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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Probably narrow it down to the top 2 or 3, unless there's a clear choice. Too bad we won't be able to see Round 2 auditions. Even if we can't pick, it would be nice if to see how well the top 15 can hold a note.
  2. It could happen. It just won't look like what they [think/hope/desire/have-wet-dreams-about/etc.] it will look like.
  3. It's io9. Fanboy's answer to a question no one asked.
  4. You can run any fan on any header. It just helps if you use certain headers for certain fan placements to help promote air flow, hence why they want you to place certain fans on certain headers. It is best to just follow the flow of air. Air comes in from 1 direction and exits out the other so connect those fans accordingly.
  5. I believe it was mentioned earlier. 8000+ people applied. Out of that 8000+, they probably narrowed it down. Now I guess now we gotta thin the herd. By a lot more.
  6. Please stop giving them ideas for free. Hey look, Transformium.
  7. It was a new, standalone story. And it was suppose to be set in 2031. But as I said, it never made it to pre-production.
  8. Never made it to pre-production. Any work that was done is likely in a box in someone's storage shed/attic/closet.
  9. You can always buy some dust filters like the magnetic ones from Silverstone. I would consider 2 exhaust (1 back, 1 top), 2 intake (1 front, 1 bottom). Having extra air from the bottom fan blow at the GTX960 will not hurt it.
  10. It's unfortunate, but age is certainly catching up to these actors who have played a certain character for a while. Even though Robert Downey Jr. is a perfect match for Tony Stark, he knows he can't play him forever, and hence no standalone movies on the horizon for Iron Man. No one can do 1 thing forever.
  11. David Remember, heat rises. As technoblue mentioned, the back and top fan mounts should ideally be exhaust. The front and bottom fan mounts should be intake. This setup can be adjusted if you used a different cooler, liquid cooling, or have a funny GPU cooler. Circular airflow usually doesn't work well. Especially if the fans are next to each other because as one fan is pulling in air, the other fan is immediately pulling it out. So it doesn't have much of a chance to pull heat out of the system and essentially the effect on temps is zero.
  12. Take out the battery and SIM. Open any port plug caps. Place the phone in the oven overnight to 24 hours. DO NOT TURN ON THE OVEN. Any moisture in the phone should evaporate.
  13. Ah, my mistake. WB copyrighted a few things with HG.
  14. Maintaining a trademark registration (older, but easier to understand version) (Here's the new version) http://www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/trademark-faqs If nothing was filed between the 5th and 6th year, then yes, Maguire Ent. and WB decided to let it go. Which is why Sony has just over 5 years to get something going or the rights are going back on the market.
  15. Minmay will be played by a Miley Cyrus. Yeah, I went there. They got 5 years to do something before the license renewal period comes. Start the clock.
  16. Doesn't matter. Macross designs are owned by Big West. If they want Kawamori to draw mechs specifically for Robotech, they have to pay him for the job of designing a non-Valk VF.
  17. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38408
  18. From all interviews and panels at PaleyFest, the only response to this is "Just wait." Sounds like they'll get to it. Maybe not this season or in Season 2, but they'll get to it.
  19. Since you have the second drive, I would recommend, SSD 1 partition (technically, after Vista, Windows actually creates a 100MB System Reserved partition but ignore that). OS, common/productivity and the regular day-to-day apps on the SSD. HDD Games, pagefile, temp directories, personal data. Partition it how you like. I'd probably go with 250-300GB for games, pagefile, temp folders, then the rest for your data. The Games partition could vary depending on how large the games are, which these days can be ridiculous.
  20. Tell me about it. I originally had a Asus Z87 Deluxe that had stability issues, voltage issues that drained the watch battery (even when I had it plugged directly to the wall jack to get constant power, the damn battery still drained) and then the audio chip that ceased functioning. Nearly threw that thing through the window.
  21. I know Asus UEFI updates have an annoying habit of resetting everything (I have to recall from memory every time I update the UEFI for my Asus Z97 Deluxe). Perhaps the outage caused a fault or a reset like when a overclocking fails. And switching from AHCI to IDE is likely to bluescreen so that issues should be fine. I would keep an eye on that SSD, but I think the motherboard went into fault-mode because of the power loss.
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