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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Cameron Monaghan did a great job with the insanity. I just wished they gave him a more demented scenario.
  2. I've actually found the Mobile Suit Master Archives a better "read" at mechs of a franchise than the VF Master Files. Mostly due to the fact that there's more published data on MSs than VFs. One little thing I do love about the MS Master Archives is how they've incorporated the various Gunpla versions into the writings as "early" or "late" dated revisions and they didn't have to invent a new variant for the publication like the VF Master Files did. For examples, the Ver.Ka RX-78-2 became a later revision/repair to the original RX-78-2. We know the RX-78-2 was upgraded on the field using data from the RX-78-3 so why shouldn't it look like the Ver.Ka RX-78-2 Gunpla (It probably helps that the RX-78-3 was designed by Katoki). Or take the various Gunpla of Zeta Gundam. The MS Master Archive incorporates those as repairs and field upgrades that Zeta received during the Gryps Conflict. Which actually works. In anime, we won't see those minor repairs but we can see them in the Gunpla and the MS Master Archives do take advantage of it. If Macross had that, it would make the VF Master Files much more interesting. But not to knock on the VF Master Files, I found the VFMF's diagrams to be a great way to explain how things work like how EX-Gear as a cockpit seat works as at higher Gs, or how the pilot is oriented in a VF-25 in battroid mode or how the cockpit is arranged in a VF-0 and its variants.
  3. That's up to you. OCR'ing is only as good as the program being used. And it has to be able to recognize different font families. Just looking at the diagrams vs text, the text uses a different font family than the text for the diagrams. As Monmar mentioned, it's hit or miss if the OCR program is able to recognize the characters properly.
  4. As Tochiro mentioned, Japanese is written with 3 different alphabets or I would say, character sets. There is the basic one, Hiragana, one for foreign/borrowed words, Katakana, and Chinese script, Kanji. All 3 are mixed into the writings. And as Tochiro mentioned, there's a lot of technical jargon in the writings, including fictional words. And that's just the words. Just wait till we get the grammar, context, etc. It's not impossible, but for most normal speakers and translators, it's probably something that would require lots of time and brain-power to do. The guys (sketchley, Gubaba, Tochiro, just to name a few names) here have only covered a small portion of the available texts being published. Even I've tried reviewing the legal documents of the Macross-franchise and deciphering the words, the legal terminology, etc., is not easy. And those documents are not works of fiction, but real legal documents (Having spent a few years working with lawyers teaches you a few things). So you are welcomed to try but don't be surprised if the translator come back and say no thanks.
  5. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37892&p=1179914 We don't know if Spidey will join this movie or an Avengers flick. Money is betting on this flick as Spidey is a key figure in Civil War.
  6. Here's the formal announcement from Marvel: Sony Pictures Entertainment Brings Marvel Studios Into The Amazing World Of Spider-Man Anyone wanna bet Civil War then oh dear god, One More Day, then Brand New Day.
  7. How long have we been watching this dance? Since 2007? 2008?
  8. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38408
  9. The Live-Action rights will expire in 3 years. That gives them just enough time to make some crap and hold the rights. In fact, they're at the 5-year-renewal mark. I was wondering when WB would drag this back out.
  10. That "new car"-smell is gone. We know where our protagonists are heading. S1 was good because it was new. This time around, we know the "rules of the game" and we know where we're heading. So yeah, some of the thrill is gone, but it's still a fun ride.
  11. Tryon 3....lots of flair. How many times do I have to say this... And
  12. Navigating a Jump in a game... well that's new.
  13. Let me clear this up. Windows 10 IS NOT a "service". With Windows 10, Microsoft is trying to do several things. First, they are allowing users of Windows 7 and 8/8.1 to upgrade for free, during the 1st year of Windows 10's release. My argument with this is, it is hard to get people to upgrade Windows, especially in the business world. Microsoft is currently adopting this stance of rapid-releasing of the OS. Windows 8 to 8.1 carried noticeable changes. What happens if Windows 10.1 does the same and carry substantial changes? At the same time, with a rapid release, is Windows 11 coming sooner than expected? What happens after that 1st year when upgrades are no longer free? What about people like system builders? Do they get free upgrades? Keep in mind they are using the word "upgrade". So you would have to have a license for Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 and then upgrade to 10. Microsoft didn't mention pricing during their event. If we want these upgrades for free, we have to upgrade year after year or we end up paying? So it's like a service. Upgrade or pay. But seeing how slow adoption of Windows 7 was and how much of a blunder Windows 8 was, do they expect people to jump onto this bandwagon? They want people to adopt Windows and to do that, they are simplifying things for developers to create universal apps. So 1 app for desktops, Xbox, tablets, and phones. In theory, this is great. In practice, not so much. There are certain things that work well on 1 platform but do not work as well on others.
