And you wonder why they wanted this as a 2-movie option. The movie covers the last 6 chapters and, IIRC, it really picks up the pace.
  14. I'm guessing this ruckus is all stemming from this scene. The likelihood that just the sheer stupidity of this film would have been its demise, but gotta love NK for hyping this film up now. It won't have even made it to NK.
  15. AC: Unity Patch 4 Release Notes %5BUPDATED%5D A 40GB patch "mistake" is a pretty big mistake.
  16. I'd say they happened around the same time since all AAA-games are coming out with release-day patches. How I missed the days of gaming where bugs were less noticeable on release day unlike these days where unfinished games come out as "finished" games.
  17. There's talk that Sony and Marvel scheduled a meeting in January to discuss things. So we'll see what comes out of that. Whether things will change in light of the hack, we will not know for a while. Besides Garfield being out of the Spidey films, the e-mails do indicate that Marvel wants Spidey for CA:Civil War. The Russo Brothers have offered their services to Sony to produce a Spidey film but for them to bring Spidey to Civil War, they know some serious negotiations have to happen. In light of all this info coming out of these e-mails, things could change very quickly. The studios already know what's going on with each other, but likely the people lower down the food chain like actors now have more a lot more info than what they are fed through agents. That's biting them right now as Sony's head, Amy Pascal, is making the apology rounds. edit: Now that I think about it, it would also affect any potential talent (in front and behind the camera) as these likely private communications are being leaked so other studios now know what their hit-makers are doing making them more likely to play nice or play real hardball.
  18. That's usually because the IT department is almost non-existent or they farmed IT to an outside company. Unfortunately in this day-and-age, companies should really be focusing energy on IT considering the scope of the online-world these days. From reports, it's an early draft. Unfortunately, since that e-mail server was also compromised, you have the e-mails from the writers and producers detailing the changes to the script as the changes were made. We also have the current budget for this movie from those e-mails: $300-million. It's over-budget by $50-million. So they're trying to bring it back down to the $250-million range of Skyfall. Sony hack: Next Bond movie is WAY over budget
  19. Never got around to posting this on Friday from the Sony hacking. Shocking New Reveals From Sony Hack: J. Law, Pitt, Clooney, and Star Wars So it looks like JJ is likely to back into the producers' chair come Episode 8 & 9.
  20. I just say this about this week's episode: Never trust a mobile suit that has a smaller mobile suit attached to it. That smaller MS will kick your ass. Every. Time.
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