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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Like I said, until he's actually filming, don't put too much faith behind rumor talk. Case in point from yesterday: Josh Trank Departs Star Wars Anthology Film Trank was signed up and ready to film but then things happen and the studio and director split. So when HG brings in the hype machine at their convention panels, remember stuff like this. And remember all they other times they've named-dropped and yet nothing happened.
  2. People have short memories.
  3. Typical Hollywood behavior. They shoot for money makers to attract ad revenue. But like most Hollywood rumors, unless the person is actually filming the movie, it's all talk. Even if they're signed up, they still have to deal with everything else that could get in the way before filming starts. Look at Ant-Man. Edgar Wright was on-board right up to filming when Marvel and him decided to split. Typical HG behavior will be spinning up the hype machine at their next convention panel.
  4. Wikipedia has you covered.
  5. The article glosses over the fact that he has a few other movies he's being tapped for director-duties so who knows if he'll actually stay on-board if they grab him or when he'll even get to a RT movie.
  6. Like I said, site compromises happens to every site at some point in their lifetime. As for the e-mail thing, I'll just wait for someone to hit "Reply All" then I'll bang my head on the desk.
  7. The obvious answer is maybe they should update the backend of the site to something more modern and mobile-friendly. Obviously there's much better forum software out there than whatever they were using. Sounds like they were using one of many hosting providers out there and it got hit which brings up the question what else was being served up on that box besides RT.com cuz those sites probably got hit as well. Of which I say, "Meh. It happens."
  8. Nah. Teaches people to keep up with security bulletins. They probably haven updated the backend in a while or left a vunerability unpatched. Security through obscurity is not security.
  9. It also can be easily explained that Zentradi energy weapons have more than enough kinetic energy to penetrate tank-grade armor, rendering most VF armor, in battroid mode, moot. Same goes for VF-vs-VF weapons. And Vajra weapons. And Protoculture weapons.
  10. I think we've had this conversation before, and will likely have it again. ECA technology is basically making a very lightly armored vehicle into a very heavily armored vehicle without adding the weight of stronger armors. Fighter jets are not very heavily armored. If they were, they would have a very hard time staying in the air and making turns on a dime. They can take a AK-47 and say "Tis but a flesh wound.". But if a RPG hit it, a fighter jet would be screaming "RUN AWAY!!!!" before it gets blow to bits. Even a durable A-10 Warthog cannot survive an explosive hit. It could survive if you added more armor, but then you just added more weight. A VF isn't just a fighter jet anymore so it has to be able to withstand more damage than a fighter jet. OT materials are tough, but they still make a fighter jet scream "RUN AWAY!!!!" if they see an RPG. Hence, where ECA comes in. If a VF were hit by an RPG, in battroid mode, would say "OWWWWWW! Son of a b*tch!" instead of "MOMMY!"-while-holding-their-insides-as-they-bleed-out. They still scream "RUN AWAY!" in fighter or GERWALK modes, but would do so much later in battroid mode.
  11. Ummmm....no. Macross materials are tough already and applying an electrical current only makes it more rigid. GN Composite Armor basically applies a small GN field over the E-Carbon armor. And IIRC, GN particles are fed through the frame of a Gundam, not electricity. Not really. Usually ECA doesn't become active until the VF has actually changed modes. And armor doesn't impact transformation of the VF. That's the actuators and other gears.
  12. Not surprised a bit this is happening. Online media is just too hard to compete with these days.
  13. Daredevil renewed for season 2, changing showrunners DeKnight notes that he made commitments prior to the announcement which will prevent his involvement in Season 2. 'Don't know if that will be a good or bad thing if the guy who ran S1 can't come back for another season.
  14. Do people not know that animals communicate? At least at some level? We even communicate with our pets. Like when the dog whines and looks at the door and sometimes hits you or grabs the leash to say I need to use the bathroom?
  15. There are other Cherry MX keys (Clear, Green, Grey, White, etc), but those are less common and harder to find in keyboards. Reds, Blues, Browns and Blacks are the mains. I've heard Blues and Blacks can be tiresome on the fingers during long usage due to the higher force needed to depress the keys. There are sampler kits for the keys but they only give you one key/switch and you will likely need full keyboard to try it out. I would recommend actually trying out a full keyboard with the switch of choice to know if you will like it. Browns are the safe choice for most users. But definitely find a store where you can try a full keyboard.
  16. IIRC, Obi-Wan altered the recall signal to tell whoever was left to scatter. So there should be some Jedi remaining, just in hiding.
  17. Why did I go mechanical? Mostly due to responsiveness. Gaming on mid-range keyboards lead to wear&tear and missed keystrokes. After trying a few keyboards, I gave in and settled on going mechanical. After that, it was just a matter of finding one that had features I wanted. Why should someone switch to a mechanical? It depends on use. If you are a typist, then mechanical keys might give you the responsive feel that membranes/rubber dome keyboards lack (which are nearly all standard office keyboards). They give you more tactile feedback when you type which may lead to faster typing. Are they better than a cheapo keyboard? That depends. They're louder than your cheapo keyboards. Especially Cherry Blue switches, which is why most users would not recommend Cherry Blue keys anywhere near a non-isolated office space. I feel the difference between my mechanical keyboard at home compared to my membranes at work or the scissor-switches on laptops. The MX Master is a new mouse so I doubt many people have it yet. And yes, Razor products have an issue with longevity as Mike and myself have discussed a few posts up. It's hit-or-miss build quality with current Razor products. You can try a Deathadder and see if you hand likes it. Sometimes, you just have to try a mouse for a while. That's what happened when I tried a Logitech G502. I tried it for a week and couldn't work with the small size.
  18. Razor keyboards would fit your bill. Logitech G710+ would also work minus the extra keys. The G710+ uses Cherry Browns and they have O-rings installed to further reduce noise. Ducky keyboards are simple as they can get for mechanical keyboards but you have search around for them. The K70 is a good keyboard but I would cringe at that price (MSRP), even if it is a metal keyboard. Coolermaster also makes some decent mechanical keyboards. I didn't spend too much time looking at those since they didn't have the features I was looking at when I was looking at mechanical keyboards. Personally, I use a Roccat Ryos with Cherry Browns. I know people complain about the Ryos' gigantic non-removable wrist rest but I love it, considering my last few keyboards have had large wrist rests.
  19. Unfortunately, EA has quite a hold and DICE hasn't let the community make mods with their Frostbite engines (unless you want to pay up). So unless there's a push, don't expect to see much community-created content in Battlefront. If BF4 and Hardline have given us any indication, Battlefront will cost $59.99. If you want Premium or Season Pass, that will cost and extra $49.99. With that you will get the 4-5 DLCs at reduce cost and other exclusives like early access to those DLCs, in-game goodies, and some other stuff. Otherwise, you'll pay ~$12.99 per DLC.
  20. Technically, Hardline is a mod of Battlefield 4.
  21. Like I said, while I'm happy to see this coming, I have to remember who is making this title and I've been one of the unfortunate who have been on the receiving end of their work for the past 10+ years.
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