  14. This is what I'm alluding to in my 1st post about the press event. I would feel like Windows 11 is coming out right as I upgrade to 10. It was hard enough to get business to switch to 7. Rapid releasing the OS will make things rather difficult for people to adopt the upgrade.
  15. Unfortunately, it doesn't explain what will happen if I have to rebuild my system. Or for system builders. Free upgrades for anyone using 7/8/8.1 for 1 year. After that 1 year, what then? If I do a system hardware refresh, do I still qualify for a free upgrade? A few more things: Universal apps is something Microsoft has been trying to push for, especially when they tried to start it with Win 8. We know how that ended up. As someone pointed out, creating a quick clip and posting it on Youtube is one thing, cutting together a Hollywood movie is another. And they want apps to work across mobile and desktop platforms? The "Spartan" browser. A lot of companies that built their work around IE are probably going to recommend not switching to Win 10. Not to mention all the work that has been put into IE and its related components is going down the drain. I would say this is something they should have started sooner.
  16. My only worry is the confusion about this statement: "“Windows 10 is a service”. When it say something like that, it makes people do a double-take. And it makes me worry that Windows 11 is hiding around the corner, making Windows 10 literally a "service". But otherwise, it's nice to see Microsoft learned from their mistake named "Windows 8". Adoption rate will still be low as companies are just moving off XP to 7.
  17. I think CG is fine. Most animation is CG-colored anyways. It's just that...for some reason, the coloring in Origin it feels like there's a constant light source shining on 1 spot all the time. It doesn't look like a natural light source.
  18. Just to follow down that thought from sketchley and Seto, the VF-25 was earmarked to be the new VF but that doesn't mean all other VFs were pushed out of service. VF-19s still exist in-service. VF-11s still exist in-service. Even VF-1s still exist in-service. As Macross-continuity likes to point out, VFs and pilots use up money. And just because one series shows new stuff being used in one part of the world or galaxy, doesn't mean other fighter-craft are not used elsewhere. With nearly 10 years of fighting, one wonders how many F-203s were made and shot down. Hence, they have to fill the void of pilots without fighters to pilot. I'm sure F-14s and whatever else they had left were upgraded with newer parts and pressed back into service. Same for the AUA. I'm sure the AUA didn't have massive quantities of MiM-31s out there so they had to fill it up with whatever they had left, like an old MiG-29. And would every squadron out there get a fancy new plane? No. Not immediately anyways. Not every squadron in the USAF is getting a F-22 tomorrow. Not every carrier in the US Navy is getting complement of F-35s next week. There are perfectly good F-16s and F/A-18s that should be used before the new stuff comes rolling in. I expect the same policy in the Macross-universe. There's a nice Tenjin-art that illustrates the point. It shows a VF-19 flying over a carrier and on the deck of that carrier is a mix of VF-19s and VF-11s. You go with what you got.
  19. Maybe Gunpla Builders realize 00 suits are a wee bit OP than some of those other MSs. I blame the GN Drives. Time to start modding my MG Exia.
  20. Heck, it looks like she'll be facing the new silver-haired girl if the OP means anything. She's gonna need to have her Gunpla stand on it's own.
  21. It's not really an engine but part of the air intake system. It's a secondary turbofan. It's described as The forward fans suck in air, compress it, then transfer it to the engine's compressors, which then gets heated and pushed out the other end. So it's helping it suck in more air for the engines. So the engines portrayed in the Master File are the engines. The fan-looking thing at the mouth of the intakes are just another set of fans to help suck in more air for the engines. It's not a secondary engine.
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